Chereads / Half bloods / Chapter 87 - Chapter 87: the after math

Chapter 87 - Chapter 87: the after math

Time slowly passed with Slade and I meditating next to one another we both had are legs crossed and we floated above the ground Skia was resting across my lap wall Slade simply had his arms crossed against his chest his skull was on fire with a blue flame and a holy blue light seeped out of him and moved like hands to grab the nearest demons souls that was around us this holy blue flame slowly burned away the dark disgusting filth that was on the demons soul when the filth was gone what was left was bright clean souls wall this happened thousands of ghostly green chains with spikes at the ends of them was flying all around and dragging souls into my body which was glowing with a black, white and purple energy and the moment these screaming souls touch my energy they screamed before turning into a mist and this mist was suched into my body with each soul I absorbed the stronger and physical my ghostly green chains got and the more physical they got the less the souls struggled but this wasn't the only change o no the black white and purple energy that covered my body got brighter it got to the point you couldn't see any features of me just a glowing humanoid shape standing next to us was Bull he didn't move or even react to all the souls around him he just stood there silently unmoving time slowly passed with the army moving away from this dark area of death after they followed my orders and soon a huge camp formed and soon the smell of food filled the air and the load happy voices of people filled the camp as people eat and drink happily the demonic legion was mingling with there new members a few fights did brake out do to the orks hot-headedness and arrogance against the rest in the tribe especially the dwarfs and the few elfs that had joined us it was funny one of the orks that got stabbed with my ice spikes decided to poke fun at one particular elderly looking dwarf who was resting next to his Bor mount the ork laughed saying what a great and mighty beast and yet his rider is a weak pitiful bag of bones like you haha don't worry oldy I will happily take this beast off your hands he deserves a powerful ork like my self to but before that ork could finish Stone disappeared from next his mount and in a blink of a eye Stone was in front of this ork who was talking Stone then jumped up and grabbed this ork by his long thick tusks that was points up from his bottom jaw and with a little jerk if Stones arm that ork face slammed into the ground Stone move back to his Bor huffing kids these days have no respect for there elders next time boy I will put your head in shit so then everyone could see what sort of shit that comes from that mouth of yours the ork was stunned for a few seconds from his head impacting the ground but of course the ork wouldnt leave it at that he roared angrily to they sly yelling old fart I will kill you and like that the orks muscles buckled up and the ork himself got a few inches bigger this was one of the abitlies that made the other races fear the orks this ability was called rage it greatly boosted the orks fiscal defense and strength to the point wear most common weapons could only leave small cuts and scratches on the orks body and the stronger orks of legends could even tank hits from both magic weapons and just magic its self and just walk it off but no ork had reached that level in hundreds of years but back to this the ork slammed his fists together sparks of fire bursting from them as he grinned at Stone saying be honored old fart you will be killed by the great and mighty Moon twin brother to Shine together we are the strongest orks in the hole hoard so prepare your but before he could finish Stone side and fast as light turned around throwing his huge hammer that was on his back his hammer shot forward to fast that most of the people who was watching couldn't even see it let alone Moon he couldn't even twitch a finger before Stones hammer slammed into his face before flying back to Stones hand he turned back around walking away from the ork saying you talk way to much little pup with that he rested his hammer on his shoulder when he did Moon dropped to the ground completely knocked the fuck out the orks laughter and cheers faded into silence they all was stunned at one of there strongest orks being defeated so easy and by a old bag of bones like Stone wall the others in the tribe and from the other kingdoms chuckled at Moon misfortune but similar sights were going on all around this camp we move to the center of the camp where a big tent was at some angry shouts started to come from inside of it and being thrown out of this tent was two other ork and both was the ones that I had used my ice spikes on the first was a male and Moon brother his name was Shine wall the other was the women and Layla little sister her name was Mick both of these figures hit the ground and rolled a few feet before stopping and stepping out of the tent was Shosa he cracked his fingers hissing in a hole voice you two dare disrespect our chief and his second wife and in front of us all are you both fools or just overconfident to speak such things in front of us his captions, general and even friends did you think we was going to let your words go unpunished the two orks slowly sat up and both glared at Shosa with angry defiant eye Mick was the first to speak as she whiped the blood from her mouth of course we dare speak about that man who dared to charm our big sister ones more that elven women is a mutant and if she truly is carrying that bastards first bone inside of her we must make sure that child isn't born cuz only the honor of the first born should go to our big sis its the first wifes honor to carry and give birth to the firstborn that is her right and we wont allow you nor that child to disrespect or take whats rightfully our big sis and her child so and they both stood up and drew there weapons as Mick growled get out of the way lizard or but before she could finish a red blur launched from behind Shosa