After the previous lesson, Concordia noticed a sense of ease return to the Archers and she wanted to keep reassuring them that their Peristylium would survive the journey to Mount Olympus and a showdown with the Weaver Of Calamity's Army which was imminent but not quite yet at hand. The Archers still needed to learn more about the Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces Constellations, then the lesson on Water would be over and their journey to Olympus could commence.

"Today we are moving on to the Constellation Of Sagittarius the Archer mainly connoting Angelic Messengers, Angelic Heralds and finally Angelic Personal and Territorial Guardians" Concordia said.

The Archers looked excited since they knew of the Sagittarius Constellation and mostly admired it as their Principal Guiding Star.

"Before we begin, I need to explain a bit about what an Angelic Messenger is. 'Angelic Messengers are Ministering Spirits that help and defend 'all who unite under the Banner Of Heaven''. Heaven is simply another word for 'Eden', another word is 'Paradise' connoting a 'Garden Of Delights'. Simply put, everyone united under the 'Banner Of Eden' are also united against the 'Serpent' making them 'The True Royal Bloodline Of Eden In Exile Who Unite To Overthrow the Usurper' which in this case is the 'Serpent'. Aside from assisting and defending 'The True Royal Bloodline In Exile', Angelic Messengers are also referred to as 'The Luminaries Of Heaven' or 'The Stars Of Heaven' or 'The Stars Of Eden' connoted by 'the Cherubim and Flaming Sword that Guard the Eastern Entrance to Eden'. In this vein they act as 'Bringers Of Transition' and 'Omens Of Seasons and Celestial Events'. I am quite certain that by now you understand what Omens are so I will not go too deep into that Subject" Concordia said.

The Archers nodded.

"I will however connect their ability to act as Heralds or Harbingers to another Ancient Art called 'Heraldry'" Concordia said.

"Heraldry? What's that?" the Archers asked.

"It is the 'Art Of Being The Mouthpiece Of Another usually greater than Oneself'…and 'the concept of Gravity revolves around the concept of Heraldry as well'. Heraldry has many branches related to the Arts including Linguistics, Ethnography, Arts and Culture, Hunting and Navigation. Navigation, Ethnography and Linguistics are particularly important. Navigation is the source of Cartography, Astronomy and Astrology, Ethnography is the study of the culture of a group of People or Clans, Linguistics is the study of Languages. Divine Heraldry is just slightly different as it mostly deals with the study of the texts and cultures of Ancient Prophets and Civilizations and their relevance to the Present Time. For instance, by studying the Texts Of The Ancients, a Herald could start to notice Patterns between Ancient Records and Current Events which may cue them in on many things related to Cause and Effect such as the imminent fulfilment of an Ancient Blessing or Curse and thus guide the people in for the Blessing or Curse to prepare accordingly. In the case of an imminent Calamity, by responding appropriately, the Herald may mitigate the effects of the imminent Calamity and the Potential Casualties" Concordia explained. "One acting as a Herald to another does not act in their own interest but rather in the interest of the One Who Sent Them. They in that sense become the 'Voice Of The One Who Sent Them' and are often assigned the respect due to their Lord for as long as they act unconditionally in the interest of their Lord. This is why in Ancient Religious Texts, Angels were accorded the same respect or addressed in a similar manner by the title 'Lord' though they tended to refuse the 'Worship' accorded 'solely to God Himself'" Concordia explained.

Mimi paid especially close attention to what was being said.

"Now I will explain the concept of Angelic Guardians both Individual and Territorial. It is from the lessons pertaining to Sagittarius that Living Sigils are born. I myself have little experience in these matters so I'll explain things to you as Keiran explained them to me" Concordia said.

The Archers nodded in agreement.

"Every Human Being united under the 'Banner Of Eden' is a 'Natural Adversary and Threat to the Serpent that caused the Fall Of Mankind'. The Serpent that caused the Fall Of Mankind is known as 'The Devil' meaning in simple terms 'The Enemy specifically Of Mankind'. He is a kind of stumbling block for all Humans that seek to 'improve themselves' as I explained in your lesson on the Geo and Deo Natures Of The Elements. He is also similar to 'Mankind's Shadow bonded to their Feet', never disappearing yet almost never noticed, following Mankind wherever they go like an 'Evil Stalk, the Stem Of A Weed' or 'An Evil Stalker', 'a dedicated tracker whose entire purpose is to foil those he tracks and consistently cause their downfall'. The thing about a 'Shadow' is 'the more Secrets one has to hide, the more terrifying their Shadow becomes, the more Opaque the Body, the Blacker the Shadow it casts. Shadows lose their Power when 'Bodies are Transparent' hence 'the Ancient Sacrament Of Reconciliation or Penance' that 'revolves around admitting one's faults and attempting to make reparation for the Wounds caused by a Fault'. Faults 'quite similar to cracks' ironically circumnavigate the Earth as well especially in places prone to Volcanic Eruptions and Earthquakes hence the 'Ancient Association Of Hell with the Depths Of The Earth and the Element Of Fire'" Concordia explained.

"I see what you mean" Mei said.

"Due to the fact that those united under the Banner Of Eden pose such a threat to the Serpent, they are constantly under Spiritual Assault from Unseen Forces. A lot of people haven't achieved the Maturity required to perceive the activities of Spiritual Forces. For this reason they are assigned 'Dedicated Spiritual Guardians' who are also known as 'Guardian Forces' or 'Guardian Angels'. Most Human Dream Knights are descended from those united under the Banner Of Eden or the Banner Of Paradise or the Banner Of Heaven" Concordia explained.

Mei showed particular interest in this Topic.

"Just as everyone united under the Banner Of Eden have 'Shadow Stalkers', they also have 'Dedicated Spiritual Guardians' who manifest to them mostly via their 'Reflections' or 'The Thoughts Of Their Hearts'. The Battle between the Human Spirit, the Angelic Reflection and the Shadow Stalker forms the basis of the 'Human Conscience'" Concordia explained. "For more concerning this Topic please refer to your lessons on Forces and the Four Fundamental Forces Governing the Earth" Concordia advised.

"We'll be sure to do that" Mei said.

"There is a Particular Law governing the operations of Angelic Guardians. It's a legality that operates around Territorial Sovereignty thus employing Principles Of Domain and Hierarchy. The long and short of it is that 'every Spiritual Entity is assigned a Domain to Nurture and Protect' and they themselves are 'assigned to Divisions called Choirs' of which there are 'Nine' namely 'Angels, Archangels, Virtues, Dominions, Thrones, Principalities, Powers, Cherubim and Seraphim. These Choirs are ranked according to how Vital and Relevant their Messages and Assignments are to the accomplishing of God's Plan as well as how close they are to the 'Throne Of God'. A lot of them 'Patrol the Physical World' and depending on 'their Human Proteges Virtuous deeds and purity of Heart may be granted higher Privileges than their Natural Roles accord them, simply put it is a very big deal to the Angels when a Mortal is able to perceive them since this allows them greater room to act in Human Society aside from acting through the Elements. Most Angels act as Elemental Spirits that maintain the Balance of Nature. The Medium Ranks serve as Bridges between the Celestial and Terrestrial Realms whereas the Highest Ranks grant access to the Throne Of God" Concordia explained.

"That's really amazing!" Mei seemed very excited by this Topic.

"I'll tell you more about this once we're within Mount Olympus. Once there, we'll have a lot of time to talk also about how to preserve and expand our Peristylium" Concordia said.

With that, the lesson came to a close.