Well Well Well look at who finally Made it to the Final Arc of ENTER REALITY volume 1. I know it been a hard journey. Reading a total of 28 chapters with a total of over 79 Thousand words. It's been a very long journey not just for you Mr, Ms or Mrs.Reader. But it also been a long journey for Rochi, Lavonia, Quadeem and Our main character Kage. But just like what I did for WELCOME TO ZENN HOOD. I am going to recap all of the 3 Arcs of the First volume of ENTER REALITY. Wish me luck.

FIRST ARC:The Silvered Haired Boy Arc (Chapters 1-11)

The story kicks off with Araxion complaining How life without Reality Sorcerers is boring. So as the God of Gods of Gods of Gods he would do what a God of Gods of Gods of Gods would do. And this is make another Tournament of Realities where the winner would be rewarded with Araxion powers for a few minutes. But with that kind of power those minutes can feel like hours. And the crazy part is that he did this because he was bored. This Tournament has been going on for 20 years and counting.

And now this is where Our main character Kage Would wake up for another day of school. He was going to his Girl best friend Lavonia's house so they can walk to school together but that was when her father snapped at him for being a Reality Sorcerer which leads to Lavonia's Dad hand dislocating. Also just a heads up. The public doesn't like Reality Sorcerers but for some reason Kage understands why they hate Reality Sorcerers. And he tries to Protect the public.

After that altercation, Kage and Lavonia walks to school but that was when Bougie challenges Kage to a fight but then he lost embarrassingly. While Kage is at school talking to friends Rakai, Melly and Rymid (Yeah I didn't Forget about him) and Quiet Kid. And Lavonia is talking to her friends. Armada and Kelly. The Antagonist of this story calls one of his boys to spy on Kage.

This antagonist is named Rameer and he has a really evil group called I don't Know because Rameer didn't say what his Group was called. But in his Group there is Rizmond a insanely Buff black guy. Domen-Chi a walking Shadow. Tyrone a very smart guy with a very black name. Felicia a whore that can make portals and Avvon the walking trash can.

Tyrone was spying on Kage but then got caught then got his shit rocked by Kage This was also when we figure out the Quiet Kid has some interesting Sound power. But right before Tyrone was about to retreat through a portal. Kage broke open the Portal and he sees Rameer and the others. After Lavonia, Kage's Male best friend Rochi and, Kage's mentor GunDamn. Rameer tries to get Kage to join his group but he declines for obvious reasons then Rameer Punches Kage back to his world. This is when we Figure out that Lavonia's dad was the one that told him about Kage.

Now he figure out that Lavonia's father told him about Kage not because he is a Shit Father Figure but because Rameer has Killed his entire family tree and he it just trying to protect Lavonia. Tyrone gets Upset at Rameer because he didn't Help him earlier and says that he is treating this group like trash. Lavonia's dad is suspiciously not home. So Lavonia stays at Kage's house.

A few hours later Lavonia's dad calls Her to come home. When she goes home Lavonia's dad tries to tell Lavonia to convince Kage to join Rameer's Group. That leads into a augment witch Lavonia wins because Lavonia's Dad Didn't have a good reason for hating Kage. This leads to Rameer Killing Lavonia's Dad. Right Before Kage made it in time. After that we see a flashback of how Lavonia and Kage first met.

It's pretty Obvious that Lavonia is struggling over that fact that her father is dead. And that is shown when her Kage and Rochi battles The Third The Fourth and The Fifth. Those the opponents where just interested in eliminating Kage. But Rochi and Lavonia was not going to let them jump Kage. After Kage defeated the Third, The fourth and Fifth followed. But Lavonia had a some anger to get out on the third. This leads to Lavonia accidentally hitting Kage and walking off. Kage tried to go after Lavonia but GunDamn stops him so he can eliminate more Reality sorcerers. This lead into a argument and Kage walks off leaving GunDamn and Rochi dealing with the public yelling at them.