and shot towards Mick this figure pulled back a fist and shot it forward it slammed right into Micks waste this punch was so hard Mick body bent down in a U shape as age through up blood as she sank back down to her knees and the figure that stood over her was Solly and she was pissed her draconic eyes was glowing with a rageful blue fire and around her body flickered and sparked a blue flames but it would seem Solly wasn't done with Mick or didn't believe she had suffered enough cuz Solly hand shot forward and grabbed Mick by her brade and started slamming Mick face onto Her knee with each impact Solly growled how dare you dare speak that you was going to kill a unborn child in my presents and one that is from my chief you no good ork dirty bitch each impact made a load crunching noise and quality Solly plate armor was covered in Micks blood but Solly didn't stop spectators feared Solly would kill the ork Moon especially he rusher forward screaming belowing stop it your killing her your killing her I say and he raised his axe but before he could swing it Shosa moved in front of him Shosa had a cold ruthless snarl and his eyes sparked with blue lightning Moon screamed get out of the way little lizard and with that he swung his axe down his muscles bulging but Shosa easily ducked under his strike before thrusting his hands out he delivered 3 strikes the first was to Moon elbow the next was to his neck and the last was in the dead center of his chest these three impacts made Moons arm and back straighten up and as he let go of his axe he hit the ground like a box of rocks he was still staring at Solly beating his sister but he couldn't move his hole left side what did you do to me he mumbled Shosa crouched down shrugging I have learned a lot of things from our chief out of everyone in our tribe I was the closest to his stragth and I had fought against him plenty of times so I picked up a few tricks of his this was one he called chacra stinger what it does it target certain chacra points in your opponent's body paralyzing them but sadly I can only paralyze half of my enemies body unlike Hunter but this technique is one of many he had teached me after all I am the one he chose to train the tribes new recruits and at one point in time I filled the spot as second in command but know misses Layla is here I assume she will take over that rule but I don't mind it is her right as Hunter first wife after all Moon thin spoke please stop her she is killing her And a tear ran down his face Shosa shrugged y should I you both dared to have the intention to harm our chief first born and second wife and you dared mutter those words in front of her haha the fact your sister body isn't being burned alive says a lot on how much Solly is holding back but and he looked to Solly and at Micks completely blood face Solly was using healing magic to keep Mich alive and conscious Shosa side this has gone on long enough and with that Shosa got up and walked over saying Solly that is an enough Solly stopped looking towards him with those angry eyes growling you dare give me of all people orders especially that order do you want to die Shosa glared at her saying enough Solly snap out of it thats the red dragon bloodline Solly looked to Mich angrily hissing but she deserves to be punished Shosa nodded and you have done that you have done enough unless you want to kill her cuz if you go any further then you should just end her Solly didn't look convinced Shosa side look at her Solly she is barley conscious and alive her face is broken and her eyes are almost glossed over if you go any further her mind will brake from the pain and head trauma these two might have said some very stupid things but they are still the siblings of the chiefs first wife do you really want to spill anymore bloodshed especially sense we just got done with a war Solly glared at Mick with angry eyes for a few minutes before Solly closed her eyes and took a deep breath when she opened her eyes she side your right Shosa I apologize for my words with that she healed Micks fully and let go of her Michs eyes want wide feeling the pain stop she opened her eyes and seen the back of Solly walking away and a shutter want through her spine Shosa then crouched down in front of her with a cold snarl all this could have been avoided if you hadn't threatened our chief and his family if there is one thing you should learn from this girl its that those of us in the demonic legion we look after our own and we treat every member inside our tribe as family so if you threaten one of us you threaten all of us the fact you didn't die a very painful death after threatening one of our tribes unborn children is a miracle and you only have your elder sister to thank for that if you was anyone else and he leaned forward hissing you would have been food right in her ear her face want pale and that look of fear intensified as she looked at Shosa who stud up and side looking around at the crowd that had formed to watch the show most of them was orks Shosa calmly yelled if you all truly wish to join us in the demonic legion put aside your arrogance and pride if you can't leave now cuz we have no use for the likes of you ones more if you stay you will die unlike the likes of yall all of us in the demonic legion have been trained by the chief him self he put us through hell so if you think your stronger then us hahaha you are in for a rude awakening but Misses Layla seen something in you ones more so did our chief so if you stay do not disappoint them cuz its only for them we are all here with this opportunity remember that with that he turned around and walked back into the tent leaving the orks to think about his worlds. Midnight soon came and under a full moons the last demons soul was absorbed by me when this happened I felt my power swell up and quality I heard many chains start to shatter when this happened pain racked my body but I didn't care I simply gritted my teeth and focused I seen my all the chains on my mana ring be shattered this is when my mana ring flashed a bright light that's when I heard this 

