It was currently nighttime. I sat at the Dining Table with my parents and siblings.
"How did the day go San?" my Dad asked.
"Horrible. In one day, I have inadvertently fulfilled three rules I wanted to avoid!" I said with a tearful look.
"What were the Second and Third Rules?" Keiran asked.
"The Second Rule was 'He Will Meet A Girl From A Land Not His Own Whose Name Is Tied to His Fate!' That turned out to be the Almighty Transfer Student who messes your life up event. I would never have guessed that by another 'land', the Rule meant another 'school'" I sighed in depression.
"And the Third Rule?" Saito asked.
"'She Will Love Him Whose Face She Has Never Seen'. I thought by that Ciella would fall for a masked or mysterious figure like my alter ego or the armoured tank" I said.
"How could she fall for the armoured tank?" Saito glared at me in sarcasm.
"Well, she said she met a knight in shining armour" I said. "How was that rule fair anyway? Its fulfilment was not even dependent on me" I said.
"How was this Rule fulfilled? Who did this Ciella person fall for?" Ariel asked.
"Me….not my alter ego or the armoured tank. Plain old me" I said.
My siblings looked like they were trying to stifle laughter.
"I thought if she saw the face of the one she loved, the family 'curse' would be nullified. Turns out if you reverse the logic…she doesn't know the Bloody Caped Guy was actually me so…she saw my face…but only half of it" I sighed in depression.
At that my parents burst into laughter.
"Well, nothing can be done about the first three Rules now that they have been fulfilled. You should focus on the Fourth now" Ariel said.
"Don't keep us in suspense! What's the Fourth Rule?!" Saito asked eagerly.
I opened the Tome. It was blank initially, then words appeared within it.
"Ouch! That one might sting a bit" Saito said.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked.
"You'll find out soon. Half expect it" Saito said.
"Dad, we wouldn't happen to have a person or group of people that bear a grudge against our family now would we?" I asked suspiciously.
"Except for Zanfar, I don't think so. After the battle against Zanböngfar, most Dream Knights stopped harbouring feelings of animosity towards Dreamweavers. Our family shouldn't have any enemies" my Dad said.
"You're wrong. I can think of at least one person that harbours a grudge against our family. Nope, not against our family. Specifically against Dad and San" Saito said.
"Who is it?! Spill Saito!" I ordered.
"No way, that will take away the fun. I want to see how you will evade the family 'curse' San. You'd better be careful. This person's skills at archery almost rival Gramps'" Saito said.
"WHAT?! Someone as strong as Gramps is targeting me?!" I screamed.
"I didn't say this person was as strong as Gramps. I said their skill at archery almost rivals Gramps'" Saito said as she stared at me from the corner of her eyes. "Anyway, I'm going to bed. I've given you enough spoilers and you know how I hate spoilers right?" Saito winked and walked away. "Have fun hero" she laughed sinisterly.
"Dark…Saito just turned dark!" Keiran shivered.
That night before sleeping, I thought about the Fourth Rule and Saito's ominous warning.
I took my breakfast and headed out of the house. I began my journey to the bus station that would take me to Central Dream City.
A jeep had arrived. It halted right before the buses. The door opened and a dark haired girl with hair cut short at the neck descended. She wore a long blue tailcoat. She held a briefcase and wore sunshades. She breathed in deeply and sighed.
"Upper West Side Dream City, the place Mom and Dad were said to have fallen in love. After spending four years overseas, I'm finally back home. But before I start to get comfortable, there's a bit of unfinished business that needs taking care of" she said and clenched her fist.
"Sanziri Nightbane (Junior) and Ayzan Nightbane…I'll never forgive this insult to my family!" she declared as she clenched her fist.
Moments later, I approached the bus station. I noticed a girl wearing a blue tailcoat and holding a briefcase staring at me. Then I noticed her staring at a piece of paper. Then she stared at me again. She approached.
"Good morning kind Sir, could you please tell me where I could find the home of the Nightbane Family?" she asked.
"Eh? Why is a stranger asking about our family?" I recalled the Fourth Rule.
"Sorry, never heard of them" I said and walked away.
As I walked on, one of my school books fell out of my backpack. She walked to it and picked it up. I stopped walking and turned to face her. She smiled.
"I've found you" she said in a sing-song voice.
In the next instant, I blocked a dropkick from above! I grabbed her by the leg and tossed her sideways but she somersaulted and regained her balance. I ran away.