Meanwhile The second try to attack Rameer but fails horrendously. Rameer then goes to his world and completely destroy it and forced The first to join his group. Back to the protagonists, Lavonia later apologized to Kage and they both get some time for themselves. Untill Kage gets a Weird Flashback. Kage and Lavonia are about to call it a Day but them Rochi approaches Kage about what he said to GunDamn.

This leads to a Flashback to Rochi's childhood. Rochi was playing around with his tree powers but then a Fire that he didn't make get caught in the tree leading to the explosion that killed his Little brother and his Grandmother. Back in the present time. Rochi tries to Get Kage to go back to GunDamm but he refuses. This leads to Kage vs Rochi. They were equal for most of the fight. But then it comes down to Rochi's Tropical Death going against Kage's Galaxies Concealed. Kage's Move Reigns supreme as Rochi starts to understand Kage's Reasoning for Leaving GunDamn.

Speaking of GunDam he appears and tries to get Kage to Listen by force but in the end of the day that just leads to another Kage W. The both go there separate ways as Lavonia and Rochi Follows Kage's path leaving GunDamn all by himself to End the first Arc of ENTER REALITY.

SECOND ARC:The Unmasked Memories Arc. (Chapters 11-19)

From two Paths Separated to a new Path forming We open the doors of Domen-Chi's Dojo where we see Domen-Chi And 7 students of his training hard. Terrence the big strong boy, Treyvon the smart one, Zakeya the one who probably wouldn't have made it here if this was real life, Makenna I swear to god she does not have a only fans, Damian the good old silent but deadly. Jamal the guy who walks the walk but he Talks the talk even more. And Quadeem who is the main character when Kage is on break.

After then where done Training Domen-Chi reveals the weapons of the Shadow gods there weapons were. The Devil hammer, The Chuánqi Shuang Gou, The Katars of intelligence, The Unlucky nunchuck, The Kamas of sorrow, The chained Dagger and The sword of creativity the weapons pick their holders. The Devil Hammer Picked Terrence. The Chuánqi Shuang Gou picked Jamal. the Katars of intelligence picked Treyvon. The Unlucky Nunchuck picked Zakeya. The Kamas of Sorrow picked Damian. The Chained Dagger Picked Makenna and the Sword of creativity picked Quadeem.

Meanwhile Avvon has gotten really eager to prove to Rameer that he is not weak. So Rameer said that Avvon will battle a mystery opponent The next day. While everyone is in their rooms Damian is killing a entire mafia and one thing the boss said before he died he said to Damian I know who you want I know what you want.

The next day Rameer turns Domen-Chi's Dojo into a arena so his group and M.A.S.K.E.D could see Avvon vs his mystery opponent. And then while Avvon is out in the arena Rameer says that his mystery opponent is….Rameer! And then Rameer almost completely annihilates Avvon until Quadeem told Rameer stop and shockingly he actually stopped. After these events Tyrone tells Avvon about the plan him and The First was talking about.

Their plan was to get everyone in Rameer's group to turn on Rameer and Avvon agrees to help. Back To Kage and the others, Kage, Rochi and lavonia Are walking and then encounters The Man With The Off-White. The three battle him and surprisingly The Man With The Off-White was able to hold his own until he starts to Power down and then it turns out that the Off-White man is being controlled by someone.

After The Man With The Off-White left a portal opened with Tyrone and Felicia walking out of the Portal. Lavonia Instantly Attacks Felicia and they both go through the portal. And then Rochi and Kage goes though the portal Leaving Tyrone by himself. After going through multiple Portals Lavonia enters The Doors Of Memories. Then another portal opens with Rameer walking through the portal. He takes Felicia and punches Lavonia's through a door.

Through that Door it shows when Rameer killed Avvon's and Felicia's parents. Kage and Rochi finally made it to the doors of memories and they goes through a different portal. In that portal it shows who was the one that placed the fire in Rochi's tree that caused the death of Rochi's brother and grandmother. Interestingly it was Rizmond that set that fire. Before Rochi could do anything they spawn back to the doors of memories and reunite with Lavonia's.

