Chereads / Her Poison His Cure: Behind The Mask. / Chapter 9 - Chapter Eight

Chapter 9 - Chapter Eight

In a time when only heaven and star exist, the time of the sun and moon. A time when only Gods existed. There is a God named Sang- je. He is the heavenly emperor and therefore the king of Gods. It was through him that the existence of other Gods were possible, starting with a dear creature of his, Mireuk, who was the elder God among other Gods.

Sang-je had two children, a son and daughter. Haemosu, the eldest of the two, was the god of sun. He always wears a crow-feather headdress, carries a dragon light sword, and drives a chariot pulled by five dragons; these dragons were also Gods. While his daughter Dalnim was the goddess of the moon. She was innocent and had a young trusting heart.

Being the elder God among others God, Mireuk felt he wasn't given enough respect as he deserve, because of Haemosu influence and power. It's only right as the crown prince of the kingdom for Haemosu to hold high authority but Mireuk was disrespected by it; he felt he was cheated.

Blinded by jealousy toward Haemosu, Mireuk conspired with the other Gods and accused Hae mosu of using Sorcery. It was forbidden for a God to perform sorcery. As a result of this, there was no way for Haemosu to prove his innocence because his sister happened to be the one used to trap him. According to the punishment subject to any God who performs such alchemy, it is the law that the God should cease to exist but Sang-je couldn't take the courage to kill his own son. 

This incident brought about the creation of earth and mankind, through the source of Mireuk. Haemosu gate of energy was close and he was banished down to earth as his punishment. Not only that, a curse was laid on him by his father that he will be coerced to suffering on earth and later be killed by humans. He will be reborn every time he dies and be imperilled to the same cruel fate over and over again.

Dalnim later finds out how the other Gods conspired against her brother and she was manipulated by Mireuk. Feeling guilty knowing that Haemosu was in suffering because of her own innocent and foolish behaviour, she informed her father about the Gods' misconduct but the table turned against her as Mireuk and the other Gods declined the accusations with deceit.

Dalnim's way of living and whereabouts was never questioned by anyone before but with the unexpected events that befall her, Sang-je incurred heavy punishment on his daughter. 

This punishment implied that every single action taken by Dalnim will be known by him and the other Gods. If her actions in any way prove she was trying to get involved in her brother's case, then the court shall deliver their judgement on her.

Therefore when the strange incident caused by Dalnim occurred in BuYeo Kingdom, Sang-je and the other Gods were aware when it took place.

And Sang-je summoned a meeting on it inside the throne room. The room seemed to be alive glittering with a timid bluish pale dazzling light but actually it was in disarray, a memory displayed of past and future.

Sitted on a silver throne seat, set with elaborate pomp and raised with steps was Sang-je. Next to his seat was another small silvered seat and Mireuk was occupying the seat. The other Gods were standing on the white rug at the bottom of Sang-je seat. 

The atmosphere in the room was freezing as they erupted in murmur.

"Ahem" Mireuk clears his throat to gain their attention and everywhere dwells in silence.

"I am sure you all felt the disaster princess Dalnim caused on the earth. I want to inform you that it had to do with Prince Haemosu.…" Mireuk began but was cut off by one of the Gods interference.

"Princess Dalnim disobeyed the king's order and went ahead to get involved with Prince Haemosu despite His Majesty's warning. It's only right that she accepts her puni….."

The throne door opening cut him off and the room fell silent. All eyes went to the tall oak door flung so carelessly open and their eyes met Dalnim. The sound of her footsteps can be heard throughout the room, and the God who was drawing out her punishment remains stiff, using the shadow of the other Gods beside him as armor and protection.

No one will want to have an issue with the princess, not because she was the king's daughter but because everyone knows how deadly and cruel she could be once anger. She used to be a sweet-innocent person but that changed several years ago after she learnt of how her brother fell in the trap of Mireuk.

Sang-je didn't move, he remained in his throne, his grip tight on the cold metal arm of the throne seat and he poised comfortably straight to elevate himself. Mireuk sitted on the small chair beside Sang-je was anxious, his gaze torn between Dalnim and Sang-je.

Dalnim footsteps resound in the air and it is the only sound that can be heard singing out like the rhythm of a blacksmith hampering his sword. As she reached Sang-je front, her footsteps halted and she bowed courteously with her hand clasped beneath her stomach. 

