Chapter 7 - What a life to have

The feeling of horrified realisation hit me like a truck. Why? Because I realised that I had to show her around the house. My house!


So the nightmare started. She was like a baby, everything she saw in my home was new to her.

-This is the kitchen.

She poked the goddamn oven.

-This is the toilet.

She sat there waving her hand for some unknown reason.

-This is the bathroom.

-I've never seen one like this. It's like a TV drama set!

Of course, she's never seen this before. She has a luxurious life, unlike me. The bathroom she has might be made up of gold I suppose.

-And this is me and my sister's room.

-Y-You mean you sleep and study here and stuff? And between your and your sister's parts is just a curtain? You get no privacy.

-Well my sis... umm... I mean your sist... UGGH... I mean Sachi wrecked the paper wall when we had a fight.

-She did, huh? I have a good idea of what your place looks like now. Thanks.

She walked past me and took out her smartphone. What's up with her? She's been acting weird. Is she that disappointed by my place? For a girl with a life full of luxury, this house is a little nest, where even a bird won't live. But for me, this is the best place I can stay at. Now's my chance, though.


-Hey, I've been meaning to ask...

And the next thing I knew I was standing in front of her MANSION! It was secured with a giant, brown metal gate. I was so amazed I forgot how to speak.

-The door's this way.

Wait this door doesn't have a handle, how is she supposed to open it?


With a keycard? A damn keycard? No. no. nope, this is too much of a luxury thing.

She walked inside. I was curious about this colossal mansion so I went in too.

-What even is this? Is this a house? Do you actually live here?

-I also have three vacation homes in Japan. Although I am usually here.

We stepped inside. WOW!!! Such a piece of beautiful furniture, what a luxurious TV!!!

-Ok, now I'll show you around! Let's start.

I was still in shock after I saw the living room. It was four times the size of my home and this was just a beginning.

-So, this is the kitchen.- Everything sparkled so brightly, It almost blinded me.

-We have four rooms with toilets.- The toilet seats were working on a sensor. This is the next-gen toilet!!!

-We also have a bathroom on every floor.

We came back down to the living room and something caught my eye. It was a vast, enormous garden with a golf, tennis, and football court. And then I saw something that made this house the best. A freaking swimming pool. It was the biggest I've ever seen.

-Look Nagi-kun, there's a doghouse.

I took a look at it and I thought I was looking at a replica of my house. So this is why she thought of a doghouse when she was at my place. I see. No wonder. Amano-san wasn't being weird because she was nervous. She was just shocked. I guess I can't blame her, though.


-Ma'am, I've brought you some tea!

-Leave it there, please!

I'm still thinking, if we hadn't been swapped as babies, Amano-san would be living in my house... And I'd be living in this giant mansion. My imagination can't even keep up with my brain. I don't know what I'd do If I had all this luxury. Don't get me wrong, I am not a jerk. I am pleased with whatever I have and I am thankful for everything and everyone I have. But this fame and money look way too luxurious. This goes beyond a matter of me personally not being able to marry her. We're in no position to get married, to begin with. We don't even live in the same world.

-Hey, Amano-san...

-I am not going to marry you.

As if I was dreaming about that.

-I had a bad feeling.- She continued.- You've been acting restless the whole time. I thought you might propose or something.

-Why would I?

-Are you sure? I said this before, but I really don't know about our parents setting us up. In this day and age, I want to choose who I marry myself.

-Then why did you come to my place?

-Umm... To talk to your parents.

-My parents?

-But then I come over and they are at work. That's why I was killing time.

-My parents run a restaurant. They don't get home until midnight.

-What? Take me to their restaurant then.


-Because I want to give them a piece of my mind.

God please no!!!!!! Please help me!!!