"I'd better not start a street brawl! If someone from our school saw me, it wouldn't be long before they put two and two together" I thought as I ran away. "At least…not like this. She's got her face concealed. If anything happens, I'll be the one in trouble!" I thought.
The girl tossed her briefcase into the air.
"You're not getting away so easily!" she roared as her briefcase opened and a bow and quiver fell out.
She slipped her arm into the quiver's strap before it could land, pulled out an arrow and caught her bow. She took aim and pulled the arrow to full length. She fired. I felt the force of sharp wind pressure heading my way. A moment just before the arrow hit, I tripped and began to fall forward. The arrow flew over my head.
"I…missed?!" the girl seemed surprised.
I placed my hands on the ground and somersaulted to regain my balance.
"He didn't slip! That was an evasive maneuver!" the girl exclaimed.
"Of course you missed! Were you trying to kill me or something?!" I roared and ran into an alley.
She charged in after me. I had disappeared. She stared around.
"Where did he go?" she wondered.
Suddenly, she felt wind pressure descending from above. She evaded by sidestepping just as my double heel dropkick missed her and countered with a sidekick. Her kick connected with my side and sent me flying.
She stared at me in surprise for I was wearing my crimson cape and sunshades.
"I see. So you were the one that downed the armoured tank. As expected of the Nightbane Family, your physical skills are superb. But that's a cheap trick any Dream Knight with enough experience can pull off. Now I'll introduce myself. Can't be rude to the guy I'm about to beat to a pulp can I? I am Concordia Kenyah, daughter of Boniface Kenyah and Victoria Pendragon Arthur and as you may have already guessed…" she said as she clenched her fist.
"My Dad's elemental affinity is earth and you know which category of element users possess the greatest brute strength now don't you?" she said with a smirk.
I laughed and stood up.
"Impressive of you to counter my attack. But whoever heard of an archer who specializes in close range combat?" I said as I dusted my cape.
"Th-That's a pretty bogus argument! The fact that archers specialize in attacking from a distance doesn't mean that they can't learn other skills!" she argued.
"Huh? That was a bigger reaction than I expected" I thought with a funny look on my face.
"Concordia huh? And you wear a blue tailcoat. So tell me…why is someone from the Seiryuu Peristylium after my head?" I asked.
She smiled.
"I see you wear a crimson cape. That must make you a citizen of the Suzaku Peristylium" she said.
"Actually, my cape is crimson on the outside but blue on the inside" I said as I showed her the inner part of my cape.
In the next instant, her bow was aimed at me and pulled to full length.
"You philanderer! Stick to one faith! That's like the Crimson Phoenix Of Jo-lan and Souryu the Black Dragon sharing the same body!" she said and in the next instant, I evaded another bow.
"Why are you so mad at my family?!" I roared.
"I'm not mad at your family. In fact, your parents and my parents get along swell. I just have a bone to pick with any Nightbane…that is a Gamer!" she roared.
Suddenly, I burst into laughter.
"Don't you dare laugh at me!" she roared.
"Tell me what happened that has got you so worked up?" I asked.
"It happened five years after Zanböngfar's defeat when your Dad returned to Dream City…"Concordia began to narrate.
"Your Dad and my Dad decided to settle a bit of unfinished business. A final battle between two families, the Nightbane Family and Kenyah Family, in Soul Calibur 2 to see which family's skills reign supreme. However…in the middle of the battle…your Dad unplugged my Dad's control pad with a foot tug. That match was bogus and…" Concordia said as she aimed another arrow at me.
"…I've come here to prove it. This arrow won't miss. Of that…I assure you" Concordia said.
"This girl really means business!" I thought in horror.
"Concordia…if you are a true gamer, then you understand the most basic rule of gaming don't you?" I asked.
Her eyes widened.
"All conflicts began in the virtual world…must end in the virtual world. If you are really determined to beat me…do it in the game!" I challenged her.
She put her arrow down.
"You're absolutely right" she said.
"But since your Dad was rumoured to have won, I'll set the conditions" she said.
"Fine by me" I agreed.
"I'm on my way to school now. Let's do it this Saturday" I suggested.
"Fine, I'll get the preparations started then" Concordia said.
After classes, I returned home.
"Talk about a horrible second day" I sighed and walked to the kitchen to get my food.
My parents and siblings were home.
"Dad disconnected Concordia's Dad's controller with a foot tug? Would he really…of course, I can totally picture him doing something like that. He even has an interesting name for it too. It's a full blown, well renowned family technique at the class of a bloodline limit" I thought.
Suddenly, the phone rang. My Dad picked it up. After a few minutes, he hanged up.
