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Easy Romance is an Oxymoron (BOYxBOY)

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- BL - "YOU!" Woon Jun barked pointing at the stranger in front of him. Woon Jun has liked Xie Shuang ever since his first year of high school, a crush that has lasted for over four years. After realizing his beloved crush was likely to end up with the prettiest girl in class he gave up on him completely. Eventually being asked out by his boyfriend for one year, he'd seemingly moved on from the silly crush. But after a struggle with his boyfriend, he comes across his beloved once again! Now he struggles to forget about him once more, even worse Xie Shuang is back in town and recently began attempting Woon Jun's college for the new term. Him and Woon having their entire schedule practically identical, making it completely impossible for the two not to interact.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

"Hey, Tian Cheng look at this! Isn't it cute?" Woon Jun said picking up a fluffy dog keychain and showing it to his boyfriend only to be quickly dismissed. Tian Cheng, his boyfriend slowly turned to look at Woon.

"Yeah... I guess it's cute" he replied clearly uninterested not even bothering to look at the keychain. Woon Jun could only stare back awkwardly "Erm- Don't you think this one resembles you?"

Woon turned to look at a different keychain, picking it up and showing it off the same way as the previous one. A smile to attempt to mask the awkward mood.

"I guess."

"Do you want me to buy it for you?" Woon offered only to get an uncomfortable complaint from his boyfriend, who immediately pulled his phone out afterwards.

First, he had to beg him to walk into the store, and now he went completely ignored. The couple was supposed to be celebrating their one-year anniversary. But the date went completely downhill from when they first met that morning. At first, everything had been lovely. A wonderful, romantic walk at a huge luscious park. After that, it all slowly went downhill. . . It became obvious that his boyfriend wasn't enjoying his time and wanted to go home. Giving Woon Jun the most boring and low-effort answers. To better his mood, Woon thought buying him something might make him feel better and build some excitement for their anniversary.

Woon Jun looked over to his ignorant boyfriend, on a phone call he seemed to be enjoying more than the entire day they spent together. "Hey, Woon? I gotta run home k?"

Of course, he had to go home, and Woon immediately realized it was too convenient. 'Maybe he has some girl on the side? That's why! That must be the reason my loving boyfriend is suddenly rejecting me"

Woon might as well be manic because 'loving' wasn't a word anyone would use to describe his boyfriend.

"Alright~ Do you want me to give you a ride back?"

"No, I can take the bus, sorry for bailing on you like this.

"It's fine! I'm sure it's something important. See you."

See you? See you! What kind of pleasantly is that? You say 'see you' to a work college you don't want to talk to! Not your boyfriend of one year. This is what he got from crushing on a tall, kind, handsome, beautiful! Man, to some hipster! When the hipster in question, his boyfriend, started leaving Woon decided to follow. Snatching up a pair of heart-shaped glasses and slamming them down at the cash register. "These please!" he demanded startling the poor girl working there.

Sneaking around, following a stranger he looked like a total creep. The heart glasses made it worse, attracting more attention than he would without them. Even causing a few children to point and laugh. Woon Jun saw his boyfriend halt and immediately panicked. But..the nearest bus stop was nowhere nearby, so why'd he stop? He looked across the street and couldn't believe what he saw. Just across the street, where his boyfriend had stopped, was an internet cafe. "He wouldn't-" Woon thought, hopeful his boyfriend wouldn't, only to have that hope quickly crushed. He watched his boyfriend walk down the road and into the internet cafe. So naturally, Woon followed slinking into the building and sitting across from the gaming station his boyfriend sat at. Easily listening to the loud conversation.

"Hey man," Tian Cheng said, tapping his friend's shoulder and sitting down.

"Yo, what took you so long? I thought you said you were free" an unfamiliar voice responded, probably one of his friends and the person who called him.

"Sorry, my boyfriend wanted to hang out. An anniversary or something. Got annoying pretty quickly."

"Seriously? What are you still doing with him then?"

"I got with him 'cuz he had a pretty face. I was trying to get in on him but it's been a year and he still won't sleep with me."

"So it's not like you actually liked him?"


