Chereads / Ghost Raider in DC universe / Chapter 7 - The Enemy Below

Chapter 7 - The Enemy Below

"What do you mean you basically resigned from your old job?" Sean asked Lois in confusion.

"I don't want to be anywhere near where Superman used to be even if he is no longer a superhero." Lois said handing in her job application to him for assistant position due to his last one disappearing after receiving a job offer from Lex corp. Thankfully his last assistant didn't know all the most important projects just the minor ones incase Luthor got any ideas.

"Ok but why apply for my secretary assistant?" Sean asked.

"Take a few guesses." Lois said leaning over his desk having her cleavage hanging out slightly.

"Am I interrupting something here?" Talbot asked amused as he walked in.

"Talbot you ass!" Lois yelled annoyed before stomping off making him chuckle.

"Way to ruin the moment man." Sean said rolling his eyes.

"Sorry but we've got a problem." Talbot said getting serious.

"What is it now did Batman do something again?" Sean asked having enough of the jackass.

"No nothing relating to him. A Submarines navigation malfunctioned and entered Atlantis territory." Talbot said.

"Malfunctioned how?" Sean asked since most of the subs were now improved by his company.

"This was one of the subs the company hasn't improved yet. They sent out a distress call about a few minutes ago. The League is already heading to them. However though your the only one other the fly boy who has political connections to the city." Talbot said making Sean sigh seeing where this was going.

"You want me to head over there and try to keep things from getting out of hand is that right?" Sean asked.

"Got anyone else in mind?" Talbot asked making Sean sigh.


WonderWoman Lantern and Supergirl were fighting against Atlantean soldiers before a armored figure dived in. This Person had strange green armor with a golden visor in the helmet.(Picture the Master Chiefs suit from Halo 5)

"Who are you?" WonderWoman asked.

"Surprise." Sean said making her eyes widen.

"Sean what is this?" Wonder woman asked confused.

"Stop." Aqua man said stopping his troops from attacking. "You there identify yourself." Aqua man said.

"You already know who I am Aquaman." Sean said.

"Ah Sean I wasn't expecting you to come out here. Why are you here?" Aquaman said.

"Look the Sub entered your territory by accident when its navigation systems malfunctioned this whole thing was unintended." Sean said.

"And you know this how?" Aquaman asked.

"They radioed the malfunction in five minutes before you attacked them. At the very least you could have been civil about this and get them out of the area instead of attacking them without warning." Sean said.

"How dare you!" One of the soldiers yelled about to attack him.

"Enough. He's right. Take the men and whatever is hazardous to the sea but the vessel stays." Aquaman said.

"Fair enough." Sean said as Lantern WonderWoman and SuperGirl got everyone out while securing any nuclear items on board.

"This is getting out of hand. Your people are constantly invading our boarders ever few weeks." Aquaman said to Sean.

"I may have an idea. If your willing to seek out a peaceful way to further secure your boarders come to my company office and we can discuss terms for proper treaty terms." Sean said.

"And in exchange?" Aquaman asked.

"I'll tell you about that away from the more common ears." Sean said as he and the League left.


"He's not wrong about the united nations constantly entering their boarders every few months. We need to set up a more secure system in order to keep our subs out of the area." Talbot said.

"Which is why he'll come here so we can come up with a more effective solution plus theres something near the boarders of Atlantis that could benefit both of us." Sean said.

"And what Exactly would that be?" Aquaman asked entering the office.

"See told you he'd come. As to what I'm talking about. One of my scientists has discovered a new fuel source that unlike those of the past has proven to be nearly unlimited in energy. Her name is Sally Jones. The Fuel source in its natural state of rock is called Energon and Atlantis is near the largest stock pile ever currently found." Sean said.

"And this benefits my people how?" Aquaman asked.

"A possible end of oil spills and underwater drilling sites all at once. The Energy is practically unlimited once refined. One small rock the size of a football could power this city for over a decade." Sean said making his eyes widen seeing it would end pollution in the ocean.

"How much exactly is near Atlantis?" Aquaman asked.

"About the size of the city itself which would help end the surface worlds constant fuel source problem. The deposit is about a hundred miles away from the city so no one in Atlantis would be effected unless you count on those who would want to destroy the surface." Talbot said.

"What exactly would you need in order to retrieve all of it?" Aquaman asked.

"We've got our own machines to drill for the Energon and thankfully tests have shown that the energon even if exposed to the ocean will not contaminate it like most fuel sources in the world." Sean said as he opened one of his drawers and put a small rock of the Energon on his desk that Aquaman picked up and he could literally feel the energy pulsing from this rock.

"I will need time to consider this. If I agree to this how much will Atlantis be allowed to have from the Dig sight?" Aquaman asked wanting to have a fair deal for his people.

"50% since the sight is near Atlantis only seems fair that your people should get half of it as we do." Sean said before he left with the rock in hand.

"Think he'll agree to the terms?" Talbot asked.

