Chereads / Cobra Kai: Surviver / Chapter 9 - Greetings

Chapter 9 - Greetings

The class began and their were many new students. Johnny ordered everyone to line up and all complied obediently. He then began to patrol around the class criticizing the group of new students till his eyes fell onto a grown, obese man with a beard and headband. Johnny asked him to leave as parents aren't allowed due to insurance reasons, but the man denied him stating adamantly that he wanted to be a student and that he was able to pay. Johnny reluctantly accepted. Johnny then went back to the front of the class and began talking, "and I thought my last group of recruits were pathetic. If you do what I tell you to do you at least have a chance at becoming badasses, but to do that, you gotta fight." Johnny then looked around the room focusing his eyes on Miguel and Liam, but then he focuses on only Miguel, "so, which one of you has the balls to take on the champ."

The new recruits were silent, it looked like no one was gonna man up. The older recruit almost reluctantly raised his hand to fight Miguel, but a feminine voice interrupted "I'll take him on." People moved out of the way giving Johnny and all of the main students get a view of the one who said this. She was a blonde, beautiful girl that looked tough yet to some degree delicate.

The mat was cleared as she and Miguel were in the middle, Miguel tried diffusing the situation as he didn't want to fight a girl, but the girl had other plans. She kicked him in the stomach. Miguel was winded for a moment but he quickly recovered and got into a fighting stance. They exchanged several blows but much of the fight was done through grappling. The girl during the fight introduced herself as Tory. Tory at the end had Miguel pinned to the ground, restraining his arm with hers as she pushed his head down holding his jaw. Johnny and Kreese exchanged impressed looks to each other. They continued the lesson.

Around an hour later Liam left to a store in the strip mall Cobra Kai was located. He walked in and perused an isle as he overheard Aisha and Tory talking. Aisha invited Tory to the beach club and she accepted. Liam decided to cut in "may I also join you two to the beach club?" He said with a small warm smile that would usually never grace his features. Aisha and Tory took notice of him and Aisha accepted saying 'more the merrier' but she also asked him why he wanted to join. Liam responded very honestly in a tired tone, "don't really have anything to do" he ended his sentence with a sigh.


An hour later all three of them were changed into more suitable clothing and were now at the beach club. Liam wore a pair of black trunks and black flip flops (sliders). He wore sunglasses and carried a small backpack with a change of clothes and a towel. His outfit showed his lean and chiseled body that had a few small scars around his sides and on his back. There was one very noticeable scar between the base of his neck and his left shoulder, the scar was a dark streak going from his front to his back looking like something grazed him deeply.

They were inside the resort, Liam and Aisha were by the buffet talking as Tory was off somewhere. Aisha asked Liam questions about himself that were a little intrusive but Liam still answered them. "So you were homeless when you were a kid?" Aisha asked confirming what Liam has told her. "Yes, it was a very difficult period of my life but I was saved, that's why-" Liam was speaking but then he was interrupted by a girl who approached them, "hey Aisha." Aisha responded simply, not giving the girl too much attention, "hey." The girl continued the conversation going on the left of Aisha as Liam was on the right, "so… how's it going?" The girl said trying to act friendly. Aisha scoffed, looked at her and said "you realise we're not ok", Liam felt a little awkward in the conversation till he managed to recognise the girl talking to Aisha, "your the girl who tried to 'protect' me from Cobra Kai, I know I saw you before." The girl lightly blushed at the very handsome boy and responded, "my names Sam, what's yours? And how do you know Aisha?" Liam responded courteously "my name is Liam, and I'm the strongest member of Cobra Kai."

Samantha overlooked his statement and continued talking with Aisha and Liam until the conversation took an awkward turn. "It's our summer vacation, we're at the beach and we're fighting about Karate?" Sam said as she looked to Aisha. Aisha responded "when we should be fighting about boys" Liam chose to interrupt and say he was leaving as he didn't want to be involved in 'girl talk.' He walked away and sat down at an empty table and ate what was on his plate.

He looked around for an open sun bed (or beach chair). He spotted one next to a boy who was on his back sitting up. He walked over to the boy and asked "is that seat taken?" The boy looked up at Liam and said "nah, you can use it." The boy sitting down was muscular but not to the same degree as Liam's lean yet muscular physique. Liam sat down and attempted to start a conversation with the boy, "so, what's your name? My name's Liam." The boy looked over to his side at Liam and said with a small smile "I'm Robby, nice to meet you Liam." They then both entered a comfortable silence, except from the noise around them, and bathed in the gentle rays of sunlight.

After a couple moments Robby stopped feeling the suns rays so he opened his eyes and looked up, he saw a man in formal wear that seemed familiar. "I knew it was you, what did I say would happen if you ever stepped foot in here again?" the man said with an apparent distaste for Robby, Robby sat up as Liam pulled down his sunglasses getting a full view of the man. The man proceeded to say he would call the cops.

