So you may start to wonder, what created the world of Elysium and everything in it? Was all of this just a coincidence that allowed the world and its contents to form? or maybe something created it, with such high precision and complexity, life couldn't have arisen just by a sheer coincidence.
Well everyone, meet the God. God is the highest and the most supreme dimensional beings who created and programed each and every Multiverse out there. Lets not dwell about how he was created or how he create things, lets just talk about his creations.
First he created an infinite amount of mass and energy then compressed it into very small but super dense singularity. This singularity then explode in unimaginable proportion, creating matter and propelling it outward in all direction. This matter then rapidly expanding and creating a vast universe. This isn't the only singularity he created and programed, but one of the many.
After that he programed all the Laws of Physic to ensure each and every universe could run smoothly and keep expanding. He created many kind of elements and bound that elements with Law of Physics except for the selected few. He created galaxy and filled it with Stars, Planets, Moons and many other space object.
Between every universe there was a dimensional barrier that separate it from each others. Inside this dimensional barrier, the Law of Physics differently, making it a bit fragile and a dimensional crack could happen naturally.
To combat this, God created a new kind creature, the Angels and Devil. The Angels and Devil placed 5 dimension above the created universe, but 1 dimension bellow the God. They worked both as repair guy and also as positive and negative polar of the universe and manage both the Heaven and Hell. Heaven was created as controlled lab with infinite amount of resources to experiment with his new creation. Hell created as location for purification of his creature soul, this place is full of Etheral energy and raw "Emotion", residual result of purification. Sometimes a bizzare creature emerge because of glitch that happen when Etheral energy colliding with raw "Emotion".
After the universe has cooled down, the next phase started, the Creation of Life. God programed life to sprout in only planets with hospitable condition. Unlike his first creature (Angels and Devil), he added new strings ofl program called "Emotions" in every kind of creature that had succesfully survived from the first phase of evolution. This "Emotions" grew stronger with every evolution which in turn aid the creature to create bond with each other. This "Emotion" also has negative effect, it could outstep more "Logical" decision the creature can make.
The first artificial crack appear when one of his creature tried to pry open a portal into Heaven. The hole it created was immensely huge and the crack also started to spread into other universe. Because of it scale, God decide to contain it spread by enveloping already cracked universes with additional 7 layer of dimensional barrier and effectively stop it spread.
God knew that an artificial crack will happen because of it creature, but didn't expect it to happen so soon. Not only they failed to reach the Heaven, they open a portal to Hell instead and nleashing every manifestation inside of it to mortal world.
God could just erase all of the affected universe, but decided againt it. For overy action there is a consequence, they now must live in their own mistake and start to correct it.
From each affected world, a string of Hyperlane connected them with each other in place where the dimensional crack happen. It wasn't uncommon for an object from one universe to glitch and suddenly appear in another.
And from this Hyperlane, four soul get transported reluctantly into another universe, one that fastly different from their's.
Oh and by the way the creature that opened the 'Heavenly Portal' was our old friend the elves. How did they do it?, well its a bit complicated but we will arrive on it shortly.