"He'll more then likely will." Sean said.

Later on the Watchtower

"What were you doing there in the first place?" Diana asked.

"My job keeping the peace between Atlantis and the surface world. Atlantis and Global Tech have had a few years of business in keeping the boundaries of each other secure. I convince the United nations too stay away from their boarders and in return small amounts of tech are delivered to my company to use for medical reasons. The Suit is similar to the one Luthor tried to make but was flawed since he rushed the project to fast and you already know what happened then." Sean said.

"So does that mean you'll be taking a place in the league." Diana asked with a smile on her face making him chuckle before kissing her softly.

"No thanks. As much as I love spending time with you and Kara I'm not a fighter. The suit was just to help me breath down in the water. It was either me or the Rider and even underwater he's still powerful but I don't think he want to increase the temperature of the water with the heat he lets out." Sean said.

"To bad I'm sure you would have done more good up here then in your office." Diana said making him chuckle before an alarm went off.

"Whats going on?" Sean asked.

"Aquaman was attacked just as he was about to head back to your office." Hawkgirl said.


"Hold him still." Sean said as his machines with special metal injected Aquaman with a healing agent to speed up his recovery. Aquaman soon opened his eyes and stood up.

"Where am I?" Aquaman asked.

"In the medical bay. What the hell happened?" Sean asked.

"I was on my way to you to tell you my council agreed to the terms of our alliance when someone attacked me with a rocket launcher." Aquaman said.

"Pull up footage of the attack quickly." Talbot said to the rooms AI as one of the screens showed where the rocket came from and the Culprit was Deadshot.

"DeadShot? Why would he do that?" Hawkgirl asked.

"Why would any mercenary do anything? Someone paid him off. I find it concerning that as soon as you show up to agree to the terms your attacked. Clearly someone in Atlantis wants to start a war with the Surface world and using you as a means to do so." Sean said.

"I say it was Orm." Talbot said.

"What makes you think he would do this?" Aquaman asked.

"Oh come on we both know he's always wanted to start one since day one of this deal of ours." Talbot said.

"I think its time we see for ourselves whats he fully capable of." Sean said.

"Meaning?" Aquaman asked.


"My friends, Now is the time for action. Now is the time for the mighty Atlantis to rise up and strike terror into the hearts of its enemies." Orm said getting cheers from the back stabbing traitors of Atlantis.

"Orm!" Aquaman yelled barging in shocking most of them. "What Treason is this?" Aquaman asked.

"No Treason. I though you were..." Orm tried to say.

"Dead? That's no reason to Plunge Atlantis into a foolhardy war. I left Specific orders." Aquaman said not amused.

"I'm only doing what you never had the courage to do." Orm said.

"Enough! I'll hear no more. Arrest the Traitor!" Aquaman said but none of his guards did anything.

"You heard him." Orm said as the guards turned on their king.

"Hey Dirt bag." The Rider said behind Orm making his eyes widen and turned around Just as the Rider punched him in the face sending him flying across the Room. The Trident flew in the air before The Rider caught it and threw it to Aquaman who grabbed it and took down the guards who turned on him. Orm's vision was blurry before he saw clearly again just as the Rider pulled out his chain.

"Have mercy." Orm begged in fear hearing the stories of this being.

"Sorry all out of mercy." The Rider said swinging his chain around till it wrapped around him and Orm screamed in pain before his body turned to stone. The Rider gave a vicious pull and Orm's body fell into a hundred pieces. The Rider wrapped his chain around him again just as Sean and the League arrived along with a few troops.

"Secure the area." Talbot said to the troops who did so.

"Arthor whats happening?" Mera asked.

"Orm tried to overthrow me and start a war with the surface." Aquaman said calming his wife down.

"Area secured sir." One of the troops said.

"How exactly would he have managed to conquer the surface since I doubt he would have enough men down here to support him?" Talbot asked.

"There is a machine capable of melting the polar ice caps in the northern area of the planet but I never armed it and with the Plutonium gone theres nothing here that could power it." Aquaman said.

"The Energon stone you took for study could." Sean said making his eyes widen seeing that was true.

"I never told him about it though." Aquaman said.

"No but one of the scientists there might have probably threatened." Talbot said knowing fear could make people do anything.

"I will look into that." Aquaman said.


Sean was walking around the city of Atlantis admiring the city itself when he bumped into someone.

"Whoops my bad." Sean said pulling the person up with was a woman with red hair and ocean blue eyes. (Tula from Young Justice)

"No problem I wasn't watching where I was going...Hey I know you. Your that guy who's been keeping the peace between Atlantis and the Surface." The woman said.

"Yeah and the guy has a name. The names Sean Ashburn Kruger. Yours?" Sean asked.

"Tula. So why are you all the way down here?" Tula asked while trying to keep her face from blushing from seeing his face and being close to him.

"Aquamans brother tried to other throw him so we came in and stopped that. The ship is being loaded with new tech to further increase medical results in hospitals." Sean said.

