Chapter 9 - Already a celebrity .

Me and the captain walk away from the fight as the drones pick up the men to god knows where . We walk and we stand Infront of a building with a neon sign on it .

Captain :"You know what this is"?

She points at the building and the neon sign flashes saying "Mercenary work , body guard work all in here kiddos" well the place was enticing to say the least .

Sakura :"Well judging from the sign it's a place where people like me can get to work yes".

I look at her while rubbing my chin . She giggles ad I was deep in thought about what kind of work would I be doing .

Captain :"Alright I'll explain let's go inside".

She opened the metallic door for me and we went inside and it was Uhm how should I say was like a festival . The loud cheering and singing with the men drinking while wrestling and the women dance and sing on stage and of course the bartenders showing off their cool bottle flips .

Captain :"So what do you think".

Well it's....certainly something that's for sure .

Sakura :"Well it's....something".

I said in a low voice .

Captain :"Either way still just don't get lost here got it now there was a bounty on this "gozo" guy".

Sakura :"Who"?

I said in utter bewilderment and wondering who in the hell was bozo or gozo was it ?

Captain :"The guy you killed in the red attire".

After some thought it clicks in me the guy with a funny moustache I snap my fingers .

Sakura :"Ahh so it was him".

She nods in agreement as she goes to the bartender and speaks with her the lady glances back at me and blushes while the captain shouts something at her though I couldn't hear due to the noise I suddenly bump hard into someone I look behind me and it's a big fellow I look up almost breaking my neck trying to see his face he wore a black trench coat and wore a helmet with a sword at his waist . The loud cheering almost disappeared as everyone stood silent and looked at us . I bow my head down in apology and turn around but he strikes me sending me across the room as I crash hard into the wall as dust fills the room . I stand up and as the dust clears itself I dust off my shoulders and walk towards the man as he's clearly surprised by me taking the hit . In one motion I step hard into the ground and launch myself forward and deliver an attack to his gut piercing his chest he slumps over and dies .

Sakura :"Well didn't go as planned".

I take my fist out and the man fall to the ground with blood flowing everywhere and the one's joyous and happy atmosphere became dark and gloomy as everyone kept their distance away from me .

Captain :"WHAT"!!?

I turn around and sure enough she looked shocked about the fact she stared at the dead body then back at me in bewilderment .

Captain :"Who did that".

She looked around almost as if she was a radar scanning the room but she locks eyes with me and I do the same .

Captain :"Don't tell me".

She looks in disbelief and sighs to herself .

Captain :"It hasn't even been ten minutes and your already fighting someone now huh".

She sighs and walks over to me and inspect the body .

Captain :"Let's see who y--".

She stood silent and looked at me .

Captain :"You know that's the leader of the "Kuni" clan".

I stare at her then scratch my head .

Captain :"This guy is or was a big pain in my ass so at least you did well".

She sighed out and from that I could tell that she was someone with alot on her shoulders I also was someone like that due to my son of a bitch of a boss the guy WHO F***** AND HE'S WORSE THAT ****** AND HE SHOULD SHOVE A ****** UP HIS ******** .

[Wow Uhm thank God I put an auto censor otherwise this could've gotten me killed]

Soon the other members around me start to shout out .



A loud cheer could be heard from the crowd and the Captain takes my hand and we both disappear into thin air . We appear to be at the roof of some building overlooking at the city with a large corporate tower .

Sakura :"Uhm where are we"?

I look around and we seem to be at some abandoned building .

Captain :"Well as it seems we're going to the guild as I have some well let's just say "Friends" that can get you to meet the guild master directly".

Huh guild well it seems like a fantasy world with some sci-fi elements mixed in well then instead of being indebted to her through some favour there must be another way to gain attention but before that I must ask a question that's very important to me .

Sakura :"Captain".

She looks at me with attentive eyes .

Sakura :"What's your name"?

She looks at me with confusion then covered her eyes and turns around .

Aria :"'s aria".

Wow she said that so cutely I might just melt .

Sakura :"Then Aria is there any event that I must be aware of that will gain the attention of the city".

She ponders for a bit with her thumb on her mouth .

Aria :"Well it's a bit specific but there is a tournament coming up tomorrow".

Tomorrow huh very convenient well that's just my luck .

Sakura :"Then where can I sign up"?

Aria :"Why tho"?

She tilts her head with eyes glaring daggers at me I wonder if it's just a woman thing or not .

Sakura :"Well I am thankful for the gear and the tour around town I'd like to go on my own for now".

