Chereads / Re: qp³ / Chapter 2 - Character design

Chapter 2 - Character design

I can't feel anything, i somehow know i still have a body and i also somehow know i am currently on some sort of surface, but i can't feel it,


'what? who was that?'

wakeee up

i open my eyes to see, who, or what is humming my name, with the coarsest voice known to man.

5 inches away from my face is what, i can only describe as Greek Arnold, just staring at me.

My mother told me that my first word was 'who', apperently i was imitating a owl i saw on tv, now back to what's infront of me.

'Who the fu-', i managed to hold the last few words from escaping my mouth, i don't think swearing at Greek Arnold is wise.

i just stared at him, looked down at the cotton floor and stared at him again, a smile, a wide smile, my crescent face beamed at him and he smiles back.

He stands up and puts out his hand, 'this is no place to talk'.

i reach out to grab the helping hand, but suddenly, the ground lifts me up and forms a couch.

Greek Arnold also sits opposite to me.

'I am not Greek Arnold you know,' a reactionary, 'huh' ,escaped from me, 'Kratos, my name is Kratos the God of power, but no need to worry, you are not, as you are currently thinking, fucked. ' i just nervously chuckel. He then snaps his fingers and suddenly.


even when all my senses got numbed for such a short time, the feeling of my skin against the couch, the clothes, my balls, my sweaty hands, everything rushing back in is overwhelming,

'It is pretty odd for a soul to be unconcious you know' , he smiles, 'anyways, it looks like you are quite fimiliar about what is happening,' i nodded, ' then i will keep this short and sweet, i want something in that world and for that i need something of mine to be in that world, you want to be in that world, you get what i am saying?' i continue to silently nod, 'Great then here's the options'.

Out of the cotton floor emerges a marbel coffee table, nothing unique, he then proceeds to take out 3 cards, the same in origin as the table. Sliding the three of them on the table towards me.

Looking at the cards in the first one it had the words [The Greedy Thief] and a picture of a cat with a fish in it's mouth, Kratos speaks up, 'the title of the greedy thief is given to the one that steals anything from anyone, it was previously owned by the God of Mischief of your world, it will give you the title written in the card, be it title, skills, memory or items, name it and you can steal it under any of the conditions that either number 1 your skill rank is higher than the thing of their's you're trying to steal or number 2 they let you touch them while said thing you want to steal is present, literally for physical things or is currently in use for things like skills, and they are not expecting it.'

'There is, however a string attached to this, 'i look up at him ', i can, at whatever, time pick any one of the things you've stolen and take them for myself' i noded silently.

He pointed his finger at the second card, [Hungry Hungry Hippo], it had a picture of a fat alien eating something that resembles a giraffe, 'this was previously owned by the void god of another planet far far away, this is a skill that allows you to eat anything and everything, unlike the first one this skill does not discriminate, eat anything and either store it, give it to yourself or digest it to get its components, digest it again and you get its individual compounds, next atoms, next energy equivalent of it getting hit with anti-matter and digest it again to, you get me?' my head rotates up and down and up and down again.

'Good, this also has conditions, 1. you cannot digest anything without my permission, 2. same as the first card, i can take any one thing i want.'

'so which one will you choose?'

I looked at the third card, it had the words [ access ] written on it and nothing else, 'What about this?'

Kratos raised his eyebrow and looked at me, he looks down at the table again and smiles.

'very very good, that, my little Katalysator, is a test, you see i just got myself 2 new realms that i am, oh, so busy to manage and that card will give you full access to one of my new realms, chaos of earth, or the void of krakatoa.'

'if you're wondering what chaos or void means, in laymans terms, chaos is the last stage of matter, it is very changable, flexible and moldable. On the other hand void is just null infinity nothing happens...

It seems my explanation was a bit complicated still, lets just say chaos is molten metal, it is destructive, but it can also be transformed into anything, while think of void as a ever expanding storage that can take anything anytime it wants, it is a bit more complex but thats the basis.'

'you get wha-, yup you got it, yes it is exactly what you are thinking'

'But as always there is a condition here, you need to be my subordinate, one that listens to my every word, be it a whisper or a roar, but don't worry,ill be a very good boss that will leave you alone most of the time while you mess around.' he raises his pinkie, 'it's a divine pinkie promise, or if you choose option 3 i will give you a special deal where i will let you use the power of a realm, using yourself as a inbetween, see think of yourself as a dam, a ever replenishing dam, trading potential energy for kinetic energy and as a bonus i will throw in 5 random items, no servitude needed.'

He places a bell on the table, 'think about it all you want, i will leave you alone for a while, ring the bell when you have finished your thoughts.'

He stands up and starts stretching, he is so tall that i have to croak my neck to look at his face. He then reaches out and grabs thin air, flexing his arm, more veins than that should exist on a human arm start pushing against his skin and a audible tear sound comes from the general area of his fist, looking closer at the area the, space was distorted and he then pulls, ripping space apart and tearing a hole, he looks back at me giving me a teethy smile and leaves.

'Why did he have to dump so much information at me while making me feel everything?, he also gave me a little heart attack with the cloud chair and our first meeting too, is he trying to creep me out?'


i guess the stronger the option the more he demands of me, doesn't matter, i already made my mind up.

After just 2 minutes of thinking lazily i ring the bell.

sitting there curiously, looking at the hole for his arrival, the space infront of me turns curvy and it tears open, Kratos comes out stepping on the table. 'so?' he said in a inquisitive tone.

'can i take the last one, you mentioned with the special deal'

he as usual smiles again 'very well' he said, in a tone way lower than his usual self, 'you will recieve the items on arrival, and oh, you do know how to speak english right?' i nod my head 'then you will do fine' he turns his back to me, and he tears a third one, this time the tear has some light comming out of it, he then bows and points towards the hole looking at me.

I stand and approach the tear, looking out, it was a sunny scene, somewhere in a forest where a stream splits the forest in half.

'that is the forest of Arkansaw,' kratos said, 'it is the closest thing that resembles your old world'

i step out from the hole, the smell of the air is so fresh and cool that it hurts my nose a little.

i looked back but, there was no more tear and in its place was a cardboard box about my height.