Chereads / Half bloods / Chapter 93 - Chapter 93: uninvited guests

Chapter 93 - Chapter 93: uninvited guests

I got done with the last group of people that just so happened to have Merlin in it at this point it was midnight a full moon was over the kingdom that was sleeping peacefully well that was in then a loud crack echoed through the city when it did everyone woke up and ran out of there houses just in time to see the moons light turn blood red that's when everyone felt a powerful demonic presents push down on there minds and being they cot glimpse of demonic lovecraftian monstrosities that almost made their minds collapse but in the next moment a familiar presents exploded out shielding everyone's minds and souls this was Azmo there new king and slowly everyone looked up at the castle what they seen made them fall to their knees aa several rift slowly ripped open above the castle the moment they was wide enough for a human child to fit through several hundred flying tentacley creatures that had one huge gold eye in the center of there chestand shark spikes going through there body there face was several sharp tentacles that opened up into a jagged sharp maw in their hands was bows made from bone many of them pulled off a spike from there body and pulled it back in the bow but before any arrows could fly the sound of a few Mg42 roaring to life along with several shots from cannons thundered through the city as the sky was lit up with explosions and ghostly green bullets that shredded these flying creatures and of the rare few who was able to dive down over the city was soon killed by either undead with rifles and bows or by the demonic legion Mesh, frays and there unit posted on top of the roofs of buildings along with Shosa and Valdora and there man running around the streets wall Orange and her man protected the cities folk as the city folk seen the demonic legion and the undead army shred through these demons hope was rekindled in there hearts as they remembered that the new Kings and his army was powerful beings and like they was possessed they all dropped to there knees and started to pray to the Crimson Death Dragon-Naga they prayed for their new king and his demonic legion to emerge victorious in this fight some wished to join the demonic legion some prayed for their children to be spared and some was more selfish praying for them to survive this they didn't care for the prize they just wanted to see tomorrow it did matter there reasons what mattered they all prayed to there new king they out there faith and hope onto him and those in his ranks.. Inside the castle just before the rifts open I was sitting there just about done with my last group the moment I finished cleansing Merlin is when it happened a loud cracking noise thundered out over the city when it did a rift formed behind me right between the thrones from this red and purple rift came a sickly green feminine leg that had sickly purple boils that looked almost ready to pop it had on bone high heels that was stand light green the moment that heel touched the ground with a distinct click noise that's when the moonlight coming in through the window above us turned blood red the next moment a powerful demonic presents exploded out from this rift as this feminine figure stepped through she had on a light green long dress that had a slit going up the leg normally that would be very sexy but in this figure it just made it more disturbing this woman had sickly green skin with those purple boils covering her hole body she had two thin boney hands that came out into sharp claws on her back was four waving light green tentacles her face was a pale green she had four bright purple eyes placed around what used to be her human eyes but gone was those eyes all that was left was the eye socket with worms moving around it her mouth was curled up into a huge disturbing demonic grin her lips almost curling up to her eyes and at the center of her bottom lip going all the way down her throat was a white line that shuttered lightly do to her smiling and lastly her hair several sickly purple snakes that hissed in mocking laughter the moment this woman emerged from this rift fully is when I started getting visions of demonic lovecraftian monstrosities that would make any normal person go insane Jacko I screamed in my head hide Harriet now I then unleashed my presents shielding everyone in my city mind and soul JackO didn't replay but I sensed Harriet present fade I could still sense her do to the fact I was connected with JackO but that was the only reason I stood up and glared at this woman as I did I got a feeling no a warning from my parents they told me to run this woman was to dangerous but I ignored there warnings I had my normal cold expression who are you I asked the woman giggled in a voice that definitely did not suit the sight in front of me it was kind and seductive her eyes looked to me and in that same sweet seductive voice she said you know it is only good manners to introduce yourself to a gorgeous lady I got a bad taste in my mouth hearing this creature call herself gorgeous but I held back my insults as I growled true but seeing how your in my house it would be you in the wrong here she side clicking her tongue