Concordia was out in the Desert with Aera's Archers. She had begun to notice a rapid improvement in both their Hunting Skills and Extrasensory Perception and also discerned that their affinity for one another was also becoming stronger.

"For now, I can say that you've grasped the basics of the Fields Of Earth Level. I believe you possess the required level of discernment needed to graduate to the Third Level Of Earth Mastery namely the Senses Of Earth" Concordia said.

The Archers paid close attention.

"To begin, you first need to understand what Forces are. To put simply, a Force is anything that can cause a body to either alter its state or position. There are fundamentally Two Types Of Forces namely Physical Forces and Spiritual Forces. Physical Forces are basically Fundamental Laws governing the Order Of The Universe and how everything in the Universe operates and is sustained. These Laws basically exert their influence over Physical Bodies to cause either Motion, Growth or Deterioration.

The Second Type Of Forces are Spiritual Forces. Spiritual Forces are basically Living Entities that exist in Higher Realms or Dimensions and have the power to influence the Lower Realms Of Existence. They also operate around certain Fundamental Laws set by the Supreme Being many Cultures know as God. Some of these basic Spiritual Laws include Balance, Respect For Boundaries and Harmony. Now this is what I want you to note, for every Spiritual Law, there is a Physical Counterpart or Phenomenon evoked by that Law. For instance, Ancient Cultures believed that every Living Entity that exists in this World has its Fate tied to that of a Particular Star in the Heavens. Modern Religions came to see this concept as Sacrilegious but there is actually some Truth to that in the sense that every Living Entity is assigned a Spiritual Guardian. You could call this Guardian a Guardian Angel. Angels are often termed 'Messengers' but Ancient Cultures also referred to them as 'Stars' or 'Luminaries'. That is to say, every Living Entity has both a Physical and a Spiritual Life. Now to get to the point I want to make, once you come to the understanding of how a particular Spiritual Law correlates to a Physical Law in the Universe, you become able to detect the activities of Spiritual Forces when they are in motion. Physical Phenomena are basically echoes of the activities performed by Spiritual Forces. This is the reason I wanted you to understand the concept of Waves from a Physical Perspective First. Now we will be diving into the essence of Waves" Concordia said.

The Archers paid close attention.

"I don't want to overwhelm you so for now I'll stick to Physical Forces. To master the Third Level Of Earth namely the Terranean Senses Level, there are Four Fundamental Forces you must know about and understand. The First Force is Gravity, the Second is Balance, the Third is Magnetism and the Fourth is Grace.

Let me begin with Gravity. There are many definitions for Gravity but what you must understand is that Gravity is basically an Orienting Force or should I say, a Force Of Orientation. You could also consider it a Force Of Attachment if viewed positively. When viewed negatively, it's a kind of shackle. You've heard of Earthbound Spirits and the like. The Spiritual Law that is Counterpart to the Physical Law governing Gravity basically operates around this principle" Concordia said.

The Archers seemed to be listening closely.

"Like I said before, Gravity is an Orienting Force that orients a body towards a Body greater than itself for instance all things on the Earth are attached or linked to the Earth, Moons orient themselves towards Planets, Planets orient themselves towards Stars. The Purpose Of Gravity is to keep a Body oriented towards something greater than itself. Gravity is also one of the fundamental Forces that determine direction. To put it simply, by Virtue of a Body being oriented towards something greater than itself, the body is able to tell when there is a shift or deviation in its orientation. For instance because our feet are on the ground, we can tell up from down and left from right. When freed from the force of Gravity, a Body loses its Orientation" Concordia explained.

"Fascinating!" Mimi realized what Concordia was getting at.

