Chereads / Absolute Infinity System / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2- The Beginning of a legend.

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2- The Beginning of a legend.

It has been about 5 days since Nova has gotten the system in these days he tried many experiments with the system. Some worked and some didn't. But the most reward he got from it, was that his increased intelligence, which helped him memorize and understand complex things easier.

In these days he completed many mundane quests and got a good amount exp and which counting today he finally leveled up.

"Finally for 5 whole days I did and took as many types of quests I could some I didn't even like very much but I'm finally here lets go mee".



Hp- 10 Level- 5 Exp-(10/600)

Strength- 9.5 jobs- (scholar)

Stamina- 7.9

Intelligence- 7.4

Constitution- 5.8

Vitality- 5.8

Luck- 5

Wisdom- 4.6

Charm- 5.3

Skills- [Mobile Gaming] [Swift Adaptability] [Basic Academic Knowledge] [Basic Food Knowledge]

[Quick learner] [Courage ]

Abilities- 0

Items- 0

Skill points -20

" okay let's assign the skill points".

Hp- 10 Level- 5 Exp-(10/600)

Strength- 9.5 > 15 jobs- (scholar)

Stamina- 7.9 > 10

Intelligence- 7.4 > 15

Constitution- 5.8 > 7

Vitality- 5.8 > 6

Luck- 5 > 6

Wisdom- 4.6

Charm- 5.3

with my strength and intelligence increasing I feel much better almost as if I was reborn. It deffinetly felt very good. After Nova was done with adding more stats he immediately felt very hot inside of his stomach and soon it became very painful. " Huff okay, I don't feel too good shit my skin feels like its burning from acid and my bones feel like they're getting hammered, okay let's not give up I don't wanna waste those stat points".

As Nova was trying to distract himself from the pain his body was going through very profound changes. Firstly his skin pore were oozing black impurities, his body height, weight was also slowly increasing, his natural immunity system was also becoming stronger and more resilient. His hair were becoming more smooth and his eyes were gaining a deeper shade of brown , his skin, muscle, bones were also slowly becoming stronger and the imperfections in his body were also slowly healing the acne in his face were also quickly disappearing.

30 Minutes later Nova finally felt that the pain was over and he felt like his body was numb everywhere. He quickly went to the mirror in his bathroom to check his bodily changes and yes he was aware of what body stat changes could do since he watched a lot of anime's and read novels about it so he did it inside his bathroom so that no one could get suspicious. After looking through the mirror he was firstly very shocked. Infront of the mirror stood a boy with silky black hair that reached up to his nose, his height reaching up to 6.2 feet tall, his nose was sharp as his eye brows his eye's took a deeper shade of brown and his face became more handsome with all his acne gone his jawline was sharp as well and what shocked him most was that his body looked like someone who trained at a gym for about a year or two his abs were already taking shape and his body no longer looked a little fat, rather he looked quite masculine but not overly buffed like a macho man. Overall Nova was both surprised and happy with his new changes although the changes didn't completely turn him into a different person it did turn him into a handsome and strong looking boy that looked no older than 17 years old. He also felt he had an aura that made him look both strong and mysterious as well.

After his transformation the first thing Nova Noticed that he felt very strong not strong in a metaphorical way but he felt actually strong enough to lift a car by himself easily at that and even felt that he could run fast as car if not faster, his skin although soft to the touch was very tough that even 9mm bullets would not be able to peirce easily. So to try out his strength Nova tried to do something pretty strange in the excitement of the moment he tried to punch his bathroom tile walls but luckily before he did he quickly remembered that it would put him in a lot of trouble if he did it seems his increased intelligence was definitely at work here. His mind also felt clearer than never before and when he thought back to maths that looked very hard to him he could easily imagine many ways to complete them same went for all his other subjects. "well at least my grades would rise after today maybe I could even aim for being scientist I mean with my increased intelligence and mind capacity its no longer a dream, I could even be an athelist as well if I want to, but let's think about it later I'm still only 15 after all

After getting out of the bathroom Nova wore some presentable clothes and went outside to check how much his bodily changes influenced him.

30 minutes later Nova arrived at desolate park no one really uses anymore and its in an area were not many people really visit so he could do whatever he wanted here and be assured that no one would see him.

After arriving first thing Nova did was check how strong he became so as saw a concrete wall nearby that was half broken and split in two he decided to punch it as hard as he could though saying doing both are different he was still a bit afraid of whether his arm will break or not but he decided to do it anyways whatever happens can be handled later. After he punched the wall He felt a pain as if an ant stung him at his hand it wasn't very painful for his hand but the same could not be said for the concrete wall. The place he punched it was already in peices and spiderweb like cracks spread all over and soon it just the wall just fell apart and broke. After Nova was done watching the seen happen like a mute he suddenly got very excited as how could he not his punches contained enough power to destroy concrete easily. After that he went around punching any big stones or strong trees he could find and the result was very much made him happy.

