Chereads / Into Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 8 Nirn's Beta / Chapter 70 - Short changed

Chapter 70 - Short changed

After getting some gold from the Villagers we had returned to Whiterun. In which I reported what happened at the Halted Stream Village and got more gold from the Jarl. I frowned though, the Jarl actually gave me less gold than the Village. Money was money though so scamming the Jarl of some extra gold was fine.

Balgruuf however seemed to stare at Sable Wave oddly. He likely feared I would have the ebony blade equipped or something. The report though seemed to put that to rest, but he still gave me odd glances. I yawned as I sat under the Gildergreen tree. 

I wonder if I should take that quest to save it? I jumped as someone grabbed my shoulder. I frowned at Canary who spooked me. She was smirking, "So paranoid, it's almost cute."

I frowned more, "I'm not paranoid."

Canary laughed, "Says the person who looks like he's going to stab someone in the middle to the city."

I frowned harder, "I'm not going to stab someone, nor do I look like it. I'm planning and writing down my thoughts and notes."

Canary shrugged, "Well I got some things to add. I listened to some witnesses and more than just one or two dragons have resurrected. It's in the 100s already... To think all those dragons were buried it's astonishing. Thankfully only about half of those are in skyrim. Which brings me to my next point."

She sat down on the bench next to Viree who was eating an apple. Canary looked at my notes and made a face. "I would like to check out Helgen which was supposedly destroyed by the biggest dragon seen. Apparently the guy is twice as big as the ones resurrecting and no one can figure out why he destroyed Helgen."

I tapped on my notebook with my pencil. "He likely knew the dragonborn would be there. Ironically the actions of Alduin freed Kyne of the headsman's axe. The real question is how did he know the dragonborn was there?"

Canary gave me a look, clearly she wanted to ask about how I knew said information. I however only elaborated by pointing to the Jorravaskr. "Kyne, the dragonborn, had joined the companions. I directed him and a guy named Stephan there to learn how to fight. Stephan is a bum and Kyne has amnesia. So hopefully the companions will toughen them up or something."

Canary stared at me and I ignored the expression on her face. She didn't ask me anything though, "So the route we are going to take is through Helgen toward Riften where we will begin our direct orders."

I nodded, "I already planned to head that direction. I was currently debating if I should detour to a place called Orphan's rock. Personally I would prefer to avoid Hagravens, but the area has multiple witch covens. I'm already planning on attacking one to recruit a little witch."

Canary looked at me, "Is there a bounty for it?"

I smirked, "Of course there is? Why would I do free labor? Though the bounty is only for the Hagraven which is in possession of a dagger named nettlebane. The bounty was listed by a priest here in Whiterun."

Canary nodded, "Fair I suppose."

I nodded and got up, "Well the night is closing in so I am gonna get a drink."

Viree perked up at that, but I wasn't gonna buy anything for her. I had visited alchemist shop a few times already. I was tempted to visit one more time as it surprisingly stocked plenty of goodies. However with my last purchase I don't think I could anymore. After all it was a daedra heart...

I cracked my neck and decided to come up with a new idea. Entering the Bannered Mare I found who I wanted to see, Sam Guevenne. I sat down next to the man and he turned his head slowly. With simple smile he spoke, "You look like you could handle your liquor. Do you think you could beat me in a drinking contest? I'll even bet my prized staff!"

Truth be told I didn't want the staff. Hell I had the Skull of Corruption only because someone else did the quest. Staves felt useless to me, however I smiled at the disguised Daedra. "A staff? Really? I use a sword and alteration magic. I would hardly use a staff."

The Daedra smiled back, "I promise it is a prize worth the contest."

I leaned on the bar, "That's what they all say. However when I say I have no use for the Sanguine Rose. I have no use for the Sanguine Rose, dear prince of debauchery."

