"Mr. Albert, I hope you find success in your business."
Sitting across Gustavo was Albert, the owner of the clothes store. He gently accepted the money for the loan from Gustavo and nodded.
"Worry not, Mr. Misk. All is going to be perfect."
Gustavo knew that wasn't the case. He could tell just from seeing the sleaze bag of an owner that nothing was going to be fine in this store. Just how many losses had he borne to handle this? Too many to count.
Gustavo left the place with a relieved heart and returned to his bank.
All was going to be good. But not for Albert, for him.
The second day came around as no cash came his way. It was still fine, though. Gustavo knew the war was to enter its final phase. Things would be fine.
The third day came.
Today he was to receive back some of the smaller loans.
"What do you mean?"
"It was all a demon! Our people just started dying as if they were cursed. You have to understand, Mr. Gustavo, human life is…"