1 Hour later after Nova was done checking all his new abilities he was very much surprised and happy. His strength can be compared to 3 body builders combined and because of his increase in Stamina and constitution his he can continuously run for kilometers and still not get tired he also tried hurting himself and found out blunt weapons can not harm him at best could only make him feel a bit sting, only sharp weapons and high caliber guns pose a threat to him only of they are aimed at vital positions. Because of his increase in Vitality his wounds are healed faster and his stamina also regenerates faster. Nova was very happy about this all and this is just in lvl 5 what happens when he enters lvl 10 or lvl 50 at or even lvl 100 he thinks that if ever reaches that far he might as well as become strong enough to be regarded as a god or something.

After his experimental adventures he eventually returned home at 6 pm.

Now it was time for him to see what all the store was about the reason why he didn't do it in the playground was because it was getting dark and many shady people gather there and though he is strong now, he would still avoid allowssarry troubles.

After getting back to his house he washed up and quickly made some food and ate. After that Nova was lying in his bed ready to see what the store is all about and see the things he could buy. After all, the quests he did gave him gold coins beside exp and he had about 115 gold coins.

System- (Store) Gold Coins-(115©)



°Special items


°Special Resources



"okay it does seem pretty unique but let's first see the skills I can buy"

∆skills- (only F and E grade skills can be purchased at host's current lvl)

•basic language mastery (50©)

(allows one to master other language and comprehend them faster and easier)

•basic martial mastery (80©)

( gives host basic self-defense and attacking methods and martial techniques)

•basic cooking skills (50©)

( allows host to easily comprehend and replicate simple food recipes)

•basic rune mastery °(150©)

( allows host to understand basic magic runes that can allow host to create magic artefacts and weapons and items it can also be used in all sorts of ways the application of runes are endless as one's imagination)

•basic alchemy Knowledge (110©)

( short alchemy knowledge allows one to understand basic alchemy ingredients and gives some normal alchemy potion knowledge. Only Grade F potions can be made crafted also requires magical ingredients and normal mundane ingredients)


There seems to be an almost endless list of different types of skills and they are all of the basic types some of them are even straight up evil and some are just weird and some skills i didn't even know ever existed.

Although there are a lot of skills here I most of them I could probably get myself if I work hard enough but there are some magical ones that I won't be able to get unless I have something like a magic core inside of my body. Apparently this core allows my body to absorb mana from the atmosphere and allows me access to it and do all sorts of miraculous stuff but first to get a magic core you need to either be born with it or create one using external help and I only have the luxury of the second option because humans aren't supposed to use magic or even have magic cores at least not in my world

"um hey system why does the mana cores don't have a specific grade"?

[Answering host - "its because the core the self grow strong with the host thus it doesn't have a specific rank. Having a specific rank is also a limiter because than the core will not be able to get more stronger than its rank thus limiting the power in the long run. It is because of this the core is programmed with runes to make it adapt to the host's body so that it can grow strong along the host and provide optimal energy"]

" ohh yeah that makes sense, so basically the grade of my core depends on my power or level I guess"


"I see well that's neat. So how does getting the core in my body work"?

[" by using complex runes, the core is transported inside a vacant area inside the host's body where there's only blood and no important organ nearby the core will ported there and it will grow stronger there as well. When the host grows stronger the core can be transported inside of host's soul which is not strong enough to handle the core as of yet, recommending host to get more stronger first"]

"okay will do I guess, I'm curious what info does the system has on my personal life"?

[ Answering

Host Name - Nova GodSky


Father-(Julian Godsky)

Mother-(Iona Merlight)

Sister-(Anna Godsky)

Planet name - Inamorta

Description- ( a large prime planet in

system B-099. Main species- High Humans. Mana levels ( High).

Continents- 15)

"wait if that's true than if we are high humans than why don't we have mana cores, that doesn't make sense".

["its because of evolution path gone wrong. A foreign organ is detected inside of host and it has been concluded that it exists in all humans in this planet. This organ negated the creation of mana cores but do not worry host the organ inside your body has been already destroyed"]

"so that's the reason. That sounds really suspicious".

["After analysis it has been found that this organ Secretes a fluid which keeps the body safe from mana poisoning it can be concluded that the mana in host's world was created by external means thus to stop its rampage this organ surfaced"]

"I see so that's why its like this, even if we did get rid of it would not do any good. So that's our bodies natural reaction against foreign invasion but it happened from a long time so I guess our bodies just developed this organ after generations of exposure to mana poisoning. If that's what happened than this indeed does make sense".

[" Affirmative"]

" I guess life's not easy like a novel. Well I should probably go to sleep now, its late I'll see what miracles the mana core performs tomorrow ".