angrily damn I hate the smart ones they always seem to have something to say for your disrespect towards this lovely lady lets see and she seemed to think about it for a moment then she nodded snapping the souls outside this building will do especially seeing how they have been cleansed of chaos mark and there bloodlines and souls have straightened they will taste delicious when she said that a long green tongue licked her lips but as she did this that white scar opened slightly and what I seen was yellow jagged teeth I felt several more rifts be open above the castle the seconds passed with this woman smiling towards me with confidence it was like she thought she already won wall I stared at her with my cold neutral expression my hands was behind me and my back was straight little did this demon woman know 15 needles covered in shadows was moving all her as I did this I made hand signs telling everyone to get out but move slowly 5 seconds passed a I felt people left the throne room the only people who stayed was Layle, Bee, the sword priestess and Slade Plus Bull and Black but Black was using his dark scales and the shadows to move to the back if this demon wall Bull stood there waiting to lunge in to help me but it was on the 7 second when I heard the roar of a Mg42 and the explosions of cannons and guns shots this woman argent smile faded into angry frown when I seen this a huge demonic grin spread across my face saying O whats wrong are you realising that you ant as smart as you think The demon snarled shut it boy you have no idea who your talking to with such a disrespectful voice I chuckled shrugging I asked for your name remember but no it was you who disrespected me by not stating your name first and right after you barged into my home with no warning or nothing not even a nock her snarl got deeper as she clicked her tongue saying damn it I truly hate smart boys like you all yall can't follow orders like a good little puppy besides didn't your mother teach you your no supposed to talk to a lady like that I chuckled shrugging I am canonically a orphan girly i shrugged like I was sad saying the downsides of being a child of two gods her eyes went wide hearing that your a child of the gods your a half-blood but how who is your parents and what is your name boy I demand you to tell me this instant I grinned at her mockingly I will tell you my name and titles only after you tell me yours first or did your mama not teach you any manners she let out a angry hiss that sounded more like a clicking noise when she did that her bottom lips opened up revealing her yellow jagged toothy maw as this happened I felt a psychic force try and enter my mind but I stood there unfazed I chuckled after she closed her mouth when she did that psychic force was gone I smiled that was a cute trick here let me show you one of mine and I let out a loud powerful dragonNaga Roar this shook the ground and the air got thick with peer rage and power I closed my mouth and looked at this woman and grinned seeing her slightly fearful expression so what is your name girly I hissed She snarled but spoke my name is Velma Blightmaw demon queen of diseases and plagues your turn she hissed I nodded tipping my hat saying how do you do girly my name is Hunter AzmoNekros but folks just call Azmo Son of Hades and Hel and a few other titles but I think you get they idea she nodded so your AzmoNekros good, good there is a hit on all of Hades children and followers so I am happy I invested where my little doggy black dragon want who would have thought it would have lead me to a child of Hades hehehe it must be my lucky day this is when she raised her claw and pointed at me saying only one order kill that is when the rift behind her rippled and stepping through the portal was several undead creatures that looked like they was about to explode do to how fat they was plus the huge sickly green boils on there back was thick black tentacles next came many skinny figured similar to Velma just smaller but there bonny claws came out to a sharp point Velma grinned at me saying this will teach you not to disrespect a lady I laughed saying about that you see my mama did teach me something but y should I listen and roll over for a little girly like you when I have two beautiful busty woman in my life hahaha I am into woman not ugly bitches like yourself this is when I brought my hand in front of me twisted then when I did my needles shot forward like lightning glowing a bright blue flame Velma was surprisingly able to dodge most of them but 3 did stab deeply into her one directly in the center of her spine one at the bottom of her neck and the other in the side of her right knee the moment these needles stabbed into her everyone heard a strange whirling noise like a saw and in the next moment a saw cutting into flesh she let out a pained shriek as my needles which had thousands small ice hook blades shredded through her body and anything around them but as her sickly green blood hit the floor a hissing noise cane from it as a sickly cloud formed over it as her blood visible eat away at the stone acid Blood I yelled don't let there blood touch you I then looked at the fate creatures charging at me I chuckled yelling we got bloaters but the