Opening my heavy eyelids, I yawned and lazily shifted my tired body from the bed. Lily had mentioned assisting my brother in arranging my room. That was the sole moment she brought up my brother, and my curiosity about him had been piqued. I should've asked my cousin for his name to discover who my little cousin was, in fact, Lily! Isn't that endearing? We get to do numerous activities together, and I will assume the role of the older sister. Everyone I've encountered so far appears friendly. Adapting to my brother's friend will take some time, yet the initial impressions are favorable. When I commented on this mansion exuding the atmosphere of an ancient, eerie castle, my perception was validated by Lily. She, always up-to-date with the latest news, inquired about my thoughts on the house. My response was cryptic yet cool. Interestingly, she shared the same sentiment and invited me to accompany her on a collecting expedition. It struck me as peculiar, however, as she confessed to gathering objects she finds fascinating. Regardless, I agreed to join her on her collecting escapade today, though it remains confined within the castle—spanning the field, basement, and storage.
Dragging myself, I donned attire for the day and proceeded to breakfast. An unoccupied chair at the dining table seemed reserved for my brother. Numerous questions swirled in my mind—Where is he? What is his name? What occupies his time?—yet I suppressed my curiosity and focused on my meal. During breakfast, conversation seemed taboo, with everyone engrossed in their food. The exception was the charming Lily, who chattered incessantly about her hobbies and the forthcoming departure to her home. Breakfast concluded warmly and in silence. A silent understanding prevailed among everyone. Chris, despite his commanding demeanor, displayed a gentler side. Apart from Lily and the cook, he's been the most talkative. Scott appeared engrossed only in his games—seemingly affable, yet consumed by his pastime. Lily informed me that Desmond is a snitch, I'm guessing he reported Lily when she went out, but his appearance belies this role. Our interactions remain formal and courteous. Richard emanates an odd aura and initial apprehension, but his cheerfulness infuses vitality. It's an intriguing dynamic, individuals of varying personalities and ages coexisting harmoniously under one roof. The house may emanate an unconventional air, yet its inhabitants radiate a comforting warmth. With these reflections aside, I changed attire, gathered jars, and joined Lily outside. I intended to explore the house and forge connections with its residents.
"Over here, Beatrice!" Lily's call garnered my attention. "This marks my inaugural exploration of the field and garden." Thus commenced our mini-adventure. The expansive and desolate landscape took us both by surprise. We encountered an elderly gardener unknown to Lily. It became evident that this house brims with surprises. Our conversation with the gardener about infusing the garden with lovely plants and flowers evoked an unexpected response. "Are you certain?" Mr. Louis, the gardener, inquired, amusement dancing in his gaze. It seemed a reaction one might expect when mischievous youngsters pose a significant question. However, I am no mischievous child, prompting both Lily and me to nod vehemently before departing with a satisfied grin.
During dinner, Lily and I unveiled our proposal for new flowers in the garden. The announcement prompted astonishment on everyone's faces, except Richard. "Bravo~finally, a chance to explore the garden," he exclaimed. Besides Lily and me, Richard alone radiated enthusiasm. Charles revealed his responsibility for procuring new flowers, pots, and other necessities. His supportive presence mirrored that of an elder brother. Scott, meanwhile, indicated his absence due to shopping. Unpredictable yet amiable. Bid our farewells and retired to our respective chambers. I'd be remiss not to mention Clara, an exceptional cook. Thus far, the meals have been both delectable and nourishing. Tomorrow ushers in another day, and my excitement knows no bounds.