Chereads / Heathers / Chapter 5 - Preppy's, sexy trench coat kid, and an old friend.

Chapter 5 - Preppy's, sexy trench coat kid, and an old friend.

"Veronica.... Gosh I'm sorry!"

Yelped Betty Finn, surprised, even though she had almost collapsed onto heather chandlers shining shoes. Her beautiful Curled bangs and pony tail framed her face prettily, her face was gorgeous, but she was... Ordinary. Her face was flawless, but she sat with the normal kids. Veronica did once too. Before she was updated to preppy.... (That was quite a wild ride. Involving a bitch named Courtney and a guy named Paul who looked like he should be in a old folks home) And finnally to a Heather. Probably one of the reasons why Betty wasn't a preppy was that her family wasn't as rich as everyone else. She was even the poorest of the 'normal' table. She was practically hanging by a thread here, cause after the normals, u had to be divided up into spesificlly catagories. Stoner, goth, loser, nerds, overweight, rebels, rock junkies, peoppe who don't eat, people who eat, and then you could always sit alone.

But Betty fin was charming and innocent, one of the reasons Veronica liked her. But just like everyone here in this caf, they all hid behind masks of who they wanted to be represented as.

"Betty Finn!"

Said Veronica, the bash forcing her to. Real her gaze from the stranger. In reality, she didn't really care what Betty said. She was blushing beet red as it took every muscle not to glance at the corner. Even though she could tell he was watching.... Half of the cafeteria had frozen at the clatter. But now everyone had resumed talking.... Heather Chandler waiting annoyed.

"Oh hey I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your birthday last month!"

Betty gripped onto the back of her chair. She smiled sheepishly, in a grin that didn't reach her eyes.

"Oh... It's alright. Your mom said you had a big date..... I'd probably miss my own birthday for a date..."

Veronica sighed, one of the things about Betty was she was painfully honest.

Although Veronica wanted to tell Betty that her date ended with lots of forces rough groping and pressured sex in a catering van outside a dollar tree- she didn't want to pile more shit on Heather's plate. Not to eat, but for her to throw at Veronica's head. Maybe dump her glass of champagne over heather Duke's head while she's at it.

"Aw Betty don't say that-"

She said sympatheticly. They both stood staring longingly at eachother, it seemed it had been years since they had a proper conversation.

"Oh! I was looking around the other day, and uh... I dug these up!"

She dug around in her bag and pulled out poloroid pictures. There were yellow marks around the edges, and two girls stood framed together.

Veronica took them in her hands while smiling nicely. Forgetting about the stranger things the corner... Remembering the days she had shared as a kid with her life long friend.

She flipped through the memories in her hands. Summer camp, Halloween, Christmas..sleepovers...

"Betty.. they're great-"

Suddenly a red nailed hand with a suprisingly strong grip was dragging Veronica away.

"Come on Veronica!"

Heather Chandler screeched angerly, the photos fell out of Veronica's hands and onto the floor as she yelled in protest.

"Hey! I was talking to somebody!"

Betty sighed slightly as she bent to pick up the pictures. She smiled as she looked at the picture that was on top.

Two girls.. one Betty... No older than 13 with croquet mallets in their arms.

A sad smile crept up the corners of her mouth as her eyes got slightly red. If only she could have one more day like that, a day to be like things were.

The both moved on grumbling upset at eachother to another table. Another at table, at which are seated the very-rich-but-not-quite-cool-enough of Westerburg High. They all know and agree that the Heathers are the coolest, hipest, most news-flash bitches in the entire State of Ohio. And that Heather Chandler is the state of the bitching art - the most mimicked/loathed creature in known school history. What makes it worse, is that today she's wearing a kind of plaid power jacket. With shoulder pads so massive that if ever the US Navy needed a spare aircraft carrier...

A certain old man looking dude dramaticly dropped his broken plastic fork. Veronica remembered sitting at this table. Commonly known as the preppy's. The richest of Westerburg high. Paul wore a PINK sweater tied around his neck, a dead give away.

"Great- here comes heather."

"Oh shit"

The girls marched up to the table.

"Hey Courtney... Love the new cardigan."

Anyone who knew heather Chandler would know that the tone meant, 'that is the ugliest fucking thing ever what the fuck are you? The ugly duckling?'

Veronica chuckled slightly as an oblivious Courtney smiled in satisfaction while Heather's smile dropped to a disgusted frown

"Thanks! Just bought it last week- totally blew my allowance!"

Heather completely ignored this statement, and pulled out her clipboard from under her arm

"So this is what's called a lunchtime poll."

She began irritated already with the rich assholes who had the taste of a beluga whale.

"Check this out. You win five million dollars from the Publisher's Sweepstakes, and the same day that that big Ed guy gives you the cheque, aliens land on the earth and say they're going to blow up the world in two days. What do you do?'"

Veronica could barley stand from laughing. This was the genius plan heather had worked on?

She rolled her eyes and satisfied herself with a sarcastic smile.

Paul raised an eyebrow and scoffed.

"That'd be easy, I just slide that big was over to my father. He is one of the top brokers in the state."

Veronica could barley hold in the head palm.

Courtney crossed her arms and looked dead serious.

"If I had that money, I'd give it to the homeless."

Courtney was a selfish bitch, it seemed she was only trying to act nice.

"Every cent."

She finished with a kind of satisfied relish.

Veronica almost puked at how sickly sweet this was.

When she hung out with Courtney at the mall, she had refused to walk by a homeless child who was clearly suffering because she didn't want to smell it.

This was the same girl who had donated thousands of dollars to an anti fur charity and then bought a fur coat from Chanel.

"You're beautiful."

Said Veronica I'm naked sarcasm. Once again, Courtney the bit u looked so satisfied Veronica had to move on with heather before she slapped the pure face with the back of her hand.

Heather Chandler wasn't having it.

She yanked Veronica once again towards a wall, glaring in her prissy fashion once again. She was in for it this time.

"If your going to openly be a bitch-"

"It's just, Heather, why can't we talk to different kinds of people-"

Veronica groaned exasperated.

In the corner of her eye she saw the boy in the corner eyeing her with interest... Her heart skipped a beat before she forced her calming expression into an anoyyed one and focused with all her might on Heather's gorgeous face.

"Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, do I look like mother tereasah? If I did, I probably wouldn't mind talking to the geek squad!"

The trenchcoat kid sat up straighter with his full attention on Veronica's stature.
