Chereads / He is a Demon / Chapter 18 - SHE PLAYED DIRTY


Hee Bin's POV - She was so annoying to me and I already said that I could go back to my room myself when I can't, I was sure she was going to laugh at me for the rest of her five months. She served me my food and put it beyond my reach, then she gave me a soup and told me to first take the soup while it was hot;

"Hey, hey, hey Miss. Korea what are you doing, I want to eat, I didn't tell you I wanted to drink your bitter soup", I said to her

"Well Mr. Heartbreak, you need that soup to recover from your current state, and I need you to get better so you will leave the house every morning for work", she said

I was stunned by what she called me, she called me Mr. Heartbreak, just because of she was there when Na Na did it, I hated that moment so much, I wished that ground could have just swallowed me

"What did you just call me?", I asked her for confirmation even though I heard her clearly

"I called you Mr. Heartbreak, I figured out master wasn't fit for teasing so I came up with that since you just got your heart broken by that girl", she said and scoffed

I was sincerely irritated by her presence, so I just drank the soup, when she saw that I was finished with the soup, she passed the dish she prepared and left to the kitchen.

Sung Min's POV - I went to the kitchen after I gave him the food, I watched him try to eat with his bandaged hands, he tried taking the food with his mouth, it was so funny, he placed his mouth on the plate and the food stained his face, he looked at the kitchen several times to see if I was coming to feed him, he didn't want to call me himself because of his ego, he was a very proud person. I walked out of the kitchen and pretended like I was going to my room, I wanted him to call me for help so I could reject him, but he didn't, he was too stubborn. I then remembered the bet, I had to come up with something so that he will fire me, then and idea came to me, I thought of not helping him to his room, I would tell him that if he wanted me to help him, he had to fire me, it sounded cruel but I had to do it. He shouted my name from the dining room, he was through with eating, I took the plate from him without even noticing him, I was then on my way to my room back when I noticed the mess he had done to himself, I laughed away, and while I was in my room he watched football. Well I think he can walk, he is just trying to frustrate me, because how did he get the television remote control, he must be doing it intentionally

Hee Bin's POV - When she went back to her room, I felt bored so I decided to watch a football match, the remote control was far away from me and if I had called her she wouldn't answer, so I tried to stand up on my feet but the were too weak so I decided to crawl, I crawled to where the remote control was and grabbed it and I went back to the chair. Time passed and she didn't come down I was starting to feel sleepy because it was late. I called her on the landline and she picked;

"Yes Mr. Heartbreak, what do you want from me?", she said

"Can you please come help me get to my room?", she cut the call so I took that as a yes. She came down and when she was close to me, she was like;

"Okay let me see you move all by yourself, I'd love to see you try", she said

"Just help me Miss. Korea, I really want to sleep", I told her

"I know you can walk Mr. Heartbreak, don't disturb me, I don't care if you crawl but I'm not going to help you off that chair" she said

"Just help me, please, I'm still saying please", I said

"Okay, if you want me to help you then you will have to sack me, if you do that I will help you", she said

At that moment I was so confused, see what a bet has turned me to, I'm now a subject to this low life, she was serious about not helping me and when I refused to sack her, she walked out to her room, I thought of sleeping in the sitting room that night but it wasn't proper, so i had to crawl, I crawled to my room and while I did it I was crying, I missed Babu so much, I wished Babu was there, crawling up the stairs was not at all easy, she didn't have pity on me because of a stupid bet, she wants to win at all cost, so she made me go through pain in the process, I thought of taking revenge but on a second thought it was useless doing it, she wants to go and I want to keep her;

"Five months, just five months Miss. Korea and you will see what I'm made of, I will win the best and still come after you to make your life a living nightmare, I will do it at all cost", I said to myself as a tear drop from my left eye

It was hatred that was in me for her, I hated her so much, I just wanted to see Babu or talk to him, so I called him but it didn't go through, I kept on trying till Babu picked the call, I told him everything and he said when he comes back after the five months and I win the bet we will sack her, from the way he said I could feel that he was lying about it but I just chose to believe him.