Her piercing and cold gaze fell on Mireuk who squirmed in his seat uncomfortably. This made Dalnim scoff; a deep loud mockery that slid throughout the room. As this trickled from her mouth, she turned and walked to the middle of the room, each step carefully calculated and slow. 

"It seemed I heard of punishment earlier" her voice deliberately raised. "So what is my punishment!" 

Dalnim could feel Mireuk clutching his hand on the arm of his seat, she couldn't help it but rolled her eyes at the old fool.

The room fell into silence once more, as if time stood still and no one wanted to free it.

"Why did Your highness go to the earth" Mireuk finally speaks, he doesn't shiver or stutter but his eyes are afraid and weak.

Isn't that an obvious question. Everyone was already aware of what she went to do on earth, so why the pretence but Dalnim still answered anyway. 

"I went to change my brother's fate" Her tone was low and firm.

"I thought I gave you a fair warning not to get involved with Haemosu'' Sang-joe's voice was frosty from his seat and that sent a bone shattering chills down the spine of the Gods in the room.

A frown appears on Dalnim's face and she walks in a semi-circle to face Sang-je but she doesn't look at him, her eyes stay focused on Mireuk. She strides elegantly and powerful toward him and Mireuk's nervousness increases, now he looks silly where he sits.

"Did I do something wrong Lord Mireuk?. Father seemed angry about what I say"

Mireuk took a quick breath and responded swiftly, the word gently and slowly sipped out of his mouth. "Your Highness disobey His majesty's order. His anger is justified"

"But I didn't do anything wrong. Don't you agree with what I did, Lord Mireuk?." Her smirk is mischievous as she leans forward to Mireuk. "You are the one that put my brother in that mess after all."

Series of grumbles filled the throne room and everyone looked at each other contritely, a sense of guilt flashed in their eyes.

"That's insultive princess Dalnim," Mireuk warned in an irate manner.

Dalnim sighs, but her eyes do not stray from Mireuk, her gaze steely. "The truth can't be hidden forever, Lord Mireuk. No matter how you tried to run away from your sin, it will later or sooner catch up with you and I believe yours is coming soon." She says, her voice a whisper yet heard by everybody present, an echoes even strain into the room.

Mireuk pulled the inside of his mouth, and gnashed his teeth on it. Blood seeped out and he spit it on his other side. As he inhaled sharply to calm himself, his orbs met Dalnim steely gaze

After getting rid of Haemosu, he thought all power was now in his hand but this little wench is becoming a heavy burden on his shoulder. She was always challenging his authority as she liked, and it seemed she was the real thorn in his leg, not her brother.

"STOP!" Sang-je's voice boomed across the room and Dalnim's eyes went to meet him. "I am done tolerating your insolence. Till I say so, I hereby forbid you from moving or uttering any words. Repent!." 

Sang-je judgement eases everybody's anxiety and a smirk crept into Mireuk's lip. Tears of frustration welled up in Dalnim's eyes as she stood rigidly in front of Sang-je. She just can't understand why her father trusts Mireuk so much to the extent of believing his conspiracy against his own son. But she had no right to condemn Mireuk, after all she was the scapegoat used to trap Haemosu.

Remembering the part she took in the act that led to Haemosu banishment, Dalnim tears ran down her cheek. Her lip tremble as she thought 'I am so foolish to allow myself to be used by him'

On that fateful day, Mireuk had summoned Dalnim inside his chamber and handed over some material to her which included Sorcery shaft, Familiar (a demon in the guise of an animal) and some other instrument Dalnim didn't have an idea about..


Haemosu had alway had trouble sleeping at night and reason for this was unknown to Dalnim to date. But she had always feel disturb and sad whenever she heard her brother couldn't sleep because that never happen to Haemosu before so Miruk had used that behaviour of her to an advantage and implore her to put the materials inside Haemosu's chamber and foolishly she went ahead to do it. This materials were later found in Haemosu chamber which give Mireuk an evidence to the accusation on him.

Sang-je stood up from the throne seat, having passed his order he disappeared into thin air. Mireuk also rises from his seat and walks out but not before giving Dalnim a harsh glare and one after the other the Gods exit the throne room.

Once again silence fell upon the bluish pale room. 

The two guards standing behind Dalnim, are awaiting any opportunity to strike her with the Tadun (punishment light)  if she dared disobey the king order. Dalnim on her own side had the urge to go after her father because she is having a bad feeling about why he disappeared but unfortunately for she must not lift a foot from where she stood.