While the man was dialling a beautiful woman came up from behind and began to question the man regarding the situation with her family's guest, the guest being Robby. The man left after the woman chewed him out, she sat next to Robby on his chair and spoke, "what was that about, Robby?" Robby sighed then responded in a guilty tone, "before I met Mr LaRusso and you guys, I-I was a different person. Me and my old friend did some stuff her that I regret." The woman now asked "did you hurt anybody?" Robby quickly replied denying that he ever harmed anyone, Robby then looked over his shoulder at Liam who looked at him and Mrs LaRusso analytically with his sunglasses off.

Robby looked him in the eyes for a moment and then apologised for any inconvenience. Liam looked at him coldly then responded in a chilling voice, "so, your from Miyagi-Do?" Robby was surprised by his tone but then nodded. Mrs LaRusso just watched the interaction not getting involved but still listening in. Liam replied with a small sinister smile and said "I can't believe father views you guys as a threat, though I guess Miyagi-Do karate could be better than what I see from you." Robby grew a confused and slightly annoyed face, "are you calling me weak? I came second in the last All Valley, and who are you too talk about karate?" Robby said with clear dislike for the person beside him, the person he could have been good acquaintances with. Liam's smiled wider and held out his hand, "I'm Liam Kreese, from Cobra Kai karate, the strongest person in the Valley."

Robby looked at his hand with aversion clear in his eyes. Mrs LaRusso got involved at this point, "hello Liam, I'm Amanda LaRusso, it's nice to meet you" she said as she shook his hand. Liam lightly chuckled "the pleasure is all mine."

A while later Liam went to look for Aisha and Tory, he spotted them talking with a half empty bottle of what seemed to be tequila. He walked up to them and started talking and hanging around with them, though he didn't drink. After they finished the bottle they all started walking around. While they were walking and talking they were interrupted, "Hey!" They heard someone call from behind them in a rude manner. They all turned around Tory and Aisha giggling as Liam smiled. The one who called out to them was Sam, "my mum's wallet has gone missing" she said directly to Tory. Tory's giggling died down though she still had a smile on her face,"sucks for her" she said not getting what Sam meant.

Sam held out her hand and demanded for her mum's wallet to be returned. Tory was shocked, and so were Aisha and Liam. Tory denied that she stole the wallet, Aisha defended her as Liam just watched. They turned to walk away and Sam grabbed Tory's wrist. Tory spun around and shoved her. Liam grabbed Sam's hand as she began to fall towards the buffet table. Instead of falling into the buffet she was stopped by Liam as she stood up straight recovering from the push, Liam let go of her hand when she had stable footing,"can you two not cause a scene? Sam, Tory didn't steal your mum's wallet and Tory you shouldn't waste food." The girls were both embarrassed but Tory was also annoyed, to her it seemed like he was taking Sam's side. They spoke for a moment, calmly this time, as soon Mrs LaRusso came to get Sam as Robby and Mr LaRusso found her wallet. Sam felt guilty though she didn't apologise before she left. They all left after the LaRusso's did.


Liam went home and he saw Kreese sitting on a chair in the living room. Kreese had a sliver of a smile on his face as he looked at an old framed photo of him and several of his army friends that he served in Vietnam with. Liam sat down next to him and asked "so how was your day? Mine was more entertaining than I thought it would be" Liam said this with a satisfied smile and sigh. Kreese was awoken from his trance by Liam's voice as he then turned to him. Kreese opened his mouth for a moment before actually speaking but then he said "I've officially rejoined Cobra Kai as a sensei." Liam looked Kreese in the eyes intently as his face became cold almost disdainful as he spoke, "why? They're so… weak, crude, naive, undisciplined and many other things. Why would you want to teach sheep?" Liam looked to Kreese waiting for his next words so he could make a judgment. Kreese smirked, almost viciously, and said to Liam as he looked to the photo, "they just need to shed that weak sheep skin. I will make strong people out of them. True soldiers." Liam smiled viciously like Kreese as he turned away from him, looking to the wall imagining the entertainment he will get from his father exploits. Kreese then spoke again in a quieter voice his smile becoming less malicious and more caring, "that Johnny Lawrence, he is weak now due to my absence, I need to break him and make him strong again." Liam's smile was wiped off his face and his brows began to furrow, 'why does Kreese care for Johnny so much? He's weak' Liam thought annoyed and jealous of Kreese's deep care for Johnny.


Instead of being on a call where his watch got swiped, Kreese was on the phone with his landlord who was thinking about raising the rent. And the Johnny-Kreese story played out from there and it was a mirror of what originally happened.
