I grabbed the salt shaker to my side and tossed it away. The lady grabbed it without even turning to the side.
"Knife," I said.
The lady tossed the knife from her hands to my side. I moved to grab the air and the knife landed right in my hands.
"Is this even cooking anymore? What's this synergy...?"
Titania's mutterings fell on deaf ears as the lady and I continued prepping our meals. She was surprisingly very good at this.
In no time at all, our collaboration meal was prepared, tastier than pretty much everything in the empire.
"Guard, come here, poison test this." The lady stretched a spoon toward me. I opened my mouth and let her feed me.
"Hard to judge, I'll need another bite."
This was how the mornings of our days together went.
The days, gentle as a breeze.
Harsh winds blew under the gray skies. The windows to Princess Anatolia's room creaked with each cloud that passed by.
"My lady, we have prepared the criminals."