sound of a shotgun going off next to me filled me with a familiar happiness as Layla stood next to me a double barrel shotgun in her hand she fired again a blood red slug shot forward and slammed into the second blother the moment her slug slammed into it the thing uper body exploded in a sickening green shroud of must I hissed do not breath that shit in long range only yes Sir I heard my people say as gunshots filled the room I looked to Velma who was pulling out the needle that was in her knee which was greatly restricted her leg movement but she scratched in pain the moment she touched my needle as white smoke rose from her hand I chuckled and disappeared into the shadows and appeared right behind her as I said how do you like my needle technique it took me a few years to master it to this extent she hissed what is this flame it hurts way worse then normal fire I laughed shrugging that's cuz that's not fire but cold my mother Hel ruler of helheim her realm is so cold it can even freeze and harm the souls of gods and titans so of course it would work against you demons she snarled turning around and thrust her claw at my throat but I simply deflected her black right my right hand as my left hand shot forward I grabbed her by the head as I growled deathtouch the moment I said that her body want pale and she slumped to the ground dead my needles shot out of her body as a bright blue fire engulfed her body the moment she side the rift behind me Flickered and disappeared and the demons that was left turned to black dust I got the feeling from my bond with my parents they was shocked no dumbfounded that I was able to kill Velma and so easily I chuckled I am no longer the boy you two know so do not treat me as such I will join this war and I amd my tribe will thrive very soon father I will be heading your detection so be a little more patient please I got a overwhelming felling of excitement and battle lust I chuckled but this is when my senses screamed at me danger that's when I heard it the crack of lightning I quickly appeared on top of the castle and as I looked up at the dark sky a snarl ran down my face as I hissed Crag standing over my city was a familiar figure with long gold hair and an arrogant expression on his face he had on gold and white robes in his arm was another familiar face Lamia she was as beautiful as ever her blood red eyes as bloodthirsty as ever she had on a beautiful black and red robe and standing slightly behind both was a unfamiliar face the man had long red hair and an arrogant smile he had on red and gold robes and over his shoulder was a longsword Layla appeared next to me along with Ark grab I growled the both nodded and put a hand on my shoulders I then dragged them through the shadows with me as we appeared right in front of these figures blocking there way Crag smile faded slightly as he looked at me saying get out of our way little lizard we are here to kill the demon queen Velma I chuckled she is already dead sorry you have made a wasted trip The with fiery red hair yelled impossible no one in such a poor land could ever could have defeated a demon queen especially not a lonely Monster such as your self I chuckled shrugging I dont care if you believe me or not boy the simple fact is that she is dead and it wasnt none of you who killed her so like I said sorry for your wasted trip but you will have to turn back cuz we ant excepting visitors right now Lamia snarled hissing out how dare you do you even know who my husband is are you just going to turn away a son of Zeus without even a tide or food I grinned at this damn monster as I nodded that's exactly what I am going to do yall ant welcome so fuck off Ark growled lightning bults started crackling around Crag as he snarled at me how dare you I am a child of the king of the gods who do you think you are to treat me with such disrespect I rolled my eyes saying your father is many things but a king definitely isn't one of them ones more he is one of the king of the gods but definitely not the best one if you ask me my father is a much better ruler then yours could ever be The red haired man lunged towards me swinging his sword down at me saying die you filthy monster but before he could even hit half way towards me Layla lunged at him her long blood sword in her hand and with one hand she deflected his attack to the side and pouch him right in the chest so hard a shockwave exploded out from us the man flew back in the air and landed next to Crag who had a stunned expression seeing that blood longsword in Layla's hand blood devil he whispered Layla raised, her sword and rested it on her shoulder and grinned at him saying O so you remember me little boy how fun you hear that husband he remembers us I chuckled nodding Crag head shot to me you he hissed I am ordering you to tell me your name right this instant and like that his killing intent exploded out from him and focused on me I chuckled at this weak pressure what a cute presents do you want a cookie haha and y should I tell you my name when you already know it but here I will give you a hint and I pulled of Skia from my neck and the bident formed in my hand both Crag and Lamia eyes want wide seeing this weapon and they both angrily yelled death walker.