At first there was silence in the room as both the Emperor and Bellion were in total silence it was as if something shocking like a bolt of lightning had struck them both but the Emperor was the first to come out of his shock
"they..they WHAT!" with this tone alone it was already clear that the Emperor was already pissed some would wonder how could a symbol of peace and calm become this angry well the tip of the iceberg was just this tragedy that occured
"My king he was possessed by a demon and by one of the ancient souls at that" Bellion began explaining the side of his story as the king had already gotten up from his throne with a look of slaughter all over his face
"I'm heading over there now!" the Emperor declared this was beyond what anyone could have imagined sure there would be a few losses here and there but totally pulling out the heaven realm trump card would mean total annihilation
"No my king! you can't go the technicians are in other mortal worlds by now let alone you even the formation could not ordinarily contain my power your presence there would cut off the contact we have on that void planet and it would alert the demon emperor that would not be beneficial " Bellion tried to speak sense and reason into the Emperor's head as the Emperor's aura was restless and all over the place
"so we already lost this war,our troops are out there dying and the demons are at the winning side now " the Emperor stated with a worried look on his face his forehead creasing due to the stress and accumulated thoughts
"they took your son and now almost half of the entire heaven realm is about to be wiped out. Bellion...when did it all come to this" abruptly standing up the Emperor began moving striding past Bellion who was still on his knees moving into the courtyard he was about to go for his 'thinking walk' as most referred it as that was what the Emperor did whenever he was stressed
"wait..wait my king I've a small request"
Bellion shouted
"I know Bellion your son would be given a proper burial worthy of a king himself he was a brave young man although his battle strength wasn't much to brag about his wits were the highest I've ever seen yes...yes..tell Andrew to announce it round the heavenly realm"
the king walked on as if guessing what was going to happen next thinking he had predicted right he continued moving it was then
"no that's not it I was talking about that thing "
"OH? well that is interesting it is not yet ready is it? we haven't found an heir now have we I was thinking you would pass it onto your son but ....."the king's voice trailed off as his eyes fell on Florence limp body that looked pale. looking down the king continued walking off
"It's alright Bellion if you want it to be finished today if would be fine we would complete it today if it is your wish the heavenly realm would never forget you you did so much for them"
"thank you my king it would be best if we completed this now there is no prediction that something like this won't happen again and by that time I would not be the same man I'm now..thank you my king"
"we lost the war but there won't be much to do later on as the presence of I and the demon emperor would leave this battle at a stalemate it would be best if we hide this from the public at least for the next few millennia that would give us a chance later on" the Emperor stated finally leaving the courtyard
a purplish-dark mist came out from the ground
"hehehehehe this is my chance I can't let this go to waste it was a good thing I stored this spot in the teleportation chamber getting to the heavenly realm unnoticed would be impossible otherwise"
"Ahhhhh what do we have here a lone guard ohh that's nice time to fulfil the mission and be free from this mist like body..I miss my old body damn that demon emperor he just had to do this to me" swooping in the dark mist entered the line guard who turned out to be the same one that had spoken to the grand master
'my shift is almost up can't wait to meet my family although grand master looked anxious but we should know In the mor-'
'what's this feeling...I.....I can't move I can't speak what is this'
the guard screamed in his head as he made frantic effort to move or even scream for help all this happened in a span of a second
the guard consciousness was tossed into a dark place where a cloud of smoke could be seen in the distance
"wha..what are you how are you here, HOW AM I HERE,WHAT IS GOING ON "
the guard screamed as all he could see was darkness and the air felt thick and made his stomach churn
"Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!" the guard screamed
And outside the eyes of the guard turned black as a creepy smile spread on his face
"hehe let the games begin "
For those that are confused Emperor is the general name of the ruler of the heaven realm however Bellion refers to him as king because they are very close to one another that they could be seen as friends although they share mutual respect for each other