In the world of the Jo-lan, there exist certain legendary beasts known as Psychorages. In ancient times, they existed independently of man and never revealed their presence. They were very much like spiritual beings. However, after Souryu attacked mankind and threatened to extinguish everything in existence, the Psychorages were forced to form an unlikely alliance with mankind. Above all else, Psychorages are creatures with a great sense of pride be they good or evil. They only bond with humans they believe are worthy of their strength. However, to find a psychorage that shares its powers unconditionally with a human is highly unlikely. Marina bonded with Buern because she felt a strong sense of duty towards Buern's mother. Josec's Psychorage is still a mystery. The art of Psychoraging combines the consciousness of both human and Psychorage. The final form of a unison psychorage depends entirely on the nature of the ones involved in it and how much their wills resonate. Buern is a strong personality who values strength. Her will resonates well with Marina who values duty above all else thus their powers give rise to something new and that is why Buern does not turn into a mermaid but rather a leviathan. Grim and his men though they are of different ranks share a strong bond. They also like to make their presence felt in all situations and hate above all else to be ignored. Since their personalities are highly in sync with each other, they can perform a combination Psychorage. Among Psychorages, there are ranks, much like among other living creatures. Animal Psychorages are of a lower rank and serve as territorial spirits. There are hybrid Psychorages who are of a higher rank yet very rare. Mystical Psychorages command higher domains and are quite like gods and demons. Marina belongs to this class. Then, there are dragon psychorages that rule various elements. Lower ranked Dragon Psychorages are very temperamental and only value power. Higher ranking Dragon Psychorages seldom enter into battle but serve as guiding forces for humans. Souryu is an ultimate level dragon psychorage born from the collective hatred of mankind. The Phoenix is the highest ranking psychorage and appeared only once in the history of the Jo-lan world. To learn more about the background of this story, watch out for the upcoming episodes.