The xonians approached at quick speeds. I calculate they were moving at Mach 1. But even that still pales in comparison to the Hex.
The xonians, the people who live in XO, are vaguely humanoid, but they also contain some animal characteristics, such as fangs, claws, and an abnormal amount of fur. Nevertheless, their intellect was still above average.
They got behind me and fired huge fireballs of 10^5 degrees Celsius each. The surroundings alone were turned into flames and melted in moments.
The fireballs struck my body, or rather, my shield. Etherian Armor is protected and enveloped by an invisible multi-layered forcefield, powerful enough to withstand the impact of a planet exploding at our faces.
The xonians, confused with what happened, decided to approach me in another way. Taking a further distance away from me, they pulled out what seemed to be metallic bows.
From there, they aimed at me and shot arrows covered with a purple aura. A glance at this event was enough for me to understand. Everything the arrow pierced was atomically destroyed at the quantic level, with only the last layer of what space has to be still called space remaining.
That would indeed bypass my shield in some ways, but I was not dependent on it. From my Warp Cube, I pulled out a purple pistol, and with it, I shot at all the dozens of arrows before even one could hit me. The arrows, which were supposed to disintegrate all matter, were instead warped into a spiral and crushed under themselves.
This was the power of gravity at the most advanced level. The Gravigun.
Before they could perform the next act, I acted first. I threw an Antimatter Grenade at their feet, which immediately and completely exploded the area, turning them into dust. But there were still some left behind me. They quickly approached me with a flaming spear burning at 10^6 degrees Celsius and tried to impale me, but I could sense the attack before he even moved and managed to dodge with minimal movement. Next, I grabbed their head with my hand and threw them on the ground at speeds far greater than what they could conceive. The ground cracked around us and his face was deeply buried in it. He died instantly.
Next, a xonian comes from above. He must have jumped from a higher ground. But this was all useless. I can sense every spectrum around me on a scale of 500 meters. Their breathing, their heartbeat, electrons, vibrations, smell, radiation, gravitational energy...To physically catch me off guard was nigh impossible.
Without even looking, I subtly dodge the attack from the xonian from above, and before he could even touch the ground, I pull out a high-vibrational antimatter sword from my War Cube and behead him with relativistic momentum.
With that, only one is left. He is looking at me from afar. Probably about 1 kilometer from here. I cannot sense his spectrum but I can sense his presence and his sight on my shoulders.
Maybe he is just waiting for the perfect moment to shoot something, it doesn't matter.
I pick up a nearby rock from the ground and start warming up my arm. Then, I take a throwing stance and toss the rock at extremely high speeds.
The rock burst through the air at impossible speeds, breaking the sound barrier several times over. No, this was an understatement. The rock reached the faraway xonian in a picosecond while instantly exploding his head.
Now, they all perished. I shall continue my journey into the village. Perhaps the citizens there will be more friendly than their assassins.