Azazel walked with me in the woods and I thought to myself.
Who in the world would send a demon as protection detail? And why?!
"Kas sa oled kogu aeg minu läheduses?"
"Ei, mul paluti teid täna õhtul eriti vaadata."
"Noh, mul on kõik korras, teid vallandati."
Azazel looked and smirked. What in heavens name was the prince of hell playing at? He then replied in the demon tongue.
""Kõik pole väikese inimesega üle. Keegi on meid kogu selle aja jälginud ja nende vaenulikud kavatsused on väga selged.
"Kuidas ma ei märganud!"
"Teie valve on maas ja see, kes nii sügavat vihkamist peidab, on kindlasti keegi, kelle olete päris tõsiselt välja vihastanud."
I conjured another spell and I could see very clearly in the dark as if it was day time.
I then noticed a person I never thought I would see again.... Well after her stupid stunt
"I knew I would find you here! We're you behind it? Dad being shipped off, me loosing my boyfriend? Who did you sleep with you whore!"