Chapter 77 - Froki!

Carriage rides were slow and boring. So the moment we arrived even close to Froki's shack everyone hoped off the carriage. We were stopping for lunch. We agreed that Canary would go hunting while I handle my detour at Froki's shack.

I was stopped at the front porch of his home. I had looked around and didn't find a diadem of the savant. Meaning there was no glitch in the matrix. I felt like that would be obvious, with a shrug I knocked on the door of the shack.

A small boy answered the door. "Hello?"

I smiled, "Haming right?"

The boy nodded, "Y-Yeah?"

I nodded, "I'm glad I found you then. Your grandfather is Froki Whetted-Bane right? Is he home? I would like to talk to him."

Haming opened the door and an older voice rang out. "I heard ya! What do you want?"

I took out Froki's bow, the repaired bow was fixed by Canary. However I made sure the bow looked still worn. "First I would like to return your bow? I follow the path of the Kyne, and when I was hunting some trolls I followed them to a cave. Some dead hunters had the bow, I assume they stole it from you or?"

Froki got up from his seat and walked over to me. He grabbed the bow and inspected it. "Yeah, this is my bow." He looked up at me, "You follow Kyne?"

I nodded, "Yes! Though I did stray from her path once." I held up Hircine's ring. "The ring is cursed and now is bound to me..." I cleared my throat and lied through my teeth. "I was completing Kyne's Trials when I found your bow."

Froki raised an eyebrow, "Oh, you were completing her trials?"

I nodded, "Yes, the guardian troll spirit resided within Graywinter Watch. It was where I found your bow."

Froki nodded, "Who preformed the sacred ceremony to begin the trials for you."

I revealed the Hearth to Froki, "I am a traveler from afar, I am from Atmora. My uncle who still resides there preformed the ceremony for me. Kyne's will lead me to Skyrim, we thought this place was forsaken by the gods. I'm glad to see people still worship the mother pantheon."

Froki's smile brightened at my words. I even noticed my speechcraft increase, with it being legend that was much harder now. Froki caught my attention though, "Atmora! I would have never imagined! I'm glad to hear there is still those who worship the mother pantheon as well. So many worship the imposter gods and have lost their way."

This old man really made it easy. Atmora was a place abandoned by the gods and that included the daedric princes. Froki however believed it without a doubt. I took a risk and gave a slight nod. "Well, I should get going. I just wanted to return your bow. A hunter's tools are a mirror of themselves. Your bow was clearly beloved despite the state I found it in. May the stars guide you."

I turned to leave, but Froki reached out. "Wait! If your completed the Sacred Trials take this."

He held out an amulet made of bone and stone. This was Kyne's Token, I suppressed my joy. "B-but I couldn't. That's a Token of Kyne isn't it?"

Froki nodded, "Yes, I made it myself when I completed the sacred trials. Haming, my grandson is too young to attempt the trials. Nor do I want him to be held back by my beliefs. Just because I hate the new faith of skyrim doesn't mean I won't stop him from worship of them. That was how I lost my son..."

Froki shook his head, "So you take it, perhaps you can put it to use. I would've let you keep my bow as well. However I can see you have your own."

The bow on my back was actually Canary's I may have convinced her in letting me borrow it. I held out my hand and took Kyne's Token. I inspected the amulet and sure enough it had the enchantment on it. No sacred trials needed!

I held it to my chest, "Thank you! I will wear it with great care."

Froki nodded, I paused before the door again. This time I spoke with some advice. "Perhaps you should give your old bow to Haming. He may to young for the sacred trials. Self defense and good practice is good for the body and mind."

Froki smiled at me and looked at Haming. The young boy stared back and kicked his legs against the wooden chair he sat in. Froki responded, "Thanks, I'll do that."

I closed the shack behind me and my grin grew wicked. However I froze as I received a notification.

I blinked and opened my passive effects tab. A red named effect was added and I frowned. Kyne's imposter was a debuff that decreased my accuracy with bows by 20%, that's fucked up. I guess I couldn't complain. I had just scammed an amulet off an old man.

I looked at the amulet again, thankfully the enchantment remained the same. I placed the amulet within the Belt. Equipping it to my belt added the effect Kyne's Blessing. Damage taken from creatures was reduced by 10% while my archery was boosted by 5%.

The damage reduction was the important part since it included daedra and other 'creatures'. Basically it was any non-humanoid that wasn't a construct. The archery part made me think about the debuff though. Did archery enchantments increase the accuracy of archery as well? Normally it increases the damage. However I wondered if it had some sort effect on accuracy. Could I off-set my terrible aim with enchantments?

Thankfully the debuff only reduced accuracy with bows. Crossbows seemed like they would be unaffected. Which was good because I eventually wanted to make one and use that instead of a bow. Mainly because it would be easier to put a scope and varying other accessories that a bow wouldn't have. 

I smiled as I smelled what they were cooking from here. I slid down the path to see get something to eat.