All the people around me changed... they walked the streets like puppets and didn't listen to questions or reacted when spoken to.
Were Musashi and Rione also affected? What about the newcomer? Strangely, I didn't notice anything about this curse....
These crowds are all moving together in the same direction...something is definitely wrong here.... Mind manipulation? I have read something similar before...
I have to try to find out what's going on inconspicuously.
So I went together with the swarm to a mountain around which all the people gathered.
A man seemed to hover over us by magic and gave a speech very reminiscent of typical political gibberish.
But everyone around me seemed to be experiencing and celebrating everything up close.
It is disgusting how such people manipulate others.
This gibberish about Hydra, a second realm and especially some Messiah guy is annoying.
At the latest, when we were supposed to make an oath, I left and nestled in a forest for the time being.
I have to get away from other people, otherwise I'll be exposed as a deserter.
I built a halfway solid shelter and looked for branches to make a fire for the night.
"Come closer." a soft voice called from the forest.
"Who is speaking?" I said while getting ready to fight.
"Come closer Sia."
I definitely don't recognize the voice, and it's even weirder that it knows my name.
I approach the voice cautiously and ready to fight.
Between the trees and bushes in the forest I discovered a kind of fountain.... The water looks stale and somehow.... Thick?
"Come closer..." the voice came clearly from the well.
I slowly put my hand into the liquid and suddenly something grabbed me.
My whole body was pulled into the well and I saw only black.
My breath became short, my body stiff, and my eyes slowly closed.
I am going to die. How could I fall for such a cheap trick when I have read such things thousands of times in novels.
"No, you are not dying. You're just realizing your true power, Sia."
I opened my eyes.
I can breathe?! I thought it was over? where am I?
I'm surrounded by darkness and nothing but this liquid that brought me here in the first place...or is this death perhaps?
"No it's not." A creature formed in front of me that I have never seen before.
It is comparable to a mixture of lion, wolf and elk. But black and surrounded by shadows..?
It looked similar to my power.
"No, you're wrong."
"You can read my mind?" I said doubtfully.
"Of course I can. Even in your last moment you would have thought of those weird "novels" you humans read."
"Get out of my head."
"What if I don't?" said the voice with a shabby smile.
"Now tell me what I'm wrong about."
I am getting impatient because I am in an unknown room that is not human and on top of that a strange creature with yellow glowing eyes wants to explain something to me.
"With everything you think you know about yourself. Your powers do not correspond to those of shadow magic."
"Of course it does. I've been using this magic transformed for years and I've developed my own abilities," I said while forming a sword out of shadow.
"Pretty cool huh?" I said confidently.
"Your powers are not shadows. They are those of the Void, and there have been none like you for millennia."
"Void?" I asked, confused, thinking about my last novel. Mr. Voidwalker.
"Stop thinking of these strange stories, lad. I am not a normal being as you have noticed."
"Yes, you look like a strange mixture of several races."
"I'll show you which one of us is weird, you human."
"Well, I'm not here to argue. Have you heard anything about the Heavenly Realm, Sia?" asked the creature.
"I've heard about it ever so slightly. Something about planes of this world."
"The Heavenly Realm is the plane of the gods and the origin. And I was born there as well. I am a Celestial Voidwolf."
"And that means what to me now?" I deadpanned.
"I am a divine being who has just chosen you as his partner," he replied in an annoyed tone.
"How do I get this honor?"
"You can't make it in this war alone. And certainly not if you don't know your own powers. I am of the same descent as you and my abilities are similar to yours".
"Then why me?"
"Because I can see into the true essence of a human being. The core of your life is the color white, which indicates a pure soul and good intentions. "
"Well, whether I am now a kind of "White Knight", as you just put it I do not know now but I have at least nothing bad in mind," I replied.
I find it remarkable how such an animal can communicate so well with a human and on the same wavelength with me.
Not even people my age can do that.
"This is due to the fact that our life cores are tuned to each other and have chosen each other. We are now connected to each other and act as one."
"You always interrupt my thoughts, too, huh? Well, anyway. I suppose you want to teach me and stay with me in the future?"
"Good thinking, lad. Yes, that is indeed the case. You can, of course, reject a godlike being, but whether that would be smart and match your intelligence, I don't know now." I realized that she was trying to provoke me.
"Of course I don't reject you. I feel a superhuman connection to you as well. However, I have conditions..."
"What are they?" the creature asked curiously.
"First, I want to know your name."
"My name is Luna. At least... I just gave myself that name," the creature said nervously.
"You didn't get a name?"
"No, we beings from the Heavenly Realm are born from the light and that without family. We appear and the universe has a reason for us.... Well, rather the Celestials. And my reason of birth is you Sia." said Luna.
Somehow this conversation made me nervous and interested at the same time. I want to know what my powers are all about.
"Before I can teach you, Sia, there is a problem. I can't maintain this space forever... I need to get you to the Heavenly Realm so we can talk and train in peace... but that doesn't turn out to be very easy."
"How do I, as a human, get into the Heavenly Realm?"
Only if a Celestial lets you pass through the Path of Light.
"And how do I do that?"
"I can ask them and show them your future. Maybe then they will understand that you are an important part of the upcoming war."
Suddenly the connection broke and the room disintegrated.
When I opened my eyes, I was back in front of the well... wasn't I in the well? I don't understand... there is normal water there?
"Sia. You have to pass a test before I let you pass."
"And that would be-" I was interrupted as thousands of non-human soldiers with weapons threatened me.
There was no answer and no explanation... only me and a thousand enemies with a lust for murder.