"Every object that orients itself towards another object basically has what is referred to as a Centre Of Gravity which determines its Balance. The Physical Explanation to the Centre Of Gravity Of A Body has to do with how likely it is for the Body to lose its Balance. The Spiritual Law governing the principle of Centre Of Gravity has to do with the Ideal to which one orients their Life and how aligned they are towards this Ideal. Benevolent Spiritual Forces attempt to keep Living Beings as closely aligned with their ideals as possible. Malevolent Spiritual Forces on the other hand attempt to disrupt or break this alignment by capitalizing on a Living Being's Unbalanced Emotional States such as Hubris, Regret, Shame, Doubt and the like" Concordia explained.

"Tell us more!" Mei said excitedly.

"That brings me to the Second Force and that is Balance. To explain this from a Physical Perspective, a Living Being's Balance is first and foremost tied to their mastery over the Force Of Gravity. Organs in the Ears of a Living Being are responsible for maintaining a Living Being's Balance. Just like the Force Of Gravity, Balance is also an Orienting Force and just like a Physical Disruption to Balance can result in a Painful Fall, when a Living Being is out of alignment with its Centre Of Gravity, namely, its Ideal, it is highly likely that the Living Being in question might be crushed by the Pressures Of Life. Aside from being an Orienting Force, Balance governs many Universal Laws such as the Application Of Medicine, that is, offsetting an ailment with a Cure, Principles Of Justice, that is, the evidence presented by witnesses must support the verdict, Mathematical and Scientific Equations, that is, the Factors of the Equation must correspond to its result and even Weather and Climate. An Ideal State Of Balance is one where opposing Forces are in Union and one Force isn't dominant to the other. Even in situations where there is a Dominant Force…that Force must in turn be subject to another Superior Force. That is basically the essence of Balance. It's basically a State that avoids Extremes and applies Moderation" Concordia explained.

"I suppose the next Force is Magnetism right?" Mei asked.

"Exactly, just as Balance is dependent on Gravity, Magnetism is dependent on Balance, The concept of Magnetism also operates around the Union Of Opposing Forces. It is basically the attraction that objects exhibit towards their Polar Opposite Counterpart or the Repulsion objects exhibit towards other objects of the same Polar Orientation. For instance, the attraction men and women in a romantic relationship feel towards each other or the comradery people from different walks of life feel towards one another when they have common goals however you will also note that most at times, the people we can't stand the most are the ones that share the same character traits as ourselves. That is how Magnetism works. Ironically, Magnetism is usually achieved by applying two Polar Opposite Elements namely the Element Of Earth and the Element Of Lightning. Earth, the Element Of Hope is also the Element Of Family. Lightning on the other hand which is the Element Of Zeal is also the Element Of Leadership. Fusing Earth with Lightning in order to achieve Magnetism is basically the same as combining a relationship amongst peers with the sort of relationship that exists between a Superior and his Subordinate. Basically, this is how Magnetism is achieved. Ironically, you can see this connotation in the Rules that govern the Lives of most Religious Orders, that is, the Love they have for their God and the Love they have for one another. That is the Spiritual Counterpart to the Physical Law governing Magnetism" Concordia explained.

"I guess that brings us to Grace" Mei said.

Concordia smirked.

"Most at times, Grace is achieved when the Laws governing the Order Of The Universe become unbearable Tyrants. There are many definitions for Grace but what I want you to remember is this, it is the ability to transform a Force that is naturally to one's disadvantage into a potent ally. You could say it is the ability to bend a Tyrannical Force in such a way that one transcends the shackles imposed by that Force. For instance, Martial Artists and Dancers master their Balance as well as Aerodynamics and in so doing can to some extent transcend the Tyrannical Force that is Gravity. Pilots master Aerodynamics to overcome Gravity. Sailors master the Wind and the Stars by mastering Principles Of Flotation and Navigation and in so doing transcend the Tyrannical Boundaries set by the Land and the Sea. That is basically how Grace works, it's all about transforming that which under normal circumstances would work to your harm into a potent ally and in so doing transcend the shackles imposed by the Force in question" Concordia explained.

"Thank you Concordia" the Archers said gratefully.