"Saito! Keiran! Ariel! Ayumi!" he called.
My Mom and siblings descended the stairs.
"There will be a special event held this Saturday between our family and the Kenyah Family. Apparently, San here received a challenge from Concordia Kenyah, Face and Vikki's daughter. As a requirement, all family members must be present" my Dad said.
"I'll pass" Ariel said.
"Concordia was staring at something I believe was a picture of me when we met. That was the only way she could identify me. There's only one way she could have gotten something like that. So who's the snitch?" I asked.
Keiran and Ariel pointed to Saito.
"Et tu Saito?!" I exclaimed in horror.
"Well Concordia was always talking of how she'd like a showdown with a gamer from the Nightbane Family. Since we're such close friends, I told her you and Dad were the only hardcore gamers in the family. When I learnt about the Fourth Rule, I just couldn't resist" Saito attempted to stifle laughter.
"So you don't care if I get hit by the family 'curse'?!" I exclaimed in horror.
"Like I said earlier, that ultimately depends on you San. Whether or not you get hit by the family 'curse' depends on the outcome of Saturday's event" Saito said.
We had gathered in one of the Game Studios owned by the Kirisawa Conglomerate, specifically, my Gramps Ryuuji Kirisawa's studio which was currently run by my Mom. The Kenyahs were present as well. There was a huge contraption covered by a large cloth. Concordia was present as well.
"Hey Zan, Ayumi, long time no see. I don't see Ai and Prince here" Face said.
"They said they had no intention of involving themselves in a feud between two families" my Dad said with a laugh.
"A feud? Now that's harsh. Concordia is the only one that sees this as a vendetta" Face laughed.
My Dad sighed.
"So she's the sports type huh? Why didn't you tell her about the condition attached to our duel?" my Dad asked.
"Well…it would have been a little embarrassing" Face laughed.
"Your funeral. No way will our streetfight style of combat lose to the official sports style" my Dad said.
"Why is that?" Face said with a challenging glare.
"Sports type combat was designed to foster harmony. The streetfighter brawl style was shaped…in the midst of war" my Dad said seriously.
"Should you really be saying that when San hasn't been able to manifest a sigil yet?" Victoria challenged.
"You're right…San possesses no Dream Knight abilities yet…however he was trained by my Dad for five years. He understands archery, he has the wits and street wisdom of a Dreamweaver and…he's my son" my Dad challenged.
Face chuckled.
"Well then, I'll tell you a bit about our daughter Concordia. At the age of ten, her abilities were potent enough to merit her a position in the Defensive Formation of the border wall surrounding the Dream Realm. Do you know who defends that wall?" Face asked.
"Haven't got a clue" my Dad said.
"Concordia alone" Face said as an image of Concordia standing on a Great Wall with arms folded, her tailcoat twirling in the wind and the condescending 'I'm staring down at you from unreachable heights glare' formed in my mind.
"Are you willing to bet that she's not going to lose?" my Dad challenged.
"What's the wager?" Face asked.
"Ten years' supply of free games" my Dad said.
"You're on!" Face agreed.
"It's time" Concordia said as she unveiled the device in the room.
"This is the hardware we'll be employing in our showdown. Solar powered and impervious to power fluctuations. The virtual headsets and all other devices are connected via Wi-fi Hotspot set to be impervious to switching off unless biometrically by a remote Game Master stationed in a location isolated from here. It's all powered by the 'Avatar Of Pain' industries" Concordia said.
"'Avatar Of Pain?' Really? Face? Vikki?" my Dad stared at them in disbelief.
"Well what can I say? The title really grew on me over the past twenty three years" Victoria said.
"As you can guess…there shall be no stealth disconnects!" Concordia said. "This entire area is surrounded by an EMP field that stretches from the gate of this building over five kilometres, cutting off any transmissions from outside" Concordia explained.
"Then I guess the Game Master is not really in an isolated location after all" I said in sarcasm.
"You're wrong. There is only one funnel of isolation leading outwards and it is connected to a remote console by fibre-optic cable. Then connected to this device via Wi-fi Hotspot. As you can imagine…(TO YOU DREAMWEAVERS)…" Concordia glared at my family challengingly.
"I feel honoured to think you'd go this far just to suppress the abilities of a Dreamweaver" I challenged.
"Well then…" Concordia said as she and I picked up our virtual headsets and wore them.
"…let the game begin!" Concordia said.
My Dad grabbed Face by the shoulder and shook him violently.
