Chereads / Into Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 8 Nirn's Beta / Chapter 100 - High Hrothgar

Chapter 100 - High Hrothgar

When we walked in silence up the mountain, I took the time to read the letters given to me. They were interesting items. The first letter was from canary telling me she got my note. The quest log updated, leaving me to find Canary later. 

The quest chain relating to Canary seemed to just have me wait. Wait here, do this, wait for this. It made the quest rather predictable. I folded up the letter, the way things were looking I would need to save my Thalmor Defector. That was the next logical step to the question was, will it actually lead me down that path.

The second letter was thankfully more straight forward. General Tullius congratulating me and Canary. It seems she sent a report, the odd thing was that the third letter was also from General Tullius. It was orders to capture the jagged crown and it listed the stormcloak's research on the tomb where it was being kept. He wanted me to steal the crown if Legionnaire Rikke and Hadvar fail the operation.

I frowned looking at all three letters. My frown grew as a realized between the three letters a encryption and code was within all three. The code Canary used was different from the on Tullius used. However the fact they both used one bothered me.

I cracked the General's code first. "Cyrodil is compromised, no reinforcements will arrive for the war. Son of Attrebus is on his way to skyrim. Arrival due in 13 cycles and 15 moons." I frowned as I thought about the message. Son of Attrebus is the current emperor and the time span was 2 months? That was dangerous...

I looked at the second letter and decoded the second message. "Old enemies are acting, debris from an infernal city has been collected. Estimated breakout is 2 years time, civil war must be ended by eta."

I frowned, I figured this would happen. Skyrim's events were fucked. However it was Elderscrolls 6 and its events that I truly feared. It was a war in heaven event and the game took place across all of Tamriel. The way things were looking those events were on a crash course with skyrim.

I clicked my teeth and looked at Canary's note again. The encryption was a mess, but I figured it out. Her hidden message was simple, it was a date. Three weeks out was the date. Doing the math I frowned, it wasn't a meeting time. It was a due date, which meant I had to figure out said date.

As I started to think about the possibilities I bumped into someone's back. I looked up and found Stephan standing still looking up at a large black castle. Stephan spoke, "It's beautiful."

I nodded, "In a way, but I doubt we should stand around."

I was the first at the door and was followed by Kyne. I held the door open for him, "Your destiny awaits."

The party entered High Hrothgar's walls. The place was massive and I wondered at the effort it must of took to construct the fortress. As that was exactly what it was, a fortress repurposed to be a sanctuary. 

A voice in a casual tone spoke aloud. "When we summoned the dragonborn, we expected him to have company. However such a large party is unexpected."

The voice came from an old man meditating in the middle of the entrance hall. This was Arngeir, the spokesman of the greybeards. Kyne spoke, "I've come to learn."

Arngeir nodded, and stood to greet us. "That is good, we will discuss more in time. However I believe the travel up has made you tired. For now let's have you settle in, a day of rest will learning easier."

Arngeir looked at me and the rest of the party. "Let's do introductions. I am Arngeir, and my fellows are Borri, Wulfgar, Einarth."

This time I spoke up, "That's the dragonborn, his name is Kyne. This is Stephan, I am Vek, and finally the women are Viree and Illia. I've come to learn the way of the voice along with Kyne."

Arngeir nodded, "And the rest?"

Stephan stared at the old man in front of him. He broke free from his thoughts, "I'm Stephan, I guess I am here to also learn? I want to help Kyne."

Viree drifted to the side, "Me and the witch are just tag alongs. I heard the greybeards are pacifists so I don't really think you have anything to offer me."

I slapped Viree in the side and she frowned. "I'm sorry about her, but she is more or less right."

Arngeir looked at me carefully and nodded. Arngeir pointed to Wulfgar who arrived in the entrance hall in perfect silence. "The dragonborn should follow Wulfgar. The two women may explore the east hall. As it is where your party will be able to rest. Finally you two may follow me."

Viree and Illia nodded along walking toward the east. While Kyne disappeared with Wulfgar somewhere to the west. Leaving me and Stephan with Arngeir. He looked Stephan over, "You have a good heart, but the Greybeards are pacifists. We don't have much to teach you that isn't related to the way of the voice. If you wish to learn ways to help the dragonborn... I suggest checking the library we hold several ancient tomes collected over the years. It is to the west, fourth door and the left."

Stephan looked at me and back at Arngeir, "I can't learn the way of the voice?"

Arngeir shook his head, "You could, but it would take years. You must have the talent, unless you wish to never speak normally again. It is a deep understanding that is required, otherwise you may only speak in whispers like my fellow greybeards."

Stephan looked at me, and sighed. "So he has the understanding?"

Arngeir shook his head as he looked me over. "My intuition tells me to handle him differently."

Stephan gave a slight nod. "Okay?" He gave me and odd look as he wandered off. Arngeir was finally left alone with me. He stared silently as he sat back down. "Paarthurnax has spoke of you."

A smile formed on my face. "My reputation proceeds me! Even dragons know my name, eh?"

Arngeir nodded, "Communion with our leader has increased since you arrived in skyrim. Boy from Atmora... Tell me? Do you not wish to help your people?"

I shrugged, "It is in the back of my mind. The fusion of souls... It is a complicated endeavor."

Arngeir nodded once more, "So you know what is happening to you? That makes things easier. Climb the mountian, the way cannot be cleared. However with that amulet around your neck, I doubt you will have a problem."

I looked at Arngeir. "So I just have to climb up? Meet Paarthurnax? Just that easy?"

Arngeir nodded, "He has... told us what needs to be done. What we must teach Kyne."

I looked toward the direction Stephan disappeared too. "And the library?"

Arngeir held his tongue, "Don't be greedy, you are already being allowed to meet Paarthurnax. Is that not enough for you?"

I shrugged, "I like everything in my hands. It isn't greed, just good resource management."

Arngeir let out a laugh this time. "I remember when I was your age. Just go, I do not mean to be rude. However I do not wish to talk with you anymore."

I grimaced at the old man and walked past him toward the Courtyard of High Hrothgar. 

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