Chereads / The Secrets She Keeps / Chapter 5 - "11, not including English"

Chapter 5 - "11, not including English"

Marcos POV:

Jenna walked over to the back row of seats blew me a kiss and went straight to the new girls. "Hi, I'm Jenna, I think you two are pretty, and your fashion sense isn't too bad, so let's be friends." She said as she sat down on the chair in front of them. "Jenna, quiet down please." Mr Davids called from his desk, Jenna huffed and turned around while the two girls just stared at each other, Aisling scoffed, and Eve just shook her head. Jenna has this thing where she thinks she's better than everyone, which another thing I hate about her.

Aisling POV:

The bell rang and me and Eve went to our first class, History. Meh, I don't really mind history, I just hope I'm not with that Jenna girl, she seems like a bitch. I can tell we won't get along. "What do you think lunch will be?" I asked Eve, "what makes you think I would know? are you hungry already?" I'm always hungry, "yea" I replied. "Well, we have history and science before lunch, then maths and Spanish before we can go home" she said. "I just want to go to bed" I sighed "Want me to take you there?" I turned around to see who spoke to me, "Hi, I'm Kaz" he smiled, showing bright white teeth, "um hello? nice of you to offer but I'm good" I replied, "shame, well i see you round then new girl" he winked and walked away "Ew" Eve said, then walked into the classroom. We chose two seats near the back and sat down, I don't remember much of the lesson, as I fell asleep, but I was woken up by the sound of a textbook being slammed onto a table and the teacher shouting "LUCAS!" The boy at the front was dancing on the tables and throwing paper in the air, I saw him this morning in my homeroom, and it seemed like he took an interest towards Eve as he stopped to smile at her before carrying on. I took my phone out and saw texts from Callum, one of my older brothers, he was in business studies and wouldn't stop texting me about how bored he was. The bell rang and everyone got up and ran out.

Science went quickly and it was lunchtime already, I got a chicken sandwich and some juice and sat down on an empty table with Eve, obviously. Callum walked over with a mountain of food on his tray, a sandwich, crisps, a cookie, two juice boxes an apple and a yoghurt. "Are you feeding an army?" Eve joked, "I was hungry when we got here this morning, being bored makes me more hungry, and I've been bored for two hours" he pouted. Callum is 18 and he still acts like a child, well, most the time. "Go find some friends Cal, stop hanging around with us" I told him, he huffed and walked off carrying his tray.

"So you decided to join us?" Jenna asked in her overly sweet voice, "what?" I asked, "Well you're sitting at our table so that means you will be friends with us, right?" She said, signalling to a few girls behind her who sat down on the other chairs. "Great, I just want to get a few things sorted and make sure you understand. First of all NEVER wear an outfit that's all black unless it's a dress and we're going out for the night, second; make sure you always try to look your best, third; don't bother studying, you can just marry a rich guy and finally don't go near Marcos he is MY boyfriend." she finished. "Ní dóigh liom gur chóir dúinn cloí timpeall orthu (I don't think we should be around them)" Eve said. These girls obviously didn't understand Irish, though I'm not surprised, not many people do, "Tá (yes)" I replied, the girls looked at us, confused. Jenna was about to speak but I started talking first "nah we're good" I told her as we stood up and left. I can imagine the look on her face, I doubt anyone has told her the word 'no'.

Finally, school is almost over, just Spanish class to go. Jenna obviously isn't doing too well in Spanish; the teacher rarely speaks in English and Jenna seems to be having a hard time understanding. Earlier the teacher was talking about holidays and how to say things like plane, boat and some other touristy phrases, she asked Jenna on her opinion of traveling by plane, and she started talking about foods. I aced the class, obviously, I've been learning Spanish since I was about 4, the teacher was pleased. "How many languages do you speak?" she asked, um, I started counting in my head, "eleven, not including English" I replied, she looked shocked, "which languages can you speak?" someone asked, "Spanish, Korean, Japanese, German, Thai, Arabic, Irish, Mandarin, French, Italian and Russian." Everyone was staring at me with their mouths wide open, the bell went before any more questions were asked and everyone left the room.

Me and Eve walked back to our cars, mine is a green BMW M5 and Eve's is a black range rover, Callum came over and looked at his car, an orange Lamborghini Advantor, and started checking it making sure there were no scratches or marks, "NOOOOO MY BABY!!!" he cried, we came over and looked at what he was screaming about. A bird had shit on his car at suck an awkward angle, that it had covered most of his car door, "oh well" Eve said "you'll be fine, if you're going to get it cleaned, make sure you're back in time for Torin's birthday dinner." I told him, "Yea, I'll be there" he said before getting into his precious, shit streaked car and driving away.

"What present did you get for Torin?" Eve asked as I got out of my car, "I got him a new football, the dogs have claimed his old one" I replied, the door that connects the house to the garage was pulled open and Torin ran over to me shouting "ASS ASS ASS!" and I heard Eve laughing quietly to herself behind me. Torin has just turned three today, and cannot say my name properly so he just calls me ass, he is my youngest brother and probably my favourite, despite the nickname. I picked him up and took him into the house, where Rori, my second youngest brother was waiting for Torin with an armful of presents. He carefully arranged them on a table with many other presents, all different colours of wrapping paper and gift bags, we all get many presents on our birthdays, most of them from our father's men who have known us for most of our lives, a few from his business partners (they are often really dull things, my older brothers are always given ties, so they each have a cupboard full of ties they've never worn), but the best presents are always from family. My family is quite big, there is my dad, my mum, my oldest brother Liam (20), my second oldest brother Callum (18), my twin brother Adam (16), Me (also 16), Rori (9) and finally Torin (3).