Chereads / testament of sister new devil light / Chapter 117 - That Which Makes Even the Hero and the Demon Lord Shudder in Fear

Chapter 117 - That Which Makes Even the Hero and the Demon Lord Shudder in Fear


Toujou Basara had been involved in many decisive battles for the first

half of that year; between the veterans and elites of the Demon Realm

and the Hero Clan, he additionally had to face the Demon God Chaos of

the Current Demon Lord Faction.

In order to protect his precious family, he had to put his life on the

line to repel all of the aforementioned enemies; despite his young age, he

had grown to be a powerful fighter honed through such experiences.

"Yes. The scope of your exam will cover everything learned up to the

end of the term with no specifications. In other words, it'll cover


It was the first day of March; Toujou Basara froze upon hearing the

teacher's pitiless words, visibly flabbergasted.

I'm finished…He couldn't help but think to himself.

To put it simply, Basara had not studied sufficiently for the third

term; it wasn't a stretch to say that he had neglected his studies entirely.

He scanned around the classroom to find Mio's gaze staring back at

him, eliciting the exact expression.

His journey to the Demon Realm had occurred during the end of the

year, and as such Basara had not attended school for the first ten days of

January; despite being preoccupied with many unforeseen events,

however, Basara did not want to neglect his everyday life or any of the

sort, and as such he made it a point to attend school—and his classes—

whenever he possibly could.

Nevertheless, the amount of tension he'd faced during and in

preparation of his many fierce battles—and exactly during his second

term, no less, the exact same time he happened to transfer to Hijirigasaka

Academy—meant that he'd been a lot more negligent with his studies

than usual.

The two had not studied enough, nor did they understand the manner

of which they would be tested during the exams.

Basara and Mio maintained eye contact with one another; the two

then made the same decision without so much as saying a single word.


"You can count on me," Yuki said.

Basara and Mio knew full well that beneath her usual composed gaze,

Yuki was a very reliable person at heart. The two had approached Yuki

at the library of Hijirigasaka Academy, the latter of whom had been

studying there much like the other numerous students present there to

prepare for the upcoming final exams.

Only the sounds of note-taking stationery could be heard amidst the


"I'm glad to have the both of you rely on me like this."

"We're in your debt, then." "Thank you for helping us." The two

lowered their heads gratefully.

Despite Yuki's duties as a member of the Hero Clan as well as her

disciplined training on a daily basis, she was known throughout the

school for being a bright student who excelled in her studies; Basara had

reaffirmed the fact that she possessed such a wonderful quality that

moment, long after having left the Village and attempting to live a

normal life at school, as well after facing the many harsh battles forced

upon him.

"Anyone can get a decent score as long as they follow the way I


Hearing her very reliable comment caused both Basara and Mio to

view Yuki as if she were a goddess or some other divine existence that

was watching over them.

Yuki then opened her mathematics textbook. "First—" Her fair finger

pointed at a particular formula, "Memorize this formula."

"Yeah." "Mmm."

I see now, Basara thought. He was confident that Yuki's predicted

formulas would definitely be part of the test.

He would put all his efforts in memorizing those particular formulas—

"Next, there's this," Yuki turned the page she was at previously and

pointed at a different formula. "And there's these application questions

as well," She turned to the subsequent page and directed them to the

application exercises on it.

"Eh?" "Eh?"

"Then we have this formula here, and then these two other derivation


The siblings grew more and more nervous as they continued listening

to Yuki; she had directed them to up to almost two pages worth of

points from the textbook since she started from the first page.

As Basara and Mio paled at the amount of content they needed to

memorize, Yuki continued teaching them specific points from the


"This formula here is mandatory, as is the one below it—"

"No, wait just a minute!" Basara suddenly raised his voice, as Yuki

turned toward him in puzzlement. "…We have to study all of this?

Down to the last bit?"

"Mhm." Yuki nodded as if the fact that Basara mentioned was the

most natural thing in the world; he and Mio then realized that they were

acting rather spoiled.

The two of them had intended to study for their exams by enquiring

specific points that were likely to appear during their test, and they had

enquired said points from Yuki, whom among all others, possessed a

rare, well-rounded fighting style that enabled her to cut down any

opponent. She gave off the first impression that she was perhaps a

person who was very efficient at dealing with any situation.

