When I opened the door I couldn't believe what I saw. There was a man who was kneeling infront of Gu Zheng Tai's desk and he seemed like he was in trouble.
Gu Zheng Tai had scary expression on his face. As soon as he saw Qian Jin, his expression became warm.
"Oh! You arrived.",...Gu Zheng Tai
"Y..yes sir."
Qian Jin was scared of the situation right now that Gu Zheng Tai could clearly see in her face.
"Mr Wong! Why are you kneeling? I didn't even do anything to you. By kneeling you are making me look like a bad person.",...Gu Zheng Tai
"N.no sir. I am sorry."
"Then can you please go out now. And please consider what I said to you.",...Gu Zheng Tai
"Yes sir. I will make sure that never happens again."
Wong Han ran out of office just like as if he was being chased by a demon.
*door closed*
" Here is your coffee and Who was he?"
"He was that old woman's husband.",...Gu Zheng Tai
"Old woman?...(realization) He is Bao's father."
"Yes!",...Gu Zheng Tai
"Did you fire him?"