"I'll get you something to eat and some water to drink... wait here."
"Okay... snHif..."
A few minutes pass.
"Here's your meal."
The old man hands the young boy a flask of water and looks down at a book with a sleek black cover.
"What is... that book?"
"Hmmm? Oh, a parting gift from an aquaintance--he was worried that I'd go off and get myself killed the second I left his sight."
"What does it contain?"
"Medical knowledge."
"Medical knowledge? Why would you need a book about medical knowledge when there are spells capable of healing almost any wound?"
"Basic healing, sure, but there are no spells capable of natural recovery, complete restoration, or uncommon ailments. There's no spell for refeeding syndrome."
"Refeeding... syndrome?"
"Why do you think I haven't given you any food yet? It's because after saying I'd get you food and water I remembered about the book and quickly skimmed through the index; it turns out there's a whole section on food consumption and a lack thereof."
"It could be the effects of starvation and dehydration, but I am almost positive that your way of speech has significantly shifted since we first met."
"I-I dont know what your talkin' about. I've been speakin' the way I always speak this whole time!"
"It must just be the dehydration and starvation playing tricks on my mind."
"Well, it couldn't 'ave been anythin' else!"
"Now your dialect seems m-- you know what? Nevermind."
"Well, how's about I begin yer tereatment?"
"Hhhuuuhhhhh... I regret bringing up his coherent speech, but you will not miss something before it is gone and you will not know you have made a mistake until you feel the repercussions. I will learn so that I may improve."
"What da heck are ya talkin' about, kiddo?"
"Would you mind getting me something I can safely eat after a large pariod of complete starvation? Also, if you have anything that could help with--"
"I already dealth with yer burns, sonny!"
"What are you talking about? My skin is still... ... ...when did you...how?
"Hmmm? Whaddaya mean? I-I healed ya before ya went ta sleep!"
The boy knew that the old man was lying because of two reasons: The boy's memory was flawless and the old man had a tell.
However, the boy noticed something else--something that no one had noticed before:
"Sir, why do you pretend to have a tell when you lie?"
"What-ddaya mean, kiddo? I-I don't 'ave a tell when I lie, an' if I did ya wouldn't know 'cause I 'aven't lied ta ya yet!"
"You have lied to me many times. I am asking about the reason you lie with a tell when you can already lie without one..."
"I dunno wha' yer talkin' 'bout!"
"...and could you just stop with the fake dialect? It is becoming difficult to understand you."
"Who are you, why are you here, and where did you come from?"
"Thank you for talking normally--that other way of speech grated on my ears. I already told you the truth behind how I got here, and I don't truly have a reason for being here besides the fact that I was teleported here by my almost certainly deceased companions."
"You have yet to tell me of your origins."
"I will tell you of my origins if you tell me why you only go outside with your skin fully concealed from the sun."
"That's how my master died."
"...Are you going to tell me h--"
"YOU said you'd tell me of your origins after I told you why I never let my skin touch the sun's rays. I will not say any more until you hold up your end of the agreement."
"...Very well, I will do as we agreed and speak of how I was raised."
And so the boy--
AHEM! Sorry about that. It is quite unusual for me to become as flustered I did before stumbling out of the room in a daze. I assure you all, however, that I am fine now and fully capable of continuing the narrative where Hazel left off.
Do you want me to finish the story I was telling?
Not particularly? I was not even here for the start of it, so why would I want to listen to the end?
But I was in the mi--
So, where did Hazel leave off?