Yuki's true nature was not so, however; Yuki herself was not born

talented. Her diverse style was developed through honest and

continuous hard work, exposing and forcing herself to harsh, broad

forms training that allowed her to accumulate the skills to handle any


Perhaps Yuki truly was the type to encompass as many styles as she

could at her disposal; nevertheless, for them to simply enquire and learn

only the specifics from Yuki given how much effort she took…Basara

and Mio now felt rather guilty.

"Shall we continue?"

"No, I'm sorry. Just wait a bit…just give me a few moments."

"Yeah. It seems we both might need a little time to reflect on


"Well, what's this? Studying for exams, huh? Sounds like you're in

quite the pickle, Basachi." A conspicuous, familiar voice suddenly

addressed Basara.

"Takigawa…" Raising his head, Basara suddenly realized that

Takigawa had arrived, apparently holding a book in his hand. "Are you

reading that book?"

"Well, yeah. It's important to give at least an initial review, you know?

The book I've borrowed this time's more of something that's supposedly

been the talk of the town, though, so I more or less just wanted to satisfy

my own curiosity." He said, yawning in between the words. "I fell asleep

reading it halfway, so I more or less dropped by to return it."

"You're quite relaxed considering the fact that exams are coming


"Do you honestly think that I'm going to settle my exams properly?"

"Oh, come on, you…"

Takigawa had always tampered with matters related to his life at

school with magic up until now.

"Well, you got a point there. It's true that there's no need for you to

take any exams."

"My life at school is separate from work, after all. Sorry if it bothers

you. There's nothing that needs my intervention or assistance from here

on out anyway, and it's not like you and Naruse would settle for me

using magic to fix things, right, Basachi?" The edge of Takigawa's lips

curved upward, "The folks living in this world have it rough, you


"This world, huh…"

"See ya. I'll go look for another book to read." With that final

remark, he idly waved his hand and left; seeing him off, Basara and Mio

glanced at one another again.

"It's so irritating how he's always right." Mio did not hide how she

was displeased at him, "It's true, however, then I've chosen to live not as

the daughter of the Demon Lord, but as a normal human in this world."

"You're right. We can't say it's just an exam, after all."

"I have to admit that I'm annoyed that he of all people had to be the

one to rub it in, but I guess I do have to take this seriously."

"If we're going to do this, we do it Yuki's way. It's only right."

"Still… you know that we're in quite the predicament, right? We

don't have enough time."

"You're right. We shouldn't stay up all night just for something like


"…You actually assumed we'd be staying up all night?"

"I wouldn't be satisfied with just being taught the specifics."

"You're right." Basara turned toward the ceiling, unable to devise an

elaborate plan to deal with the situation.

"Exams are just so troubling, aren't they?"

A familiar voice came from the desk right next to his, as Basara

blinked in response.

"Nanao…and Kajiura-senpai, too."

Rikka and Nanao were sitting at the desk next to where Basara and the

others were sitting at; they appeared to be busy with files filled with

official papers and the like, perhaps in the midst of settling certain

student council affairs.

"You seem to be immersed in what you were doing, so I didn't want

to bother you."

"Me too. I'd be studying too if it weren't for the fact that I've yet to

finish all of this clerical work, though…"

"I see. That doesn't sound good. Do you guys need any help?"

"I appreciate your concern, but you're not exactly in a better state

yourself to do that, are you, Toujou-kun?"


Rikka suppressed a laugh upon seeing Basara being at a loss for words,

as Nanao narrowed her eyes at him from beneath her glasses.

"Don't worry about it. We've already finished our work."

Taking her attention away from Basara and the others for a moment,

she turned to the file she was working on and compiled the last of her

documents within it before wordlessly closing the file.

A moment of silence passed before Rikka hesitantly spoke once again.

"H-Hey, Toujou-kun," She began, her tone slipping toward a higher

note for a moment, "Our work at the student council's done for the day.

That said, well, if you'd like…do you want us to help you out? Narusesan and Nonaka-san too."

"Eh? But—"

"Is that really okay!?" Mio suddenly stood up.

"I'm almost done with my own studying anyway, and I can review by

teaching you guys at the same time. I have experience with these exams

from last year, so I think I can come up with a plan for you guys to face

the exam…"

"Is it alright if I come along with you guys? I just thought we could

help each other out because we're all in the same year."

"I would be really grateful. Nanao too. It's just…"

It would be quite rude to Yuki if they were to ask for someone else's

help after asking her.