"That's evil"

Their laughs barely vocalizing over Woon Jun's thoughts. The insanely slow realization that his boyfriend never once had any genuine romantic interest in him. Woon shot up from his chair and stared down at the desk in pure frustration and embarrassment. "What the hell..." he whispered rushing out of the cafe. Not only had his boyfriend lied to him to skip out on their anniversary, but he also lied about liking him in the first place. It made him feel so stupid. Woon Jun felt like the right fool he was. Falling for a little sweet lie. Just maybe that's what he deserved for using Tian Cheng to get over some silly first love.

So he left and went home. Sitting in the awkwardness of his quiet bedroom, wrapped up in a depressive blanket. His mobile phone bringing a dim light into the pitch-dark room. Woon Jun scrolling through the pictures in his phone gallery. Just now realizing how uninterested his boyfriend seemed in all his pictures. It was always Woon Jun bringing a bright smile to the pictures while his boyfriend looked away and held up some stupid hand gesture. Just then, a notification came in a reminder. "Tian Chen's birthday" Woon Jun read out the notification, staring at the little heart beside the word birthday. Pushing him completely over the edge and throwing his one down on his floor, luckily his room was carpeted so there was no big damage.

Woon Jun wrapped himself up further in the large blanket. Feeling tears dwell in the owners of his eyes, he'd spent an entire year of his life on somebody who didn't even vaguely care about him. Blinking the tears away a wave of frustration, that was mistaken for confidence, passed over him. "Damn you, Tian Chen!" Woon Jun threw his blanket off of him and picked up his phone. So, he found himself at a karaoke bar, surrounded by many of Tian's friends. The hipster was quite popular, with good looks, good grades, and seemingly friendly. How did he end up here? Our genius crashed up a plan to go to the hipster's birthday party, break up with him, and therefore 'ruin' his good mood. But anyone with common sense could guess that wouldn't happen. It was only a fantasy Woon Jun had made up to make himself feel better. Apart from this fact, he was going through with the fantasy.

"Hey! Woon Jun! What's with the sour face? It's your boyfriend's birthday! Show some face!" A younger, very, drunk woman yelled in his ear. Clearly too enthusiastic about alcohol. Her yelling caused Woon jun to feel even more uncomfortable in his corner of the couch.

"Uhm- I'm just a little- overexcited!"

"Overexcited?" she repeated, annoying Woon.


"So you're nervous? Let me pour you a drink! It'll make you feel better."

Woon shook his head at the girl, "No i-" before he could complain she'd already poured him a large cup of alcohol. Maybe drinking wasn't such a bad idea if he said something stupid and regret it he might've been able to pass it up as the alcohol made him delirious. He looked from the cold up, to his boyfriend, who was up on the karaoke stage singing along with his friend to some popular pop song. Woon took a deep breath, picked up the cup, and chugged it all down in a minute. The young woman from before staring at him, "Woah Woon, if you really wanted some you could've asked!" Woon Jun only ignored her, standing up and stomping his way to his boyfriend. Stopping just before the man could notice him.

Suddenly self-conscious of his choice, he gently pulled on Tian Chen's sleeve and successfully gained his attention. "Tian, I need to talk to you," Woon asked in a quiet voice, the slither of confidence from before completely disappeared.

"Sure, let me just finish another song though." Tian Chen said dismissing Woon Jun again.

Woon didn't take lightly to this and held on to his sleeve stopping him from returning to the karaoke stage. "No. I need to talk to you now"

Tian, who was used to Woon Jun's obedient behaviour took quick note of this, finding the reply strange. "Uh. Alright? What do you need?" Tian Chen walked down from the karaoke stage following Woon Jun outside. Woon Jun led him out through the back exit and into the dark alleyway behind the bar. He could hear his boyfriend sigh as they stopped, Tian Chen pulled a smile when he saw Woon Jun turning around. "What is it? What's so important you need to pull me back here? Were you too shy to ask for a kiss?" The man cooed pulling Woon closer to him and wrapping his hand around his waist. Only to be pushed away by Woon. Tian Cheng didn't take highly to this, the look on his face very quickly dropping.

"I'm being serious." Woon Jun looked down at the floor, just noticing the string smell of cigerates in the alleyway. This really was such a bad way to end a relationship.

