yesterday we reached darekasha by a passenger train.After reaching there the assistant divisional engineer had to report.But we thought let's do daily activities first.After that we will report to sir.After reporting we will have breakfast and start duty.The Assistant Divisional Engineer gave the program to all of us employees.After we have done the given work which we also call surprise.
We rested till it was lunch time, then we ate lunch after that we were done some work and came back to station, because this is our first day in darekasha, we had to search a room for staying.Some of us are started searching and I got bath and got fresh.After some time our colleges had searched a room at the same time the Den sir also arrenged a room.A person who knows the address of den searched room was came and stayed here but my other colleges said they are waiting for me on the gate they said the pwi want the attendance sheat but I meet him before i bath.they are not getting agree for that.
After that that person who is waiting for us to let us the room was went to gate and my colleges are came to station this misunderstanding makes very traveled for me.By this problem I get very angry and frustrated, so made a decision to get back to jabalpur I called the pwi and mate for informing.But they are not want to came me jabalpur.they understanding me for not go to jabalpur,but I don't want to listen them.I just want to get back because I am not in my control,I get lost my control get angry on my colleges and the system the made,after that the mate and one other college said very briefly to me that you should not have to go back it's not good for you and told me to have some food and be silent.I got angry because the confusion and ediotness of my colleagues made that situation.after that thought to many things and decided to stay there but not in college's room nor in den arranged room i haven't eat food that evening and stayed in the waiting hall of the station.After that all drama i became very tired so I went to sleep.and after that wake up in next morning and done same work next day, my other colleges told this is last day in darekasha next day we will returned to jabalpur.
after that we will discuss it in next chapter.... thank you