A disturbed smile that made my skin crawl spread across is face. "I suppose it makes sense you recognize me. You've made so many deals, so many friends! Hmmm, you know. I haven't had so much fun in years. Thanks to you several of the other princes are at each other throats. So I wouldn't mind changing the prize for you if you can beat me that is."

That was a good offer, however it still left the quest chain. "Can I use any method to beat you?"

He smirked, "Yes everything is game, but the alcohol must be drunk."

I held up nodded, "That's fair, I enjoy having fun, however I'd rather not steal goats and marry Hagravens. So when I win, you can't interfere with my reward, me, or my methods to win."

He nodded back, "Intriguing, you are confident. Very well, no extra strings attached. I never really like to do that kind of thing anyway. The freedom of choice is always more interesting."

Sanguine conjured up 9 cups of of a mysterious red alcohol. No one seemed to notice this, so I guess he was doing a little more than just conjuring them up. I paused however as Viree entered the Bannered Mare. She looked over at me and Sam and waved her over.

Sanguine looked at Viree with a questioning gaze. I smiled back at him, "Viree? You haven't had a drink in a while right?"

She perked up, "Y-Yeah?" She seemed to think I was going to say something. I smiled at her however, "My friend here prepared some special Clovian Mead. You want some?"

Sanguine's eyes brightened as he studied me. He smirked and nodded, "A rare brand, I don't mind sharing."

Viree paused and sat down next to me. "I'll try some."

I pushed five of the drinks over to Viree. She picked up the tankard and instantly drank it. Her eyes sparkled, "This is pretty good!"

She drank another tankard without any worry. Sanguine smiled, "This Mead acts quickly perhaps you want to take a breather?"

She shook her head, paused looked at me. "Hulda? Could you get some snacks for my friends here?"

She nodded and placed a small tray of bread and cheese besides us. Viree drank another Tankard and Sanguine raised his eyebrow at me. "I'm impressed with your methods, I suppose I should've made such a restriction before you agreed on the rules."

I shrugged as Viree drank another tankard. She paused for a moment and her face was a little red. However she picked up a slice of bread, buttered it and shoved it in her mouth. Viree paused, "Wait! Y-you aren't gedding me drunk on purpose are you Vek?"

This time both me and Sanguine looked at her with curiosity. However Sanguine was more amused than truly curious. Viree seemed to slow down a little, but that didn't seem to matter as she finished off the 5th tankard before the hour. Canary sat down on the other side of Viree. "Is she okay?"

I pushed a tankard over to Canary, "Yeah she just drank some of this Clovian Mead. A rare brand, you want some?"

She hesitated however Canary soon began sipping at the mead. She smiled, "This is pretty good." Her face was already beginning to flush with color. "I think I can only drink one though."

I nodded, "That's fine. Just enjoy the cup you have."

Sanguine looked at me, "Are you going to try some? After all I believe within the hour it will be your win."

I shrugged, and took one of the cups. I drank it in one gulp and pushed the last two tankards to Viree. Who seemed to be losing control of herself. Before she got any further though I patted her back. "You feeling okay?"

She looked at me with blurry eyes and she smiled. "Yesh! I feel great!" After that she began drinking the last two cups of liquor. Leaving me to smirk at Sanguine, he seemed to be in thought and laughed when his eyes met mine.

I felt my skin crawl again though as his eyes went from human to a sickening red and black. "All is fair, I should've made the rules stricter. Besides I think I will have a show by the end of the night. Tell ya what though. You get that Mer to drink one more cup and I'll give you an extra prize."

I perked up at that prospect, however it made me wonder what he had in mind. This time he only summoned a cup. "Three options, first is get her to drink an Aphrodisiac, sweet and simple with the chance of an interesting night. Second, you take this cup and go to the bathroom to relieve yourself. Very depraved, and it will certainly be interesting to see. The third, a cup of her own blood. The extra prize will depend on the choice."

I frowned at the options and was honestly left a little disturbed. I knew he was the daedric prince of depravity, but... I let out a sigh, "Can I get a hint at what the prize might be?"

