Chereads / Reshma Sewpath / Chapter 10 - CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE- THIRTY-ONE



He looked so alive, invigorated and his zest for life shone in ageless beauty. Gabrelle`s heart somersaulted. She was totally in love with this magical person and a blush creeped over her neck and allowed for a natural flush of beet to steam her face. His smile was brilliant as the grand daylight and instead of Gabrelle being pensive about his arrival, the flutter in her heart told her that she was silently panting with excitement.

"Top of the morning to you Lady Gabrelle." Even the honey that the bees produced could not compete with his words that were dripping so sweetly and beautifully. Gabrelle was stumbling as her heart raced a marathon. She had forgotten about her visitors until Maynard cleared his throat.

"We shall take your leave now Gabrelle." He was speaking but Gabrelle heard nothing. It was Catherine who hesitated as she lingered behind Gabrelle as her husband was making his way out. Count Samsidion stepped aside to make way for the other man to leave.

"I am not sure that we should leave right away." Catherine spoke to her husband and then searched Gabrelle`s face. This was a nightmare that was just waiting to happen, and Gabrelle was unsure as to how to alleviate the situation. She understood that her neighbors were concerned about her, but she could not explain to them that Count Samsidion was a worthy person. It was frowned upon for a single female to be alone in the company of a dashing male. But Gabrelle had no time for useless semantics. Her mother had raised her to be fiercely independent and currently she was living and fending for herself. She had to think quick on her feet.

"Dear Catherine." Gabrelle smiled sweetly and turned her attention. "This is a very dear friend of mine." She did not offer any formalities of names because frankly it was not anyone`s business but hers.

In the space of the moment, Count Samsidion reached for Catherine`s hand, took it and kiss it gallantly. "Count Samsidion Debracus at your service madam." It was a bold move on his part, but it was clear to her that her Count could care less of others. A sweep of both the expressions saw Gabrelle two people with their jaws drooping with amazement. Count Samsidion then nodded his head to a startled Maynard. Gabrelle was truly short of breath and her words became vapor.

"As you can see," Count Samsidion was addressing Catherine and then his head whipped to the direction of Maynard. "Lady Gabrelle is much safe in my company."

Catherine`s eyes rounded to marbles of amazement. "Yyyess." She was stumbling badly, and it was obvious that it was her very first encounter with aristocracy. After composing herself, she looked straight at her husband and haughtily said. "Come Maynard, let's get this medicine to mother." Without even glancing at Gabrelle, Catherine and her husband marched in the direction of their homestead.

Gabrelle did feel the mist of humor settling upon her, but she also understood that she would become the harbor for all the cheap gossip to settle upon. "You are incorrigible; do you know that." She tried to keep the laughter out of her tone, but a deepening smile was alighting the corner of her lips. This got her a response of a hearty bark of laughter from him.

"I did get the job done right." For a moment, a blank expression hailed her. "You were trying to get rid of the nosey lady."

Gabrelle`s grin extended into a ray of laughter. "You know me too well." From then on, the conversation became easy and carefree and for one thing that Gabrelle was certain of that it was this man became the owner of her being.

"What brings you to my neck of the woods, Count Samsidion." Without responding to her he pulled her into the home, shut the door with his foot and gathered her into his arms. Gabrelle was taken by a storm of surprise, but she showed no resistance. This felt so right and extremely good and left her little choice but to reciprocate. It no longer bothered her that Samsidion was so cool to her touch. Loving someone enabled the realism to become adaptable. She knew that him embracing her with those ferocity was not in accordance with the norms of society but for now she cared so little about what others may think. He loosened his grip.

"My apologies my lady." He did not let go but his gaze sunk into hers. "I never knew that missing someone could evoke so much of pain." A dreamy film of tears matted Gabrelle`s eyes. She understood and while she had tried to tuck him away in her memory, he was already always present and accounted for. Such was the plague of love. No matter how much it hurt, there was no stopping the heart from caressing in value to emotions.

She could no longer bottle her feelings because her dam was about to burst. "I know what you feel." Her admittance was clear cut. "I missed you so much." As though she could no longer keep herself from strength, she caved in and broke into a sob. Her crying racked against his chest and Count Samsidion brushed her hair with his hands while his lips grazed her cheeks. It felt so amazingly good to be circled into his arms. Eventually after a while he let go of her.

"I am here my love." He allowed himself whisper, almost afraid that his admission could be heard by the world. She grabbed hold of him; her tiny arms encircling his taut waist. She loved the way his metal hardness encompassed her cotton wool softness. For some reason Gabrelle could not contain her emotions and her sobbing became incessant. Count Samsidion was patient and drew her tighter into his arms. Gabrelle felt the forbidden ache in her loins, and she ground herself to him.

