She was finally able to go greet her uncle once he had attended to most of his guests, and sat down with his wife Rebecca, She went across to him and he looked at her with a surprised look on his face 'I am glad you were able to make it Lilly', Lilly was a nick name he gave her as a little child due to her fascination with lilies and daffodils which ensure were both planted in their garden in order for her to bask in the beauty of nature. 'Well, here I am, Hi John!' She responded and moving towards his beautiful thick african wife , she hugs her first and says to her 'Hello Rebecca !'. After the formalities have been exchanged , which involves Laura greeting the two children of her uncle, Sophia and Alexander;the family continued to discuss long into the night in an attempt to catch up with old times. 'It has been fifteen years since we last saw if I am correct', John says to her whilst trying to rack his brain, 'Twenty years ' replied Laura 'It has been twenty years' then there was a brief silence before Alexander interrupted and said 'We always invited you to Dad's birthday all these years but you never show up, why ?' Laura was quiet and everyone continued eating their meal silently. Sophia the elderly one unlike the rest of the family is cold and indifferent, she was the closest to Laura in the family before her parents passed and Laura understood why she acted the way she did, as she did not give her any explanation for leaving the family all those years that she did, neither did she explain anything to her uncle or his wife about what has been happening to her all these years. It pains to lose a loved one, especially one whose demise you did not see coming, this is one of the reasons why Laura had decided to focus on herself and her brand in an attempt to ignore all the sad memories and in the process sadly, she missed out on a lot.
John had been diagnosed with cancer and had few years to live, Alexander later told her whilst Sophia still would not talk to her. The birthday party was celebrated in a grand style, candles were lit and blown by the celebrant to make a wish for what he wanted on the event of his birthday; Laura left the next day and waved the family good bye,hoping she would see them again and accepting the fact that Sophia would understand someday. After all her attempts to talk to her at the party was met with a cold shoulder, she decided to give her space for the moment, while she took her number from her younger brother Alexander resolving to be able to reach out to her by trying again,however Sophia and Alexander would soon return to their respective bases while Sophia a known model returned to New york, Alexander a proficient lawyer had taken his next trip to Canada to visit his political client.
There was a pitch black darkness, dragons and monsters walked the earth, griffins and chimeras were everywhere, giants roomed the mortal world guiding it, There comes a light and a phoenix appears, beaming the white light in its eyes;on it rode an old man with a black hat and his distinctive beard alongside young Laura and in his warmth and strangely youthful voice tells young Laura to wake up as they are very near. Then they began to run and darkness began to cover the mortal surface as the light goes off and the phoenix flies while been ridden by the man and young Laura , suddenly the old man's voices disappear and other voices began to scream 'Wake up' to a yet still sleeping young Laura...
This was when she woke up suddenly with great anxiety and looked towards her time 'Oh shit' she said, she was late for interview with a T.v program scheduled early that day. A few moments later, she was ready and on the platform of 'Her Royal Highness' a program created to celebrate high profile women across the state, the show continued and she was interviewed on various segments of the society and also popped the big question she had always avoided from press, a question about her relationship with the opposite sex. As usual she avoided it but the self conceited kept prodding towards the subject until Laura voiced out that she was a private person who would rather not discuss this issue in public then the interviewer ended on that note though obviously not satisfied by the answer she got.
Orion had been moving from centuries to centuries as a priest of whispers that he now is and the first mortal to become after defeating Vlada the dark lord and sending him back into the nether world to be sealed for ever alongside his legions, after sacrificing his mortal life to restore peace to which his sister Salsa ruled, he was given the power to move from time to time as well as to have ability over time, making him the wingsman and also the mortal priest of whispers.
Orion became a channel between the mortal and the terrestrial beings that ruled from the Avalon, he came down to oversee and ensure things were in place, darkness does not eat deep into the core of the mortal world. But in order to maintain balance, there was a rule made by the spirit of whispers, he could not interfere with the world of a human without the human's permission, he could only watch while upon being invited or called upon he then could act.
It is the duty of the custodians of the universe to maintain a balance in order for all forces of the seen and unseen to be in alliance and thus there will not be the existence of anarchy. After his death, he became a protector of the mortal realm, going through and fro and giving reports to the Lord of whispers, he ensured Salsa ruled well ; even going as far as visiting her plenty of times . Asides watching over Bell city and going to and fro between the realms of the terrestrial beings and mortals, Orion enjoyed travelling through time and since he had forever to do it, he began his journey into the future.
A curious mind he had always been, he could see the period of weapons and steels into which he was born, an era of monsters and sorcery, he saw men battled in combat and slaughter monsters, dragons and griffins, warriors overcoming cities and he himself conquering the evil Lord with the help of his monster whom he is still able to talk to;who until now has refused to reveal its name.
He went further into the period of dark stones and wooden bullets , an epoch where men began to abandon weapons of steel gradually for wooden bullets,he became fascinated by the speed at which a young man prepares his gun and shoots and how the deer falls, he sees how his friends began cracking jokes with him as they carry the dead deer home to feast . Orion is more fascinated at the expertise of the young hunter and he decided to travel to this same time and period while rewinding the time to the exact moment in when the young man killed the deer, he reminisced on when he was always seduced by time who disguised as a lady and laughed..
Orion time travels through centuries and he comes across the era of civilisation, the millennium of technology where men do not combat with physical strength to anymore and countries battled themselves endlessly in quest to prove who is most powerful.
People's strength is determined by weapons and numbers in this time frame and social media has been introduced to mankind, then he begin to see a little girl whose parents have been murdered and who is being adopted by her biological parents's killers. He goes on to see the gift of the spirit of whispers that only he possess from generations to generations being given to this little girl and even though she is unaware of it, another dark horizon is coming upon the mortal world.
The human disciples of Vlada has risen and a certain man with the name Jason, a politician and a deep believer of sorcery has taken it upon himself to gather as much individuals as possible, Orion sees this man and watches his growth as he becomes more and more engrossed in sorcery and how he begins to influence people with his persuasiveness and subtle approach as well as his handsomeness; his almond shaped eyes sparked with passion as he moved his titan shoulders with the grace of a leopard, canvasing for votes to represent his college as student president .
He was very virile even as a teenager and Orion kept following up his time frame and success and then he realized trouble was coming , suddenly he was attacked by another time traveller, in the form of a silhouette and began to strike Orion in forms of magic which made him defend himself and he immediately began emanating beams of red light from his eyes and with the use of his super speed ability and super strength, he struck the silhouette with his sword and has it screamed and vanished;Orion lay stood speechless not believing his eyes at what had just happened. This had never happened before, he braces himself and prepared for what is to come as he vanished into Avalon to relate his new discovery to the Lords and priests of whispers.
The Lords of the spirit of whispers are seated in a meeting in the Avalon, pondering upon what Orion and told the high lord as regards what he had seen, 'Another season of doom is about to come upon the mortals whom we protect, and we saw this coming' The high lord said 'which is why we put another human among the mortals blessed with our gifts, Orion listens briefly and responds 'But she is has no idea what she is capable of, I have seen her in the present world, she still had no idea how to unleash the strength within her' The high lord smiles and one of the seated lord responds , 'we see all that you do Orion and we know that you mean well for the mortal realm' she takes a drink and continues but you know the rule , you cannot interfere unless she allows you too, we have decided to allow you guide her from a distant due to the urgency of the situation, evil has risen again'. The meeting ends as the lords of the spirit of whispers reach an agreement with Orion