"I think it's a good idea." Yuki said, agreeing with the idea. "The more

the merrier, am I right?"

Everyone seemed to agree with what Yuki had just said.

"Please do then, senpai, Nanao."

Basara lightly lowered his head as a sign of gratitude, before Mio and

Yuki followed suit.


Days passed by since, with Basara and Mio studying every day in the

library with the company of Rikka and Nanao.

"Even teachers are bound to have habits when setting questions for

exams. Even if they do try to alter the questions from previous tests, the

very nature and style of the questions can be narrowed down when you

get the hang of it."

Rikka said, sharing the data that she had personally produced for

them. Such data she explained based on logic; she had collected

information from her seniors in the student council and sorted them


Although her way of processing the exam seemed different from

Yuki's, Basara truly felt that it was expected of Rikka for her to handle

the exam in such a way, and thus listened to her plan attentively.

"This is really hard to understand, isn't it? I found it difficult to digest

the first time I was introduced to it too." Nanao exclaimed, noticing that

Mio seemed to be perplexed at the problem she was facing.

"Mhm. It's really confusing to know which formula is most suitable

for this situation."

"I actually already asked vice president Kajiura to teach me the

content on page 45 some time ago."

"Thank you, Tachibana-kun."

Basara gave a sidelong glance at their conversation, to which he was

reprimanded with a "Focus!" by Rikka. Apologizing, he then returned to

concentrating on the problem he was currently working on,

simultaneously finding himself seeing Nanao in a new light, knowing that

Nanao had also greeted him when Basara was troubled some time ago.

She seemed to be a person who was very sensitive to the expressions of

surrounding people, and she could tell what others were feeling to some

extent after some observation. Perhaps such sensitivity was fostered

from her unique circumstances of being born as a half-vampire as well

her unpleasant upbringing of being oppressed by the Hero Clan.

Nevertheless, she had aided Basara and Mio many times while they

were studying for their exams.

"Basara, you can do these questions next." Yuki directed Basara to a

particular application exercise in the textbook; she had suggested an

exercise that was related to a specifically important formula included in

the scope of Kajiura's plan, unlike the approach she had suggested

several days ago where she would ask them to study everything


"Multiplication again!? Sigh…"

Despite finding the questions difficult, Mio had yet to stop writing.

Yuki, Rikka, Nanao; a member of the Hero Clan, the student council

vice-president and a half-vampire. They possessed the aid of these three

people who came from completely different origins and backgrounds.

I'm really grateful to them, Basara thought.

Mio was also working hard; knowing that he couldn't not persevere

while she was trying her best, Basara desperately stifled his drowsiness

and focused on his textbook.

They weren't plotting anything or trying to kill one another; they only

wanted to study for the sake of their own future. They would grow

accustomed to the hardship of such labour in time.

—That was what Basara thought at least; for a moment in time, Basara

lost consciousness in the middle of it all and dozed off.

"Do you want to have a little break?"

Everyone felt as if they were forced to smile.

"No…let's just hold on for a little longer."

He couldn't help but feel embarrassed; he knew that their current way

of studying was for their own benefit, even if he would prefer a more

normal studying schedule than what he was currently doing now. He

would have to deal with the scope of the exam for this term regardless.

"What a pain," He reflexively grumbled at his resolve to act honestly

on the situation.


Hasegawa had been watching Basara study after chancing upon him in

the middle of the library; her eyes, narrowed beneath her glasses, gave

off an affectionate look as she wore an equally tender expression on her


"You've created such bonds by your own hand."

It appeared that Yuki was not the only one helping him out, but Rikka

and Nanao as well.

Toujou Basara was no longer a member of the Hero Clan, and he was

living his everyday life at present instead of fighting.

"Perhaps I should give him my support as well…as a teacher, that is."

Knowing that she mustn't interrupt Basara while he was in the middle of

studying for exams, she turned away from him. She then withdrew her

mobile phone and wrote him a short message.

"Good luck with your studying. I'll give you an adult's reward later

after you're done."

After sending the message, she received a reply before she could turn

off her mobile phone; looking slightly surprised, she abruptly turned

toward the display.

"Thank you very much. I appreciate how you've been watching over

me, sensei."

Reflexively, she turned to meet Basara's gaze staring back at her from

inside the library.

"…What do you know. So you noticed me after all." Lightly smiling

at Basara, she waved him goodbye and finally left the venue.