Aria :"Huh"?

(Aria POV)

w...w....What did he just say separate d..did I do something wrong way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way .

There must be something happening . I need to cling onto him and that pure and kind aura from before disappeared I...I need it NOW!!!

Sakura :"Hey now don't be down that bad here take this".

He pulls out his sword and touches it he then takes out dragon....s.... scale?

Sakura :"Here take this you deserve it".

I take my hand out and he caresses it and the warmth that disappeared returned tenfold and it almost burned my heart I can't I can't handle it at all .

Sakura :"ARIA"!!!

Huh what....wait...what?

Sakura :"Either way where do I sign up for the tournament"?

Huh...oh he's . I clench my hands I mean why does everyone I try to rely on fucking runs away just why that's when I felt a hand touch mine .

Sakura :"You keep losing focus are you sick seems like your face is red as well".

I look behind me with a bright red flush .

Aria :"I...I'll take you there".

I hold his hand .

(Sakura POV)

And we teleport seriously I think this woman is so strange but at least she's true to her word we're Infront of the corporate building .

Sakura :"This is it"?

I look at her still holding my hand .

Aria :"Yes this is where you sign up for the tournament and the location about the tournament will be disclosed to you after you sign up".

Hm seems good so far well nothing to complain about then the next part .

Sakura :"Then let me ask you this"?

I look back at her and try to shake her hand off but she won't let go then I give up .

Sakura :"Is there any way I can make or buy armour"?

She looks around and scratches her head .

Aria :"Well there is always a blacksmith available at the guild but judging from the black scales you have you'll need a master".

Wow she's still helping me after all of that

I thought she'd try to scam me or something I'll remember this .

[Sakura will remember this]

Sakura :"Say anymore I find I'll treat you to some".

I take out a black scale and toss it to her .

Aria :"H..huh how many do you have"?

Sakura :"Don't worry about it you did more than enough for me and I'll remember this favor now then bye for now".

I wave to her and run inside and the doors open automatically just like my previous world . Inside it's huge like very huge with thousands of people walking around in armour , having disputes and even arm wrestling now this I could jam to .

(????) :"Ah hello sir".

I turn around and she was a beautiful businesswoman dressed in black and wore black glasses with her black hair being tied in a pony tail but aside from that why does it look like she knows me .

Sakura :"who are you"?

She had a look of surprise but it returned to the good ol ' business smile .

Stacy :"Please forgive me I'm Stacy".

She took her hand out for a shake and being the reluctant man I was I stood there before finally shaking her hand I mean what if she was some kind of....

[This guy never touched a woman before]

Stacy :"I work with the guild and lady Aria recommended me to sign you up right away to the tournament and to get you a rank".

Wow even after leaving she's still helping me .

Stacy :"Don't worry about the tournament you've already been signed up and all you need is a rank and that will be taken care off when you finish the tournament".

Well that's all over and done with now for a master blacksmith .

Sakura :"Is there a master blacksmith"?

She looked at in a confused look and already sensing the confusment I take out the sack full of black dragon materials .

Sakura :"Here open it".

She takes it and opens it with her eyes glistening like glass looking at it like it's the sun .

Stacy :"Where did you get.."?

I cut her off snatching the sack right away from her .

Sakura :"I met a black dragon suffice to say it was standing Infront of me like a dumbass".

She looked dumbfounded or even if I dare say flabbergasted .

Sakura :"Now is there one"?

I say once again regaining her composer she looks at me dead in the eyes .

Stacy :"In the guild there is one once you finish the tournament you can go to this building like last time and just ask for one".

Wow well that's all taken care off the next is a resting place or a training ground yeah that's way more important .

[Muscle head]

Sakura :"So is there a training ground here or something around here"?

Stacy :"Yeah there is one within this building I'll happily take you there".

Her eyes were glistening again she even looked like a puppy and of course I couldn't refuse such an offer .

Sakura :"Well then I'll be in your care".

I bow to her then stand back up she shyly adjusts her glasses .

Stacy :"T...then follow me I'll make sure you have some space in the training room".

Fuck yeah VIP treatment already let's go I raise my fists in the air as I walk with her and we get on an elevator . The nice and somber music in the elevator calm me down only then I notice the amount of floors in this building amounting to 80 wow even the richest company didn't even have 70 . The elevator stops at floor 56 and the doors open revealing a large training room with dummy's to practice with it wasn't half bad .

