Chereads / Half bloods / Chapter 64 - Chapter 64: that was close

Chapter 64 - Chapter 64: that was close

We moved down the road at a good horse trot but this was almost a walking speed for our raptors this hole time I road next to the Carriage answering questions Echo asked me the girl had a good head on her shoulders but she was just to naïve and innocent to the real world but every questions I asked her slowly opened her eyes to the truth of the world all though she still had a long away to go but at least I made her think on her actions Stream looked to me asking I got one question for you sir Azmo where did you lean how to fight I have never seen your fighting style dual blades and that spear I have not seen its make before I smiled shrugging this is what the Greeks call a bident this is the weapon my father uses her eyes want wide asking so the mighty god Hades godly weapon is this Bident you called it I nodded yes how fascinating she said thinking over my words but what about your fighting style the maid who I found out her name was Harriet ask in her normal cold voice but her eyes held shined with interest I have see some knights wield a sword and dagger before or dual daggers but never two swords she finished looking at my blades ones more what are your weapons made from I chuckled shrugged its my own fighting style if I am going to be honest as you said there isn't very many dual sword fighting style but I did take inspiration from many different dual swords styles but I started my dual style with curved daggers I might not seem like it but I am a skilled Hunter that's actually where the parts of my weapons come from they came off a huge hour glass black spider that I killed hell all the weaponry and armor you see on my tribesman I made my self and if you see bones or other beasts parts on there equipment they killed that beast themselves self the maid was stunned so was the rest of them Brancen looked to me saying the hell dont tell me yall lived off monster meat I looked to him grinning but of course what else was we supposed to each huh? Also, dont nock monster meat till you try it ask miss Stream here she lived off my trine cooking for a few weeks the girls looked at her with wide eyes wall Brancen yelled what you fed monster meat to royalty the fuck was you thinking I chuckled and looked to Stream waiting for her to give her thoughts on the matter she side when she seen me look to her it was actually some of the best food I ever eaten it had so much flavor mmmm just thinking about it makes me hungry and she curled a lock of her hair as she almost licked her lips thinking about the food she eat I laughed seeing that expression saying o no I think being around my tribe might have turned her into a barbarian like us hahahaha shut up she yelled glaring at me red faced when she heard not only laughter but Gimli's also she glared at Gimli who was riding on the back of Shosa raptor it would seem the big guy has made a new friend as in Gimli shut it dwarf of course you enjoyed the passed few days since nothing changed for you since you was already a barbarian Gimli grinned at her saying that maybe long eared but to see a elven princess mingle with us filthy barbarians is quite shocking you would think she would be in her elven palace spoiled, rotten and pampered way too much or maybe locked in a tower that is guarded by a mighty dragon just waiting to be saved by noble knight Stream gritted her teeth yelling dont make me come out there you damn dwarf I will give you the spankings that your parents didn't but Gimli looked into her eyes and grinned saying oooo kinky maybe we should through some rope play in there also ugggg! She yelled as she leaned back in her chair she was completely red-faced hell even her ears were red from embarrassment I looked over to Gimli smug smile I gave him a thumbs up saying good job mate she is completely red-faced Gimli cracked his hands saying all in a day's work friend shut the fuck up both of you Stream yelled Gimli chuckling o she is bashful o that's it I am going to kick your ass Stream yelled and moved to opened the door but the carriage stopped everyone stopped moving at this point we was in a open hilly planes with a few huge trees down the road from is was the dukedom of White Swan there was many dirt and paved roads leading up two this dukedoms gate but currently that wasn't what we were looking at it was the army of demons charging towards the city shit Brancen yelled if we dont make it into that city now that army will round onto us before trying to breech he walk I side pulling off my bident from my back saying All those who ant my tribesman get onto the cart that the wounded now all noncombat people follow them move they did as I said the moment they did I looked to Brancen saying we will try and by you time move Demonic legion on me its time to slice and dice I hissed as I put on my helmet Artemis spring forward Echo yelled no master Azmo but Brancen and Gimli who was driving the other cart hit the reins on the horses urging them to run I grinned seeing how many there was Shosa and his raptor moved next to me yelling orders sir I laughed Shosa unit spearhead formation on me we are cutting right through them in that chaos as we turn around Mesh and your unit rain down hell onto them we will only have the chance to run through twice ones we do retreat towards the city archers lay down