I tried walking towards the town although I don't know where it is but thanks to the map I got I know where to go.
" I don't want to go to town yet, I still don't know whatever the human in this world can be trusted I should go to the nearest car shop here or whatever have a car "
I looked at the map and see a repair shop just near the exit of the village, it is closer than going in a town Just about a kilometer away.
I start walking towards the car shop, the bag is heavy but for me it's nothing.
I walked for about 10 minutes and I can now see the repair shop, I don't know why but the houses that I passed through wasn't looted nor forcefully opened.
Hmm maybe they loot the city or town since there are much more usable item.
If there are 1 person per village, town and city then the people in this world is about a million? Or even a half? Just how hard is it to find a human then.
Going with a speaker and just keep saying that you are alive is a foolish, we don't need to trust people too much.
You don't know what they do to you, anyways I should go in the repair shop and look for anything useful.
The repair shop was still not looted so it's a good thing, there are some broken cars though.
I look around for a fixed car, there was a locked garage near the repair shop maybe the owners car.
It was lock, I bring down my bag and open it.
I picked the crowbar and use it to break the padlock, then open the garage.
There I saw a off road pickup truck and a motorcycle beside it
"oh how luck can I be"
I look carefully at the pickup truck and the motorcycle they are both upgraded, at the back of the truck there was a tools for maintenance vehicle and emergency tools.
I went and look for a key and found it inside the pickup truck, it contain 3 keys
One for the motorcycle one for the pickup truck and for the house.
I went and look around the house to see anything useful but after searching for a half an hour I couldn't find anything useful.
I put the motorcycle the back of the pickup truck put some safety lock in it that I found at the repair shop.
Now that I have vehicle what I need is fire arm