Stacy :"We're sorry sir but this is place is only used against people if want to go monster hunting I'd suggest going to the winter lands".

Hm buzzwords let's act like I know what she's talking about .

Sakura :"Well I always say people are always more dangerous that's why I must be accustomed to fighting them".

She takes a handkerchief and wipes the swear off of her brows .

Stacy :"W...well yes indeed there are reports of adventures turning against each other".

Sakura :"Then can you recommend me to fight someone from the parts of the black dragon that I've collected I want you to get me someone strong".

I walk in the training room leaving her in the elevator as it closes I walk inside and look around there were two people sparring together .

Sakura :"Wow this place sure looks lovely".

I walk Infront of a dummy and take my stance .

Singur :"You really just walked in huh".

Sakura :"Don't underestimate a kid".

Singur :"I guess your right but for that tournament let's show off a little then".

Sakura :"You got it".

I unsheathe the blade and take a stance I strike downwards at the dummy's head cutting it in half like a melon .

Sakura :"Wow that's sharp".

Singur :"Don't underestimate me kid".

Heh she learns quick doesn't she well let's try this .

I grab the scabbard and sheath my sword holding it against my waist and taking a low stance and concentrate all my power at the sword and in a flash I eject the sword from the scabbard and catch it with all my strength I drag the sword on the ground and strike upwards cutting the padded floor and the dummy in half with a trail of red flame behind my swords swing . I sheath my sword and put it on my back .

Sakura :"Wow this magnet is really convenient".

Singur :"I agree".

I walk to the next dummy completely ignoring the people around me .

A random guy #2 :"What the fuck was that"?

Strange woman #1 :"That technique was strangle awesome".

He walked to another dummy and Took out his sword with it's ominous black that even sucks the light around it . It had a strange look to it one that can never be described by words but one came close it was "beautiful" all the people came in the room could only think as how this young boy had such a beautiful technique and charisma .

Sakura :"Ha.....that's all of them".

I pant and lie down on the floor next to the glass window and look outside it must be 6 pm at least .

(?????) :"HEY YOU"!!

Huh someone's screaming must be one of the girl's training here guess it has nothing to do with me .


Must be some coincidence there must be another kid training here . Then a knife is thrown at me aimed at my head by I catch it in between my fingers and begin to twirl it around then looking at the one who threw it it seems like a girl she wore a black cloak with a hood that hid most of her facial features from the looks of it she was an assassin .

Girl :"Finally now kid let's duel".

I look at her in sheer confusment .

Sakura :"Is this how you say hello ".

She throws another knife at me and I catch it this time having two knifes to twirl around in my thumb .

Girl:"Sh...shut up and fight me".

Well I tried then it's go time . I throw the two knifes at her and rush her she blocked the knifes with her short sword . I manage to catch her off guard and in a split second I hit her square in the face sending her flying and crashing into the wall next to the elevator with smoke flying everywhere . I unsheathe my sword and take a stance preparing for a fight but .

Sakura :"Where is she"?

Singur :"I guess you were too hard on her".

Smoke settled down and find her embedded into the wall I hear some people giggling I look around and glare at them .

Sakura :"You three if you think it's so funny try it let's see how you fare".

I glare at them and point my sword at them and as expected they settle down I walk to the center of the spacious training room as dozen of people make way for me .

Singur :"That's a lot of people".

Yeah just looking at them some of them even were wearing business suits and some trainers stoped training the people and watched me .

Sakura :"Ahem can you please clear the area I want to train".

They all look around each other then slowly walk into the seats that were far away leaving me alone to train while they looked at me . I sheath the sword and hold my scabbard holding it at my waist ai begin to focus again at where to strike . I jump up high and raise the scabbard above my head and with my power I swing the sword downwards forming a red feint energy around my sword and it forms around the sword red energy that glows taking the shape of a large great sword twice my size still in the air I throw the sword into the ground and it sticks Creating a shockwave I instantly Land and take the sword stuck from the ground with the red energy dissapated around sword I sheathe it and inspect the hole into the ground .

Sakura :"Yep definitely works".

The was large with burns from the red energy and the sword had definitely left a deep thin hole into the ground like a needle .

Singur :"Your magic is really impressive".

Sakura :"I just used my high intelligence".

[This guy has 1 point into intelligence]

Sakura :"Either way I still need to be thought how to use magic".

Singur :"Of course I will but for now I can't teach you over this commotion".

I look at the stands and the people are going wild over there like it's a football match .

Sakura :"Well I've already got attention".