"We must not, my love." He whispered but she was aching something mad for him.

She whimpered, "Please, I am consumed." She could not speak anymore because she ached for his touch. Samsidion scooped her up in his hands and carried her through to the back room where her little bed stood. He lay her down ever so gently and attempted to walk away. Gabrelle was not having him to do that to her. For the first time in her existence, her body was alive with an overwhelming sensation that was driving her wild. She grabbed him.

"Elle no," his cry was guttural and pained. "Not like this." She was shaking her head in refusal.

"Please," her begging left him squirming because when it came to her, he became weak and helpless. "Elle not like this." His argument was the same crying disparaged murmur, but she held on tight to him.

She touched his icy face. "Just like this." She reassured him; even though she was not a lady of the world, but her body spoke to her in volumes. She needed to feel his touch. She needed him fully and wholly. He should know and understand her heart by now and how incredible needy her body had become to his touch. His reluctance slipped away. He caved into the might of desire and with a guttural cry his frame descended over her body. His kiss awakened her slumber of desire once more and while Gabrelle had no experience as far as intimacy went, she allowed herself to make her dream into reality, mimicking his movements and giving him what he so lovingly gave to her. She flinched as his hands went up her dress and because of that he stopped but she adjusted almost immediately and put her hands over his allowing him the pleasure of touching her bare flesh. His hands knew the job that it was meant to do and soon his fingers grabbed hold of her nipples, pinching them gently until she arched her body towards his moaning with desirous happiness. It was the first time that Gabrelle had ever felt an intensity that made her raw with passion. Samsidion was also raging in hormones, and he knew that his satiation was also needed. He let go of her despite the fact that she started a rant of protestation.

"Just now my love." His growl had no intensity of anger, but it was fumed with impatience as she was also hungry for her love towards him. He released all the garments of his body and Gabrelle gasped at the magnificence of his porcelain coated skin. He was marvelous and glowed with perfection. He reached to pull her up to her feet and with feather softness he allowed her garments to fall to the ground one at a time. Under normal circumstances she would have tried to cover her nakedness but today she was too consumed by his beauty to even care. He cupped her one breast and felt it immediately swell in the large palm of his hands. Gabrelle gasped. They were made for each other. Her nipples rose to peaks of arousal that had her squirming as he brushed them ever so carefully with the padding of his thumb. Then he did the unimaginable and bent down to take one succulent nipple in his mouth. Gabrelle was astounded as her breath was caught in a trap at the base of her throat. Never had she felt this alive, and the graces of wonderment was stampeding all over her. He returned the favor and spoiled the other one with the same nurturing, caressing treatment. Laying her naked body to the tiny bed, Count Samsidion started a ritual of loving her from top to bottom. This was far beyond any expectations that Gabrelle had ever thought that she would ever encounter. She cursed herself; helpless of her innocence for he was pleasing her in wonders of amazement while she just took and took. If only she could reciprocate and when she clumsily tried to touch his chest, he broke free and grinned at her.

"You will get your turn my feisty dove." His voice was no longer the same. It was matted with a husky strength that made her melt more into him. Her pubis triangle was on fire, and she knew that she would die from the want of satisfaction. While she was green in command of passion, she was not altogether left out of the motions that went with mating. Her mother had given her brief synopsis of the human bodily needs when she had passed her first bleeding. She had also cautioned her that it was what babies could be made of. For now, Gabrelle cared nothing about the robust consequences. All she needed was enlightenment and her body to find a release from the prison that contained her hunger. She got greedy and grabbed onto Samsidion. Eagerly rubbing her body onto hers she wanted to accelerate their mating. He too was bordering on excitement and losing control. She opened her eyes to see his turning to a fearsome red. She ought to be afraid, but Gabrelle intensified in excitement. It was now or ever. Braving herself to a dimension of intuition for time was being wasted, Gabrelle spread out her legs and then raised them to sit over his shoulders. Samsidion needed no second invite as he too was raw with a want if not satisfied would kill him. He knew that her entrance to paradise would be unopened, and he could feel the might of his manhood. Even if he wanted to save her there was no stopping him now.