suppressing fire as we move back but always stay in front of us got it yes sir! They yell good lets show these fuckers what we are made of hahahaha with that I pulled my Bident off my back before pulled my shield off my saddle Shosa did the same next to me he pulled off his shield off his back the other armorders did the same as they formed the tip of a triangle and I was at the head the ground shook and thundered under are beasts feet it was glorious I glanced back to Shosa yelling I know what I am going to call your unit the rumblers  may the ground rumble under your feet along with our enemies a huge grain spread across his face yelling you hear that yall we are the rumble so let us rumble, rumble,! Rumble,! Rumble! They yelled like it was war chant I laughed yelling let us rumble these mother fuckers boom I said that just in time before Artemis lunged onto the first demon in front of her I then swung my shield bashing another so hard it flow back a few feet but Artemis didn't stop I thrust and swung my bident all around me yelling rumble, rumble right at that moment the rumblers yelled along with me rumble rumble I raised my shield as a bone demon shot bone spike at me it sank into my shield but bounced off Artemis armor that bike demon got ramped on my one of my tribesman I swung my bident cleaving heads off demons till we got all the way through this army of over 500 demons we rushed forward for a few yards before I yelled turn right at that moment all of our raptors turning around and spring forward as we ran I seen arrows raining down on the demons the arrows kept on raining till we got close to the army again Shosa yelling tumble unit lets rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! We all yelled as we slammed into the demons again I thrust my bident through the head of the bone demon that attacked me it was just starting to get up but instead of my weapon being pulled out of its skull it got stuck on the bone so as Artemis ran by it the head got wripped off I gralled angrily but I didn't stop swinging my weapon if I couldn't slice and thrust I will just beat yall to death I hissed swinging my bident around a club slashing skills and ribs the like rumble, rumble Shosa yelled Rumble, Rumble we yelled this war cry not only bust our spirits but it allowed us to know how many of us was still alive we shot through this army running towards Mesh and her archers who started raining down arrows and they moved towards the gates that was starting to close slowly we should be able to make it I thought but just in case I yelled faster if a one of you dont make it into the city I sware to the gods I will drag your ass out from what ever hell you go to and I will kick your ass my self yes sir! And they urged there raptors to go faster after a few seconds Mesh and her archers got through the gate which was lowering quicker then the rumblers all got through but the gate was about shut Artemis lets do the thing I yelled throwing my bident through the gate the demon head still on it Artemis clicked in acknowledgment I leaned to the right as Artemis turned hard right hell her feet wasnt even in the ground as we slid under the gates sparks flying off our armor as it grinded on the stone roads we got passed the gate right after we did boom the gate closed Artemis and I used our tails to slame against the ground to throw Artemis back onto her feet as we slide to a stop I was leaning forward against her neck I was breathing hard so was Artemis both of our breaths was almost in sink I didn't hear anything at first but I could sense multiple people rushing towards me but after a few second my heart beat got quiet that's when I heard cheering and clapping I slowly looked up to see hundreds of people of many different races clapping and cheering for not only me but my tribe the people that rushed around me was Branden,and Harriet rushed towards me Branden grabbed my arm asking wow Azmo are you ok I side and slowly got off Artemis my legs was shaking I pulled off my helmet as I did everyone could see the huge grin on my face ow what a rush I yelled but maybe next time I can do with being crushed by the gate please Branden laughed will do mate hahaha Master Azmo and like that the cheering and clapping stopped as Echo walked forward holding my bident that was dripping dark purple onto the ground and the demons head was still on it she held out the weapon to me saying you not only saved my life one but twice truly I thank you I chuckled and want to go pat her head but I noticed I was covered in purple blood so I refrained I simply took my bident saying dont mention it just become a fine warrior who isn't arrogant that's all the thanks I need she smiled nodding I will I nodding good I turned to my tribesman I took a step forward so they could see me fully I grinned at them and held up my bident with the head yelling victory my tribe man did nothing at first till boom boom boom they started hitting there weapons into there shields or stomping the ground Shosa walked next to me still flying out flag I did notice a bit of purple blood on it but I didn't mind I think it added character to the glab he slammed his halberd into the ground yelling Rumble, rumble, rumble and soon all the rumblers took up the chant walking on both my sides was Duke and Daisy and landing on my shoulder was Athena I locked eyes with her and I heard her voice in my head good job my pupil I heard many things about your from many different gods but seeing you in action is a hole another story I can see where the name death walker came from you charged at a army of 500 with less then 40 troops and you didn't lose a man not just that you came out in top no wonder your married to one of Aries daughters hahaha I chuckled before I slammed my bident onto the ground the moment I did so my tribesman stopped cheering I nodded good now that we got the fun stuff out if the way its time to do the less fun stuff come on they all nodded but I looked to the Head still at the top of my bident I pulled it off my blade the moment I did so the head burst into green flames I looked to Shosa yelling yow big guy heads up and I tossed the head at him he grasped his halberd and with pinpoint accuracy he slammed the flat end of his blade against it the headshot over the wall damn I brought a hand over my eyes to block the sun you got some air on that one mate he chuckled definitely I looked to Echo asking umm little one I dont mean to be rude but is there a place where we can clean up and where I beasts can rest she laughed but of course you will be staying at the castle move my father is expecting us I nodded and like that she got into her carriage and I got back on Artemis I pat its side saying don't worry girl soon you will be able to rest just hold on please I promise I will cook your favorite stake she clicked that sounded like a  sy before nodded and she started following the carriage as we move up the street parted way for us I seen quite a few small shot stands that was selling a great many things but I had only seem 4 actual shop buildings one was a smithy, one was for potions, one was for magic items and ingredients and the last was a basically a mixed off the rest of the 3 but there was other stuff like food grain, tools and other such things but as we was walking my valuable picked up 2 things my headshot to that shop stall and got off Artemis walking up to it there sitting on a blue tarp with her legs crossed was a old elven lady that had many strange looking rocks and such she looked up to me with a smile but that's when I noticed her grayed out eyes she was blind but I seen her ears wiggle as she said o whats this we got a child of two death gods how fascinating but don't you know death walker you stink if demon blood maybe a bath is in your future I hope I chuckled bowing my head saying sorry elder about the smell but two of your piece cot my eyes please how much are these things and I tapped on a huge chunk of purple obsidian and this and I tapped on a strange black obsidian ball the woman chuckled two Gould for the first and 10 for the second I nodded and pulled out one of the money I got from the bandit leader and passed over 12 gold she nodded they are yours may they bring you good fortune I chuckled and in old Egyptian, I spoke thank you, elder, may the sun god bless you with good fortune and my Anubis great you with open arms I wonder if he still wears the style of clothes I reconsided him the old lady laughed but didn't respond I picked up my two new items I thanked her again before running back to Artemis who started moving again when I looked back to where the old lady was she was gone along with her items Athena looked at the odd circle obsidian ball I had in my hands and I heard her ask I understand y you bot the other thing but y this ball I chuckle gently putting it in my bag responding in my head it isn't a ball its a dragon egg the moment I said that Athenas head turned to me so face I was shocked she didn't brake the damn thing from whip lass but that's impossible the true dragons have been extenct for thousands of years now from people hunting them down to take there hoards or to use their body parts to forge powerful weaponry and armor I chuckled shrugging it would seem they missed a few cuz that's a dragon egg are you doubting me a child of Hades on what a valuable item is Athena side good point I nodded I know and focused back forward to see we was going through another gate we was currently walking access a draw brig in front of us was a castle in the center of what looked like a huge pond that had a shit tune of white swans in it the castle its self looked pretty basic and normal made from stone with spiraling towers the moment we all stepped off the bridge it slowly moved up leaving us in the courtyard of a castle Echo got out of her carriage saying people following me and we walked passed this courtyard into a huge open area and what looked like stables she waved her hand saying you can leave your beasts here they will be taken care of I shook my head saying no we will take care of them unless you want your servants to lose a hand or there life they are still wild beast but they see us as there master so they will only take orders from us she nodded on your rooms are right there and she pointed across from the stables where I seen several windows looking out onto the stables I nodded petting Artemis thank you little one she bowed its my pleasure master if you need any Harriet here will get whatever you need Harriet bowed I am at your service sir I nodded sounds good thank you with that I lead Artemis into one of the empty stable stoss and started the process of both cleaning Artemis and there armor which I took off after it was clean. 

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