Hera's p.o.v
Talk about embarrassing and lame, what was with her!.
I glanced at Ava who was driving then rolled my eyes.
What exactly did she want from me?. Last night I refused to touch her food and got a little disrespectful, but that didn't seem to faze her. Here she was yet again driving me to my new college like yesterday didn't happen.
"You know I could have figured out the way on my own." I whispered under my breath then put my hand on my bag straps which were around my shoulder.
"I know but I wanted to give you a ride and have a simple chat with the principal." She answered as I chuckled softly then glanced her way with a cold glare.
"What?. Did you fuck him too?" I asked.
She quickly stepped on the breaks startling me.
"What the hell!" I yelled on top of my voice when I hit the back of my seat with force.
"What did you just say?" She asked in a whisper.
I turned and glanced behind to see if there were any cars. I sighed in relief when I noticed that we were the only ones.
I looked at her then folded my arms.
"I asked you Ava what you had to do to get me into such college, I did a few research of my own and it turns out that not everyone rolls in. Did you perhaps fuck the principal?. Because last time I checked we weren't that well to do?. Remember that you gambled away our little money?" I asked seriously.
She took in a deep breath then clenched her hands in a fist.
"Get out." She said in a low tone.
"What?" I asked in disbelief.
"Out now!" She screamed on top of her voice when she opened her eyes.
I was at my limits too!. Who the hell did she think she was.
"To hell with you Ava!. I have had it damn it." I spat then pushed open the door and walked out.
I wasn't going to sit back or beg her to drive me there. I wasn't a kid anymore who needed her love and affection.
I hugged myself and walked ahead with tears swelling in my eyes.
What kind of mother was she anyway. She wanted me to be the perfect princess to her when it was her that created the cold-hearted bitch in me.
I dragged myself while convincing my heart to move forward and not turn to look back.
I fixed my bag on my shoulder and hugged myself tighter when a car drove by. The wind blew through my hair making me groan in displeasure.
The car stopped ahead then reversed and parked next to me.
I looked at it then bite my lower lip. It was more of an old van than a nice car.
The window was drawn down and a young man faced me. He wasn't that good-looking and his hair was neatly brushed back. His eyes were slightly big and light brown. He wore huge glasses and a checked shirt.
"Hi." He greeted in a funny light voice then smiled showing his silver braces.
"Umm....hi." I answered in hesitation.
He looked like a fucking nerd just at first glance.
Back in school when my father was alive, nerds were the type my friends and I hated and avoided the most. But when he died I became worse than them because I had no friend or anyone to talk to.
"Do you want a lift?. I'm rushing to class and want to be on time, but I can make time for you and drop you off." He said with the same weird smile still plastered on his face.
"Class?" I asked seriously.
"Yes, foxard my college. I don't mean to super brag, but I'm intelligent and landed myself a spot there." He whispered through his braces and brushed his hand through his hair.
Ewwww, total Ewwww, did he not realize that he was just a geek showing off for nothing. Either way, I wanted a lift, even if it meant playing along.
"Wow, genius how about you take me with you then?" I asked with the best smile I could come up with.
I was going to the damn same place, so why tell him now to break his ego when we weren't even there. I preferred to do it after the nice ride.
"Jump in." He said happily.
I quickly went around the van then glanced behind and noticed that Ava was still there staring at me from afar in her car.
I ignored her and opened the door to the van and jumped in.
"Shall we?" I asked with a smile then pulled my bag from my back and lay it next to me on the seat.
"Yes, princess." He whispered annoying me.
He started the car and drove off.
"So what class do you take?" I asked seriously.
"I love technology, that's a given clue." He said as I shook my head.
I was wrong because a nerd was a person seen as overly intellectual, obsessive, introverted, or lacking social skills.
The guy next to me was too social according to what I had figured. He was a geek perhaps.
"I don't do well with guesses." I answered with a shrug.
"Fine, then I'll give you another clue." He said then made a turn.
I held in my breath and smiled widely when a huge building ahead came in view. It was totally amazing, it was painted in brown and on the upper part white.
A few people were sitting down on the grass reading some books while some were walking to the entrance. I noticed some men laughing under a tree ahead and a group of women next to them chatting.
"You like it?" He asked.
I shook my head slightly and faced the man next to me. I almost forgot about him for some reason.
"It is beautiful. How can I not." I answered honestly.
"Huh, too bad. I wish I could give you an amazing tour of the whole place, sadly I have to drop you off to where you're going." He said as I chuckled softly.
"Well, you are in luck because as of today, this college is now a part of me. I'm a new student." I answered with my best smile.
He looked at me with widened eyes then drove past the college gate.
After parking his car in an empty spot, he turned and faced me with widened eyes.
"What!" He exclaimed.
"You heard. Thank you for the ride." I answered then opened the door and came out.
"Hey wait." He called.
I quickly walked ahead to the entrance hoping he stays put in his freaking car.
