Chereads / Khaos Kroniklze / Chapter 15 - XIII

Chapter 15 - XIII

The Security Wing of Castle Smrt is the envy of anyone and everyone that had anything to do with the word 'envy'. The Security Wing is a R&D Department on its own. Or I should say was. The Security Wing wasn't researching nor developing anything anymore nor was it any longer the envy of anything except maybe ancient ruins.

Like most of Castle Smrt, The Security Wing had been reduced to a smoking heap of rubble. Still hope prevailed that something might have survived whatever had happened here. So I started my search at once shifting through the rubble looking for..... looking for I don't know what.

After several hours of exhausting search and turning up nothing I was about to give up on The Security Wing. So much 


for being the envy of everyone, I thought to myself. Can't even keep the Castle from being destroyed nor keep records of what happened or even why from being destroyed. With an exasperated sigh I continued my now fruitless search.

As the sun sank below the horizon, my fruitless and now hopeless search for any kind of clue at all as to what happened to Castle Smrt while I was unconscious suddenly came to a halt with the discovery of a still intact computer monitor. The sudden giddiness I felt with the discovery came to a sudden end when the monitor failed to show anything other than a blank black screen.

With an exasperated sigh I hung my head in defeat and decided that the cafeteria would be my next best stop to quiet the growl of my stomach when I noticed underneath the ruble a large thick black cord that pulsed a low glowing red color. On a hunch I decided to follow the cable away from the hole in the wall I had came through.

On hands and knees, I crawled across the rubble strewn floor, unburying the mysterious pulsing cable as I followed it to what I hoped was its source and a clue as to what had happened here.

As the last of the sun's rays fell beneath the Earth, I entered the room that was the source of the mysterious pulsing black and red cable. And just as the room went completely dark, the red pulsing light in the cable suddenly picked up speed, rapid flashing thousands of pulsings a nanosecond until in a sudden blinding flash, it stops flickers once then dies out completely 


turning everything black with the darkness of night.

Confused, I kneeled down to examine the strange cable when suddenly I collapsed on top of the cable, hands instantly grabbing my skull as it caught fire. Except there was no flame. My body suddenly tensed as the excruciating waves of pain rapid fired in thousands of deep crimson blood red pulsating waves a nanosecond. Then just as suddenly as it started, it ended.

As I drifted once more back into the black darkness that was the nothingness of unconsciousness, an image appeared burned into the back of my retinas: