Chereads / Bad girl stay blond (BGSB) / Chapter 115 - Arrival

Chapter 115 - Arrival

Song ( Travis Scott ft The Weekend Wake Up)

To the train station, Mary drove to pick up her sister, The train stopped people who were stopping in the area get down, Mary anxiously searched around for her sister when she finally spotted her.

A cowgirl high boot with a long draft tee shirt knotted backwards on her waist her abs slightly revealed, Jess's workout four times every week is a day-to-day routine,

"Hey bitch over here" Mary screamed as she spot her sister, Jess immediately looked toward the scream they ran into each other and hugged.

"Ohh my God" Mary exclaimed hugging each other so tight she didn't want to let go but Jess let her know she was done with the hugging.

"you look so beautiful, tell me what's going on" Jess said strolling her luggage Mary took one of her luggage as they walked to the car parked beside the road.

People were chattering, having street food, waiting for the next train boarding to other countries.

"You look beautiful too" Mary retorted back to be honest Mary was right the last time she left Nigeria she was so stressed and almost shit her pant.

"Thank you, how is mom she's doing okay" Jess asked both of them walking and talking at the same time.

"She is upset at the same time she said you didn't come to visit, I had no idea you would be back in a short while after that call I had to tell her you went on a field trip" Mary admitted

"Field trip! why are you telling me this now" Jess paused on her track facing her sister.

"Like I said I didn't know you would be back in a short while, Kyle told me your case was close I was so happy to hear that trust me Mom bought it she was proud" Mary defended. They resumed walking.

"We should be on social media do you know Travis lil entire life is the media how do people live their life with the press so invested in it is like waking up one morning and your picture flooding on Twitter"

"Bianca once told me is a good thing especially when you're in business" Mary highlights an interesting point.

"So you have Twitter, " Jess asked curiously

"No, I don't, I don't know how to use....isn't that a bird app" Mary contrarily asked as someone who had come across the app.

"What about Instagram and WhatsApp" Jess asked, Mary looked at her flustered.

"What do I need this for I'm okay with iMessage"

"Because in 2023 internet is an important factor in enhancing human lives, like creating an image on a platform not only for information and texting we can create a life" Jess said fitting the luggage in the back of the car, Mary stepped aside as she watched her.

"How would you feel people talking about you trust me most of the things online are fake how do you differentiate who is rich and who is not" Mary said curtly.