"What's up with your daughter Face?! Vikki?! She is less like a Dream Knight and more like the mothership of an alien invasion! Her name even sounds like a battleship! The Concordia AOP II!" my Dad roared.
"That's what you get when you combine the Pendragon Family Line's Excalibur, Vikki's Bow Of Orion and my Blades Of Hope!" Face said. "I guess I'll be enjoying ten years' worth of free gaming" Face said with a smug look.
Our surroundings changed.
"It is the year 2012, in the Timeline Of Dreams. A legion of Nightmares have invaded the World Of Reality. An assault unit has been assembled to counter this massive threat however, there is an internal dispute amongst the Dream Knight Houses over who will lead the offensive charge. Thus the Houses decide to settle the dispute via Martial Combat. Two of the rival Houses make it to the finals. Here, their representatives will clash over the right to lead the offensive charge. This is Xcalibur AOP! War Of The Worlds!" the voice of an NPC narrated the story's background.
"This game is quite simple. It's designed to mimic your actual movements and convert them into custom techniques for your avatar. I'm sure you're familiar with this kind of battle system" Concordia said as her blue tailcoat appeared on her and her sunshades covered her eyes.
As if in response, my Crimson Cape appeared and sunshades covered my eyes.
Concordia tossed her briefcase into the air. The moment she did that I began to charge at her from the front. Before her briefcase opened, I leapt into the air and delivered a flying kick to it.
"WHO WAITS TO ATTACK AFTER THE BOSS HAS POWERED UP?!" I roared as the briefcase flew away and crashed a distance away from Concordia.
"That's my son!" my Dad exclaimed in excitement.
"Oh…he shouldn't have done that" Face said.
"KRAKEN ANDROMEDA! KRAKEN MODE!" Concordia exclaimed.
Her bow and arrow disappeared and materialized in her hands as Twin Tomahawks.
She swung at me. I countered by blocking her attack at the wrist. She spun and attempted to elbow me with her free hand.
"Dad said the weight of Tomahawks have an adverse effect on the wielder's centre of gravity" I thought as I blocked Concordia's follow up attack.
She dropped the Tomahawk, spun and delivered a turning kick to its handle. I had to lean back to evade it.
"But Concordia is countering the weight of her Tomahawks with centrifuge. For an archer, she's pretty impressive but with only one Tomahawk, I now have the advantage" I thought and prepared to attack.
Concordia somersaulted backwards while calling out.
"Your sigil has the combined names of two antithetical characters! You have no right to be talking of philandering!" I roared.
"San you idiot! Why are you holding back?!" my Dad roared.
"Huh?" I thought.
"You're stronger than this! Back then when I dueled Face, the condition was that there'd be no holds barred. The limitation was our own creativity!" my Dad roared.
"I'm not trying to hold back" I said.
"You think so huh?" my Dad said as Concordia's sigil transformed into a bow and arrow.
She caught it and pulled her arrow to full length. I evaded by sidestepping.
"The arrow's trajectory is linear. By sidestepping a moment before its release, I can evade it" I thought and evaded Concordia's shots.
"It appears this isn't enough to down you. I'll have to get a little serious! KRAKEN ANDROMEDA! FORMATION DREAM REALM BORDER WALL DEFENSE!" Concordia called as thousands of arrows materialized in the space all around us.
They all aimed for me!
"These arrows do not fire automatically. I hope you understand San" she said with a smirk.
"WHAT?! YOU'RE CONTROLLING THEM ALL INDEPENDENTLY?!" I screamed. "Then there's only one way to counter this!" I roared as I charged towards Concordia.
In an instant, I held her in a tight lockhold.
"It's a Mutually Assured Destruction Last Resort Technique! Aim for me and you'll self-destruct!" I explained.
In the next instant, I was slammed into the ground!
"If you've played any good fighting games, you'd know the only way to counter a lockhold is with a throw! Unfortunately, I am impervious to your Mutually Assured Destruction Last Resort Technique!" Concordia said.
"She screamed out the attack's name in Japanese?!" I exclaimed.
"San! You're being an idiot! Fine, I'll tell you a secret I thought I'd tell you much later. All the videogames you've played as a kid. You thought you were playing against NPCs. Well, they were actual Dream Knights playing from remote locations through a hidden link and the last boss from Soul Calibur X you've been unable to beat so far was your Gramps after he released the limiters of Endregen and Kolmnid. Basically, you've been fighting your Gramps at 2/7th his actual strength. You understand San don't you? You're purposely limiting your strength. You've done it for so long you now do it at a subconscious level!" my Dad roared.
