The next morning, the inspector and his unit began training.
They continued with the training for weeks. They trained on land, water and fire. They continued their training for a month.
It was their last day of training, and the Inspector gave them his final words before the mission. " Everyone gather around. (everyone gathered) Life has different plans for us, right from when we came out from our mother's womb. I know some of us here, didn't plan on becoming a police officer, we had bigger dreams for ourselves, but here we are. Nothing happens by mistake, everything has it owns reason of happening. You are not a mistake, you are not here by mistake, you are exactly where you were meant to be. There's nothing more greater than serving your country. Soon, your faces will be everywhere as the Heros of this nation. We will be going out tomorrow to fight and conquer those assholes, We will put an end to the Tribune, cos we are the skylines. (everyone shouted Yessss and clapped their hands). Now go home and rest, cos tomorrow we go for war" Having said that, he walked out.
The rest of the group were about leaving too, but Murphy ran after them shouting "wait guys" they all stopped and he got up with them panting. They waited for him to catch his breath then Caro began " Murphy why are running and shouting like an angry dog" Murphy replied " first off, i'm not a dog, and secondly i have an amazing news for you guys" Ben added " we're listening" " Guys there's a party coming up this evening, and it's the best in town. It's strictly by invitation, but luckily for us, our guy is one of the organisers, so he offered to give us free tickets. So what do you guys think" Rita loved anything party, but as at this point, they were all exhausted, so she said " Murphy are you dumb or something, or maybe you're blind, Cos i can't get it. We just finished training, and we are so tired, weak and puffy. We can barely stand, all we need right now, is a nice shower and a good night rest, and you are here talking about party. Remind me again, which planet are you from." After saying that, the rest of their group shook their heads, and turned to walk away, but Murphy rushes and stood in front of them and said again " Common guys, we've been training for a month now. All work and no play makes us dull Skylines.( they all chuckled) He turns to Caro " Care, when last did you take prince charming here (pointing at Ben)to have some fun. We all know we'll be going to face the devil tomorrow, and there's a chance not all of us is coming out of this alive. So why don't we enjoy let's say our last day in Paradise. So please guys let's do this, we really need this." After saying that, he joined his two hands together as a sign of please and stared at them.