If I was to start all over in this town then I needed to fit in. If I was to hang out with a geek on the very first day then my name would be tarnished.
Immediately I walked in, I frowned over the commotion and noise ahead.
A few students were putting their books in the locker but most of them, to be specific the women were ahead crowding at a certain door.
"Hey wait up." The guy called loudly.
I quickly lowered my gaze to the ground and walked ahead hoping he wouldn't do anything reckless besides calling me.
A tap on my back made me halt my movements and turn to face him.
"Sorry lady but you forgot your bag in my van." He answered then pushed it to my face as I glared at him.
Fuck!. Way to go Hera, first day and you do stupid shit.
"Thanks," I whispered then grabbed the bag from his hand.
"Oh, the ladies are at it again." He said softly when he looked at the ladies ahead.
"At what?" I asked.
"They are a specific fan group of professor Ronald, the man is more famous than a popular celebrity. Rumour has it that he willingly quit from his former university because of the female students that were a great bother, he couldn't even teach in peace." He answered as I frowned.
He made the damn man sound like a freaking ripped-up, hot hunk from Vogue magazine.
"It's funny how cold and unfriendly he is to everyone, yet no one minds at all." He added.
"Whatever, just point me to the principal's office." I said seriously.
He looked at me with a blank expression then turned to his left without a word.
I quickly followed him behind keeping a cool distance between us when he walked ahead.
I read the fixed words on the huge door ahead. Principal Ronald with a smile.
"It's right...."
"Ahead, thank you." I answered cutting him off.
"Yeah, by the way, I'm Thomas." He said.
I walked past him without a word and knocked on the office door.
"Come in." A deep voice answered.
I pushed the door open and walked in.
"Excuse me," I whispered softly then gazed at the elderly, smart man that sat behind the desk reading a newspaper.
"Take a seat." He said without facing up or looking at me.
"Um... thanks." I answered then pulled out a chair that was in front of me.
I carefully sat down and glanced at the table.
A Dell XPS laptop was set there beside a few arranged files.
The man cleared his throat then folded the newspaper and faced me.
"Name?" He asked.
"Hera." I answered quickly.
"I meant your full name....forget it. Do you have any form or document with you?" He asked seriously.
I frowned then pulled open the zip on my bag and pulled out a form Ava had given me to give to the principal.
"Here," I said then handed it to him.
He took it and looked at it for a minute.
"Ah, you are Ava's little girl, no wonder you look alike." He said with a warm smile as I tried so hard to compose myself.
I hated being compared to that woman, be it in character or facial features.
"Yes, do you know my mother?" I asked softly.
"Of course, she and I attended the same high school back in the old days." He answered then frowned when he heard loud noise outside his office.
"They are still at it at this time. Here he comes." He whispered softly before the door opened and a man walked in.
I held in my breath and stared at him in admiration.
He was sexy and tall, hugely built, and seemed to be in his thirties. His eyes were a rare light green and his hair neatly brushed back, he was in casual clothes and a lab coat on top.
He looked at me coldly then shifted his gaze to the principal and moved closer.
"When will you get rid of the trash behind me as promised!" He spat to the principal snapping me out of my trance.
Trash?. What did he mean by that, he looked clean as Fuck and so sexy to me.
"Can you please refrain from calling the students trash Damon. And you know you are asking for the impossible, no matter what I say or do they just won't stop coming after you." The principal answered.
Wait was he calling those female students that followed him trash!.
My one-second crush was instantly shattered. The man was a true asshole of all asholes. And for a lecturer he sure had some balls talking like that.
"And what's with her staring at me?" He asked coldly pissing me off.
"She's Ava's daughter." The principal answered.
"And why should I care?" He spat.
"Son listen, you don't have to act up just because you aren't happy with the students." The principal said surprising me.
Son?. The asshole was his child?.
"Hera, don't mind him. His usually grumpy for some reason but handles his job flawlessly. He is one of the best lecturers here. His name is Damon Ronald and my son." The principal introduced.
I froze in shock not knowing what to say. He wasn't that weird guy I had met last night was he?. There was no way he was the same person right?.
"Dad I only came here for that file I asked for. I don't have time for your lame introduction. Moreover, if this brat is in any of my classes, she will still get to know who I am." He answered.
No way was this fucking jerk that funny man from yesterday. But then again the man from yesterday said something about people telling him how handsome and coldly charming he was to be handled. He as well stated that he was never friendly to most people. And he talked less at times.
No. No. No, it was impossible to believe, but then there was only one way to find out. It was worth a shot anyway.
"Are you perhaps the man I met last night?" I asked.
He turned and faced me with a raised brow.
"Do these words ring a bell? "You are right not to tell me your name. I might turn out to be a very bad guy who's trying to take advantage of you." I repeated his words.
He frowned deeply then hit his hand on his face lightly.
"Fuck." He whispered under his breath.
Oh shit. The asshole was really the funny guy from last night. It was a true blast to take in.