I smiled.
"All my games were training simulations?" I thought.
"Of course!" my Dad roared.
"In that case! POWER LIMITER! UNLOCK!" I called and punched the ground repeatedly.
The flying debris acted as shields that deflected Concordia's attacks.
"SPEED LIMITER! UNLOCK!" I called and suddenly turned invisible.
Ciella was at our house. She knocked the door and Ariel opened.
"Good morning. Is San in?" Ciella asked.
"You must be Ciella. San never stops talking about you" Ariel said.
Ciella smiled.
"He does?" she said as she rubbed her hair nervously.
"Though most of the time, it's about breaking the family 'curse'. Stupid San, to think your only focus is the family 'curse' when such a pretty girl likes you" Ariel thought in annoyance.
"Is San in?" Ciella asked again.
"Right now, he's at a festival for game freaks. It's a showdown between families. I initially refused to go but now that you're here, we might as well go" Ariel said.
Back at the Game Studio.
"KRAKEN ANDROMEDA! PORCUPINE DEFENSE MODE!" Concordia called as her arrows converged around her to form a needle like orb of defense.
"Regardless of how swift you are, if you cannot land a hit, your speed is useless" Concordia said.
Suddenly, I appeared a distance away from Concordia.
"Then there's only one attack that can resolve this situation. I've got to convert oxygen to laser cannons and ram that mothership. Fortunately, I have the perfect technique in mind" I said as I charged towards Concordia.
I leapt into the air.
"GOUEN TATSUMAKI…! (GRAND BLAZING HURRICANE…!)" I roared as the friction from the force of my kick caused the surrounding air to ignite.
"Concordia's arrows are made of ivory which means…they can burn" I thought.
"SENPU…! (WHIRLWIND…!)" I roared.
Then suddenly, the door opened and Ciella walked in with Ariel.
In that instant I was distracted, Concordia found an opening. Her arrows parted as her fist connected with my stomach.
"COUNTER SHOT!" Concordia roared as the buzzer sounded.
"Player 2 wins!" a voice said.
In that instant, Concordia's clothes and mine reverted to normal. Fortunately, Ciella hadn't seen us yet.
"Damn! I have to supply the Kenyah Family with an unlimited supply of games for ten years!" my Dad screamed in horror.
Concordia smiled and stretched her hand to me.
I shook her hand.
"Damn! I guess I lost! I really went all out too" I said sadly.
"That was a solid fight. There were no cheats involved. I guess you Nightbane folk are really strong after all" Concordia said happily.
"San! Just you wait till your Gramps finds out you lost to a Dream Knight after fighting him to a draw at 2/7th his power. Clue: He won't be happy" my Dad said.
"Yikes! I actually forgot there were much scarier things in this world than Concordia" I thought in fright.
I turned around and saw the Tome on my seat.
I rushed to it and opened it. The Fourth Rule glared at me for an instant and was replaced by the words
"Congratulations Sanziri Nightbane (Junior), the Fourth Rule Has On This Day Been Fulfilled!" a memory flashed within my mind of my Gramps and Granny shortly after my Granny's tears resurrected my Gramps.
I recalled my Granny's words.
"No father, I'm leaving with the man I love. I'm getting married to him and we will indeed have a Dreamweaver but…he will become an incarnation of hope, not disaster".
"You were on fire San! After this we should call you Bloody San or 'Destroyer!' my siblings exclaimed happily.
"Do that and my identity is going to turn into that of one of the Destroyer Angels who heralds the Apocalypse! I'm fine with my full name 'Destroyer Of Lies!'" I argued.
"You must be talking of Abaddon. His greek name is Apollyon meaning 'Destroyer'" Saito said.
"Exactly" I nodded.
"I warned you against naming your daughter Concordia Face. When any gamer hears her name, they'll recall the Seiryuu Peristylium" my Dad said.
"It was actually an interesting tale how I chose her name. What are the initials for King Of Nightmares and Castle Of Nightmares?" Face asked.
"CON (KON)" we all replied.
"And that of the King Of Dreams and Castle Of Dreams?" Face asked.
"COD (KOD)" we replied.
"A union between the two Kings and Kingdoms would then be a what?" Face asked.
"CONCORD?! (CONCOD/KONKOD!)" we exclaimed in shock.
"Following that logic…the bridge to peace was…A FISH THAT WASN'T ACTUALLY A FISH?!" I exclaimed in shock as an image of my Dad wearing a cape with the words
"Think of it as a token of our friendship" Face laughed.