He shrugged, "They aren't much, just some jewelry."

Jewelry? I scratched my chin, "I'll be honest I don't think I want to do either of the second two options. So I just give me the aphrodisiac." He snapped his fingers and the cup filled with a pink liquid.

I raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed, "It's a special fruit only grown in oblivion. I figured you wouldn't be depraved enough for the other two. Shame I would've given you two very interesting items if you picked either of those."

Canary had her head down on the bar. It seemed she ate a little of the cheese from the snack plate. Viree had gotten up to start dancing, thought it wasn't very good. So I picked up the new cup of liquid and sat next to Canary. I patted her back, "Can't handle your liquor well? I get it, Viree is a natural at drinking."

She shot up and stared at me. Her face still red, "I can handle my alchold perfectly fine."

I shrugged, "Sure, the Altmer are known for their alcoholic parties."

She scoffed, snatched my the cup from my hand and tossed it back. "I can handle my liquor perfectly fine. Now why don't you go b-buy yourself a... what was that?"

I leaned on the bar, "It was a fruit based Brandy." I smiled at her and her face contorted in emotion. She rose to her feet and nodded at me, "I'm going to bed. Good night Vek."

She stumbled a little, but she ran off. I looked back at Sanguine who was smiling, he sighed however. "I was hoping for something a little more. It seems the only fun one is that werewolf. Clever trick by the way, if you were a werewolf yourself however it wouldn't have worked. The liquor I offered was based on your tolerance, a real shame that."

So he would've changed the alcohol based on race or species? I guess that makes sense. Sanguine looked at me once more with his disturbed smile. "Your prize!" He held out a jewelry box. I took it and he nodded. "A warning, many Princes are watching you. I'll tell you this only once, avoid Beothiah and Molag Bal. They won't play fair with you." He paused, "Oh, and Vaermina wants to meet you."

He vanished before my eyes after he said his peace. I looked around and he was just gone. Vaermina wanted to meet me? I also thought about the warning with Beothiah and Molag Bal. Beothiah had good artifacts, but Molag Bal was a prince I would never contact.

I sighed, and opened the jewelry box Sanguine gave me and looked inside it. I raised an eyebrow in thought. One item was a ring and I didn't really recognize it, but I could guess what the ring was. The ring was the death dealer's fete, it's enchantment was simple, Escalating Fete. The ring increases one's stamina regen, recovers fatigue and potency of spells over time within conflict. The truth was it was a sex ring, which made me really wonder what the other two items were. The ring was said to be cursed though. I shrugged and equipped the ring to the Belt of Many Uses. 

Looking back at the jewelry box I stared at the second item... I didn't have any guess at what it was. The artifact was a red masquerade mask. It was made from shaped Roses and Nightshades. The Amalgamate's Deception, I suppose it was a fitting name. I looked at the enchantment and I blinked in stun silence.

In a way the ring was better, but I could see exactly why he would give me this mask. If what he had said was true and Daedra were watching me. The mask granted its wearer a power much like Hircine's ring. The power, Wardrobe of the Masquerade, gave the wearer the ability to shapeshift. The wearer could change gender, race, species. The Shapeshift wasn't true shapeshifting though, it was simple a deception so great that even the wearer believes the change has been made.

I equipped the mask to the belt as well. Sanguine had helped me greatly, and I had to wonder what he got out from it. Was he really just looking to be entertained? I mean it made sense, but most Daedra wanted followers right? Suddenly the wind was knocked out of me.

Viree had wrapped her arms around my waist and was hugging me. "Sush great!"

Viree was wasted by the alcohol despite Sanguine saying it wasn't that strong. Obviously I didn't believe that, but using others to complete the challenge worked for me. I picked Viree up and decided to check on Canary before going to sleep. I suspect Sanguine had additional reasons for the second challenge against Canary. Hopefully I can find out what.