Congrats Nekros for braking a chain your power grows 

Congrats Nekros for braking a chain your power grows 

 Congrats Nekros for braking a chain your power grows

Congrats Nekros for braking through to the seventy-stage undergoing evolution your power grows

Congrats Nekros for awakening the bloodline ability half dragon Naga transformation 

Congrats Nekros for awakening the bloodlines ability breath weapon 

Congrats Nekros for awakening the ability dragon Naga eyes 

Congrats Nekros for reawakening the bloodline ability soul devour 

Congrats Nekros for reawakening the bloodline ability born of hell fire and ice 

Congrats Nekros for reawakening the bloodline ability born emperor 

Congrats Nekros for reawakening the bloodline ability high necromancer and summeror 

Congrats Nekros for stepping into the mid seventh rank 

With that the notifications stopped when they did my mana ring stopped glowing when it did it changed shape what was ones a planet now was a face that was a mix of draconic and serpent-like and going across its face was a huge beastly grin its eyes glowed with bright purple fireballs this head winked at me before I heard a whipping noise that's when 5 holy glowing chains appeared and bound my mana ring but not before this mana ring let out a defiant roar which shattered 2 and badly cracked a 3 of the 5 chains but with that I opened my eyes when I did my power and present exploded out from me this sent sparks of white and black lightning arking across the sky as a tornado of blue and green fire formed around me and the shadows ripped open the ground swallowing all the dead corpses when the shadow completely swallowed them it dropped to the ground to reveal thousands of undead all in purple, white and black armor going across there helmets was a huge glowing demonic jester smile and appearing where eyes would be was bright blue fireballs they all had different types of weapons the elves undead had wicked curved jagged double side swords in there hands wall slung over there backs was a black rifle and on there hips was pistols wall the human undead had a mix of many different weapons from swords, axes, clubs, hammers and even lever action rifles wall the demons wall all different but most of them had green and black fire coming from under there skeletons and armor but on the back of the big for legged demons was mounted mg42 sadly there wasn't many Demons who was big enough to mount these mg42 on only 7 but no matter that was still quite a number to have in this world but all of these undead had on armor and weaponry and they all looked at this flame tornado that a angry defiant hiss came out from the next second the fire tornado disappeared and stepping out from it was a tall figure on his back was a set of beautiful black and red wings that shark blade like spikes coming out from it the wings membrane was a ghostly Blue and green color this figures red scales shined like rubies in the moon like his serpent hood had beautiful tattoos going across it this figures face looked very similar to a eastern dragon its bright serpent gold slits glowed in the night two horns curled up and in them straight back flicking behind him was a sharp black blade like tail that had a black liquid drip from the blade slightly this figure bared his long white fangs in a huge demonic grin as he slammed a bident onto the ground next to him as his wings folded behind him a ringing noise rang out over the army from the bident when the undead heard this they all slammed a hand to there chests and sank down to there knees every movement was in sink with the other but the undead wasn't the only who slammed a hand to there chest and sank down to a knee rushing next to the undead was my tribe they all slammed a hand to there chest and sank to a knee shouting all hale chief Nekros we congratulate you on your breakthrough I looked over them all with a huge grin Slade and Bull walked passed me and sank down in front of me saying all Hale chief Nekros this is when two figures rushed forward and through there arms around me I cot them both with a huge grin on my face Layla and Harriet didn't say much they just kissed me on the cheek saying congrats dearest husband I nodded and looked over my tribe no my family with a proud smile my people we have won a great victory today but do not bet complacent in your training these enemies are little chickens compared to the enemies we will be facing in the future this is merely the stepping stone to our great story but I give you all 2 days off in this time we will drink, eat and make marry for when these two days pass your training starts again so lets go with that I held up my bident before slamming it onto the ground when I did the shadows exploded out from me and grabbed everyone and thing before I shadow walked dragging them all with me when we all appeared again we stood in front of the swan city I heard and seen many people and creatures throw up from the abrupt shadow walking but I didn't care I looked to the duke, Gem Stone,  Ark and Slade saying the rest I leave up to yall with that I grabbed my girls and shadow walked again but before I did I looked to Bull saying you got your undead army again Bull you know what to do he bowed deeper saying it will be done master and like that I was gone when I disappeared Bull stood up and looked to the undead army they all saluted him before a huge black flaming horse appeared next to Bull he got on it before turning it towards the fallen sun kingdom the rest of the undead mounted up many took up spots on the demons who didn't care some had horses to but after a few seconds the undead army was gone Slade looked to Ark sying well there they go Ark nodded yea but damn that Azmo leaving us with his work Slade shrugged hi its time to party Azmo is just going to celebrate like the rest of us hehe his battle isn't over just yet and like to prove this point we go to the castle where Azmo and the girls appeared in his room the moment he appeared the door got locked and the curtains was closed as I started kissing Layla deeply wall also stimulating both women in my arms after a few moments I broke away and Kissed Harriet deeply wall Layla started taking off her armor but ones I had my fill of kissing them both I hissed chuckling fuck taking them off I will just do it and I snapped my fingers when I did I disappeared in a flash and as I took off Layla armor the shadows took off Harriet and mine of course I made sure to cock plenty of feels wall undressing them in a blink of a eye the armor was throw to a corner as I dragged my girls to the bed as I did my clothes was ripped off me by the girls as they started kissing and running there hands all alone my body this is when I felt a stimulating feeling come from Layla fingers and all my blood rush to my already hard little brother O this dirty girl I chuckled ok if that's the way she want a to play then fine I let me self ve consumed by lust and I ripped open Laylas clothes before forcing her below me and soon this room filled with the moans and cries of three very horny people. 

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