However is reunion was short-lived because Kage ends up being sucked through a door as well. Lavonia and Rochi them jump through that door to look for Kage. In this door is shows that Kage I actually did have a family. He had a mother a father a older brother and a younger sister, however, things were still pretty blank. Kage couldn't truly see the faces of his father or his older brother. And then Kage was going to start eavesdropping on his fathers and mothers conversation until everything goes black.

All Kage sees and Hears is His family saying bad things about him. That was when Lavonia and Rochi tried to stop them, but they were like ghost, and they couldn't hit them. That's when Kage's mother makes the save but she doesn't know how to send them all back to their world. That is when Felicia somehow senses that Kage is in trouble, so Rameer tells her to make a portal to bring those three here. She did manage to open the portal but not to were Rameer wanted them to go. Instead, she sent them back to Kage's house. before Kage leaves his mother tells him his purpose and also that his brother and sister are still alive. When the three got back, it turns out a entire week has passed. And that Ends of The Unmasked Memories Arc.

ARC THREE:The Shadowed Loyalty Arc (Chapters 20-28 not including the Christmas special)

Back to Quadeem's path. Quadeem wakes up to Avvon Knocking on his door. They start talking about what happened with Avvon Vs Rameer and Quadeem give Avvon words of encouragement. Avvon was going to tell Quadeem about the plan but to chooses not too. Meanwhile Rameer is pissed that Felicia couldn't do one simple task. So he shove a pill down her mouth. Also, Domen-Chi is doing something called a M.A.S.K Battke Royal to see how well M.A.S.K.E.D has improved.

M.A.S.K.E.D did some challenges without their weapons that involve strength and speed. After those challenges Domen-Chi taught everyone how to summon the weapons and then Tyrone talks to Quadeem real quick. He asked if Avvon told him about the plan. Quadeem says he didn't and Tyrone is very confused. He goes looking for the first as Quadeem Goes back to the dojo where Rameer was waiting for him. he asked Quadeem about what Tyrone said to him. But Quadeem was able to convince him that it was nothing important.

M.A.S.K.E.D has already started sparring each other with Damien already defeating Terrance and Treyvon and then challenged Quadeem. They looked evenly match until Damien left to get his inhaler then Quadeem challenged Makenna. Then Beated her. Them challenged Jamal with lead to Quadeem slicing the entire goddamn dojo into pieces.

It turns out everyone is fine except for The First And Tyrone because Rameer used manipulation syrup on Avvon to make him tell him the truth. This leads to the death of The First and Tyrone. But Rameer was ready because he insanely replaced them with Dominic and Taysan. Avvon becomes self aware again and he finally mans up and walks out on Rameer's Group.

Domen-Chi remembers some past history with the returning GunDamn and starts to goes after him. This leads to Domen-Chi vs GunDamn which leads to GunDamn retreating back to Kage's house Kage and everyone in his house are just chilling and talking about Kage's figuring out that he has a family until a flying GunDamn head comes flying through Kage's Window.

Kage and the other are still uninterested in forgiving GumDamn. But that is when Domen-Chi enters Kage's house. Domen-Chi is also trying to convince Kage to Join Rameer's group but Kage once again refuses and asks what does Rameer know about his family. This catches Rameer attention so he spawns Domen-Chi back to where he was and spawned the two new members.

This lead to Taysan and Dominic vs Lavonia Rochi and Kage. Thanks to Quiet Kid They managed to beat them but before Kage could eliminate them they where spawned of the battlefield. After those events GunDamm apologized to The three and they barely end up forgiving them. And that leads us to the final Arc Of the first Volume of ENTER REALITY. The M.A.S.K Invasion Arc. What kind of action and Stories will be reviled in this Arc? What Mysteries will be unraveled? What new Mysteries will be revealed? Find out in the final chapters of Enter Reality



Coming This week




HOLY X UNHOLY:New novel coming February

Author's Instagram:Blackboi888._(Yes I am just 16)

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