The trip back to Florence was mostly a quiet one. Our time in Rome was so magical and going home to deal with the fallout of Tallon’s arrest wasn’t something either of us really wanted to do. We couldn’t put it off any longer, though. We had responsibilities to the rest of the family.
The flight seemed short, but that was probably because I kept drifting to sleep on Tallon’s shoulder.
He didn’t complain, even though I was sure it was uncomfortable for him. He let me doze until we had to buckle in for landing.
I was sad that our trip was over, but I knew that it wasn’t the last vacation we were going to take together.
I decided to think of it as a practice run for our honeymoon. The thought filled me with such joy that I couldn’t stop myself from grinning as we loaded into the car to head home.
I caught Tallon smiling at me as we got into the car.
“What?” I asked innocently.
He just shook his head and shrugged.