"What? Serious about what?" Tian looked confused.

Woon looked up staringhard at his boyfriend. "I'm- breaking up with you, I Cant-" the man couldn't even finish his sentence before being cut off. "Breaking up with me?" Tian questioned, his voice aggressive. "Ypure, breaking up with, me? Are you for real?" Strangely enough, he seemed baffled, as if he never imagined this could happen to him and to be honest, it wasnt something that happened to him every day. Not to mention extremely unexpected coming from Woon Jun. "Yes?? I am? I followed you the other day into that internet cafe. I know what your true feelings are" Woon Jun grovelled over his words, breaking eye contact and going back to it on occasion. Tian Chen placed his hand over his face, massaging his temples before sliding his hands into his pants pockets. "Yeah, I don't care about that. But you're breaking up with me? I just can't believe it."

"Is it really that hard for you to believe?"

From Tian Chen's voice, it was obvious he found the situation humorous. "Of course, it's hard to believe. I mean you're obsessed with me. Plus! I'm the one dating a little creep. Did you seriously follow me? I should've been the one to break up with you!"

Woon Jun scoffed, "I'm breaking up with you and you're worried about not doing it first? How shallow are you?"

His now ex-boyfriend stood tall, readjusting his hair his actions a successful attempt to intimidate Woon. "So? What do you want now? I a golden star? You're lucky I asked you out in the first place. If you followed me then you probably heard me talking. So you should know how disappointed I was when you were too much of a wuss to just sleep with me. If you just let me have you once our relationship wouldve lasted a lot longer. You probably just lost interest and started sleeping around. Maybe that's why your sex drive is so low. All of it was used up on some rando. So now you break up with me on my birthday nonetheless? How horrible of a person do you have to be?" If it seemed he was hurt, it was a complete act. An act Woon Jun didn't seem to pick up on, but rather ate up and immediately felt regretful about his actions. Even if he'd never done any of the stuff Tian Chan rambled about it felt like he'd really done so. The two stood in silence, the words for Woon Jun. The only thing going through his mind was how bad of a person he must really have been, he felt guilty he'd made an attempt to ruin Tian Chan's birthday.

Woon Jun looked up slowly still not meeting Tian Chen's gaze. "I'm s-"

"Ha! You're a coward. You'll be lucky if anyone ever actually likes you." Tian stormed back inside. Leaving a shaking Woon Jun behind. Now alone in the alley, he leaned against the wall and slid down. The brick wall catching a few strands of his jacket as he slid on the rugged wall. Woon held his head, staring at the darkness.

"Uh, hey." A dangerously familiar voice spoke, breaking the silence. Woon JUn slowly looked up, putting a face to the voice. Not that he needed to look to know who it was. It was a voice he recognized immediately. He silentky looked at the stranger, but he wasn't a stranger at all. This was no other than Xie Shuang. Who unfortunately happened to be the entire reason he was in this situation in the first place. A first love turned hopeless high school crush. He'd liked Shuang for the longest time in the world, but even as a naive high school student he still realized he had no chance of ever being with him. So when Tian asked him out soon after his realization, Woon jumped on the chance to forget about the man. Using him as some sort of advantage could help him move on. Woon Jun stood up, pointing and glaring at Shuang. "You!" he barked seemingly annoyed.

"That sounded pretty bad. Ah… I'm sorry for listening in. I promise it wasn't on purpose" Shuang awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. Woon hesitated. "You.." he trailed off "It's fine. Whatever! Just leave me alone!" without letting Shuang get another word in. Woon Jun rushed inside.

Shuang, angry at the rude interaction as any normal person would be, sighed and rolled his eyes. He personally had been having a great night. Some of his friends invited him out to celebrate his first night back in town, so he'd been having fun all day. But decided to go out for a little smoke break, but accidentally got caught in the lover's quarrel. Him being the honestly considerate person he was couldn't help but jump in and offer the slightest bit of comfort. Again the anger from the interaction quickly died down, after all, it wasn't his place to talk in the first place. Only to be met by someone who he 1, recognized, and 2, seemed not too fond of him.