It was unclear if the breath that Kurumi just let out was a sigh, a yawn,

or a deep breath; regardless of what it was, it was accompanied by a deep

stretch from her. She sat lightly on the sofa in the living room, a pile of

study materials related to the homeschooling curriculum she had

participated in as per her responsibilities as a minor of the Hero Clan set

out on the table before her.

"Good work today." Zest placed a cup of coffee on the table beside

Kurumi's materials, the fragrant aroma from the ground coffee beans

and the steam from the warmth of the drink wafting in the air.

"Studying is so tiring, isn't it? I guess my older sister would be glad to

do this since she's so good at it, though," Kurumi turned toward her

almost completed workbook, "Still…everyone's studying so hard for

their exams, so I can't call it a day ahead of them. They've motivated me,

after all." She said, turning toward the kitchen.

The tempting, drifting scent of cooking in the kitchen suddenly

entered the room, blending into the fragrance of the coffee on the table.

Kurumi's stomach abruptly growled.

"It seems that you've been quite busy as well. I can see the cooking's

quite the big labour."

"Oh, not at all." Zest said, shaking her head. "It's the least I can do for

Basara-sama and the others, after all."

"I'm sure they'll be pleased with your efforts."

During the last day of their exams, Zest had immediately set out on

making dinner after Basara and the others had left for school; of course,

she did not neglect the other household chores while she was at it.

Kurumi could feel the extent of the strength of Zest's feelings toward


"…Um, by the way, isn't it about time you guys untied me?"

Kurumi and Zest turned toward the voice coming from the floor of

the living room; it was Maria, rolling about on the floor as she was

thoroughly restrained.

"You've got it all wrong! I wanted to try such act on you guys, not the

other way around! Especially you, Kurumi-san! Why have you done this

to me!? I just wanted to teach you the basics on phys and health ed again

while Basara-san and the others were studying to evoke some sense of

immorality in them, Kurumi-san!

"Your reasoning is futile, especially if it's going to sound like that,"

Kurumi said. She was utterly exasperated with her.

Maria had been trying to harass the studying sessions in the household

by mixing some erotic elements in the middle of them in an attempt to

create something completely new; obviously, Kurumi could not hold out

her anger for long.

"Well, today's the last day of their exams anyway, so I guess I'll let

you go when the others get back."

"I see now! You're trying to use the relieving feeling of exams being

over to make the self-pleasuring experience all the spicier! As I would

expect of you, Kurumi-san! How erotic!"

"Absolutely not."

"Aaaaah!? This is tight, this is really tight!"

Kurumi proceeded to mercilessly tighten the restraints on her.

"We're home." The voices of Basara and the others suddenly

resounded from the front door.

"Ah, welcome back!" "I welcome your return home." In response,

Kurumi and Zest went toward the door to greet them.

"Eh? Kurumi-san? What about these ropes!? Basara-san's already come

back, so what about me!?"

Not even Zest attended to Maria as she was left alone to struggle.

"It seems the results of your exams ended up alright."

"Hmm? Well, I guess. We haven't exactly gotten back our results yet,

though, so how can you be so sure?" Basara and Mio gave off looks of


"You guys just seem really happy about it, that's all."

I guess you guys haven't really noticed it yet, Kurumi thought as she

reflexively laughed.

"I see…Mmm. The truth is, I really am happy. It's just that I don't

think I've ever felt so touched."

"Me too."

Basara and Mio's voices lit up, as the two turned to address Kurumi

and Zest, straightening themselves.

"We know that Yuki, and Kajiura-senpai had helped us out a lot—

Nanao helped us as well—but we know that the two of you have been

helping out a lot at home as well. We really appreciate it." They were

words of sincerest gratitude.

"I really didn't do anything."

"I understand we've been worrying you. You know, there was last

night, as well as the whole fiasco with Maria…" Kurumi said, averting

her gaze in embarrassment.

"I've simply done what I should have." Zest shook her head. "You've

all worked hard today, so please look forward to dinner this evening."

"Thank you. I'm excited as to what we'll be having tonight." Basara

smiled upon detecting the delicious smell of cooking from the kitchen.

"Well, why don't we all go have a break?"

Basara and the others returned to their own rooms, Zest returned to

working in the kitchen, while Kurumi returned to the living room to

finish studying.

"No! Come on, you guys can't just forget about me like that! Someone

untie me, please!"

Maria's pained cries resounded across the Toujou household as it

settled into a sense of liberation

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