"So you'll be leaving soon?" Tula asked slightly saddened already.

"Yeah I've got a job to do on the surface. Well I hope to see you again Tula." Sean said walking away.

"Tula there you are." A woman said she had tan skin white hair blue eyes and blue markings on her left cheek.

"Sorry Kida I got um distracted." Tula said looking away from Sean as he walked away something Kida noticed and smirked at her.

"Oooh I see. Tula has a crush on someone from the Surface." Kida teased her making Tula blush.

"I do not!" Tula said in denial.

"Oh relax I doubt you're the first to have the same feelings. Thankfully for you I've got a solution." Kida said making her eyes widen in excitement and hope.

"Really what is it?" Tula asked.


"Every thing is loaded up." Talbot said getting on the transport.

"Alright lets go." Sean said about to get on.

"Hold it." Mera said as she Tula and Kida walked to him.

"What is it?" Sean asked.

"My husband and I both agreed that perhaps a representative of ours would increase the trust between Atlantis and the Surface. Kida has volunteered to be that representative." Mera said making said woman smirk at him.

"Ok and what about Tula though?" Sean asked with a grin making her slightly blush.

"I was told your company was training young heroes in a group called the titans I wanted to be part of that and explore the surface world if you'll let me that is." Tula said shyly.

"You've got no complaint from me Tula. Alright get on so we can get back." Sean said as they walked on the ship and took off while Mera stayed and had a small smile wishing both of them the best in finding love with the man they both liked.


"Wow." Tula said as they walked around the mansion. The Twins were currently at a friends house for the night due to their school being sprayed for bugs and rats so they would be out of school for a week or so.

"Happy you like it. By the way what was the real reason you wanted to come here since I know being part of the titans was only partially true." Sean said making her freeze and blush before she gathered all her courage and pulled him into a kiss which he returned holding her close making her moan.

"Thats why." Tula said taking a few deep breaths. "The moment I saw you I knew what I felt." Tula said before she burst into a fit of giggles as he lifted her over his shoulder and carried her to the bedroom.

(Sorry guys no lemon here but next chapter will)

Sean was looking down at the earth from the watch tower.

"There you are." Hawkgirl said walking up to him.

"Looking for me?" Sean asked with a smile.

"Just came to see where you were." Hawkgirl said before she looked down at the planet. "Its Funny Every time I look at Earth I always feel so calm since its more peaceful then my own planet." Hawkgirl said.

"Ive read the file on your planet supposed to be a planet mostly of violence right?" Sean asked.

"Not like we want to but its what my people know best. Personally I'm glad to be away from all that." Hawkgirl said.

"Well one day there wont be any violence or murder on Earth once all the evil is gone." Sean said making her smile.

"Then I guess you'll have a lot of free time on your hands to take care of Diana and the others in that steadily growing harem of yours." Hawkgirl said making him smirk.

"Do I sense jealousy in your voice?" Sean teased making her smirk before tracing a finger on her chest.

"Maybe I am since I have the body of an angel here and you have noticed me." Hawkgirl said flaming her wings to make her point making him chuckle.

"Kinda heard to notice someone when you cant see her face." Sean said before she slowly took it off showing her face which had no scars and had green eyes. "Hello angel." Sean said making her giggle before she leaned forward and kissed him.

"Well isn't this amusing to see." Powergirl said floating above them.

"Oh great a peeping tom in female form." Hawkgirl said playfully making her grin.

"Come on lets go home." Sean said since Powergirl was also in his harem after Kara convinced her to join since not many men could satisfy a super powered alien woman like them.


Sean was in his office looking over the reports of other energon mines that were being discovered before a woman with Orange hair white skin and green eyes walked in. This was Sally Jones the woman who discovered energon.(Look up Transformers Energon and look for Sally jones but picture her older)

"Hello Sally." Sean said as she walked over to him and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Hello dear so ready to go?" Sally said as work was over now.

"Yeah sure just need to look at one more file. Well whats this?" Sean said looking at a ship design of sorts. (Picture the Spirit of Fire from Halo Wars And I am so thrilled that the ship is back in halo wars 2)

"Oh yeah I forgot one of the ship designers came up with that. Says the Energon is the missing key to fueling it for good." Sally said.

"With all the new tech thats being sent to Earth from Mars and from Atlantis our product is going to be increasing ten fold." Sean said before she sat the file down.

"You can wait till tomorrow to read that lets go now." Sally said making him chuckle as they left.

Hours later

Sean sat in his bed with all his lovers Diana Kara Lois Tula Kida Karen Ivy Harley LiveWire Shayara and Sally were in his bed all naked after a rather long night of sex. How he was able to keep up with them would be due to his experiments on himself in order to survive certain situations otherwise the punches Superman gave him owed have done much worse.

Sean kissed Diana on the forehead making her smile in her sleep before he drifted off to sleep as well.