He licked the lobes of her ear. "Forgive me, my love." It was all that he had but for now it would have to be enough. He went straight for the plunge with nothing to regret. No hesitation on his part as he drove himself into her tightness. Gabrelle`s eyes flew open. Nothing had prepared her for the ghastly pain that she had invited into her body. She was being torn as though blades were tearing her apart. She opened her mouth to scream but Count Samsidion sealed her cries with a kiss that would have her voice smothered. The pain lasted for mere minutes and once he was confident that she had absorbed the pain he broke the kiss and began to move inside of her. He knew that he was huge and mighty, but he was overblown and swollen in heat. At first, she squirmed and lay as though death had rose for her. But then there was a change in tempo, and she began to moan her enjoyment. She had been left behind but soon she had caught up. Matching him in passion. Thrust for thrust. Count Samsidion was no longer an ordinary human man. He was now a someone that needed satiation that would rule in his favor for hours. He felt pained that he was putting his beloved Gabrelle through this, but he could no longer dump his desire. He tried to be considerate and give her minutes to catch on her breath. Then the loving ritual would begin again as he pounded her hard. Eventually he gave her one final and hard thrust before spilling his carnage into her. For Samsidion this would be the ultimate satisfaction of his life. For Gabrelle never had she experience such an innate volume of exhaustion but what a satisfying sleep she had.


For Gabrelle she was sailing the skies as the warm clouds kissed her all over her bruised body. She ached. She felt wonderful. She was burning. She was throbbing. Amidst the mayhem of pain, she still felt languorous as she stretched her legs and her arms. Her eyes flew open as she groaned out. She felt her body ache and then she awakened to the realization of what had transpired between her and Count Samsidion. Moving her hands to feel for him but she was left empty and alone. The sun had already slept away and she jumped to sit on the bed. Samsidion had covered her with a sheet, and it slipped off. She felt confused and a trite hurt that he had just left her like this in the aftermath of beautiful, she was now feeling empty. She got up and covered the sheet around her. Her limbs ached and she had to force her feet to move forward. Her lady parts ached something mad and just as she felt that she would not make it further, her legs started to cave in, and she felt her head swooning. She was about to faint and as her legs were reduced to marshmallow uselessness she had to surrender to her fate. She was swooning and not in a good way. Before she knew it, Gabrelle felt her legs buckle and she was falling to the ground. She did not feel the thud because everything in her sight went into pitches of darkness. Soon enough Gabrelle felt the moisture of clouds kiss her cheeks and the immense peace that dressed her entire body was more than Gabrelle could ask for. She wondered if this was the completion of death. The only dissatisfying element was that she was surrounded only by cloud. She was hoping to get a glimpse of the Maker or perhaps an opportunity to see her parents and sibling. There was no such luck. Suddenly she shivered, sucking in her breath and desolation was to become her only friend. This was not at all the anticipation of an afterlife that she had an envisioned. She roamed around the soapy calamity until she found herself struggling to conform to the atmospheric pressure. Her breathing struggled until she was spluttering with fear and uncertainty. Before she knew it, there was a blanket of sullied illness and dark curtains of murky terror. This was not at all how she had foreseen the wonders of heaven. Gasping for breath, almost a scary attack in a panic blizzard, Gabrelle was ensconced by a fear that would snap her off all her senses. She grasped, clawed through the clouds, tried to plead and beg. Her muffled words were extinguished by exsanguination. She was choking. This was the end of her, and doom was tied to her at the hip. She closed her eyes, stretched out her arms and allowed for the dungeons of hell to consume her. She was spiraling out of control until she fell hard with a hard thump. Gabrelle`s eyes flew open, rounding to saucers as a wave of shock slapped her hard across the face. She brought herself up abruptly and her eyes swept the parameter of her humble room.

"My love," Count Samsidion reached out to her as his words were dotted with an intense concern. "You gave me quite the scare." Gabrelle absorbed his words; she was intensely disturbed, and her thoughts were fragmented in confusion. She was looking at him, but her vision was too tired to reconstruct in remembrance. She was awry in emotions until a few minutes later remembrance along with the pain in her pelvis hit her like a ton of bricks. Her eyes flew to Count Samsidion and he saw the pain registered in her honey-colored eyes.

She was dazed. "You left me." She was hurt. "I thought that you had gone back home."

He was quick to jump to his defense. "I was ashamed to lie with you." He bit his already whitened knuckles and while he was immune to pain, it was apparent that he had manifested a pain to show his remorse.

Gabrelle widened her gaze at him. Never had she felt so proud of him. "No…No..." She wore a tone of reprimand, but it was accentuated with love. She grabbed hold of his hands. "Why are you ashamed?" It was a mere whisper because she was afraid of his response.

He sneered. "I have caused you so much of pain and no amount of pleasure that I can feel will be worth the suffering that you have undergone."

"It would be of naturality." She was aching but she needed him to know that she had consented to the love that they had just shared. "The first time for a female is always rough." Her mother had imparted that knowledge with and at the time she had thought to herself that she would never indulge in the pleasures of the body. She shrugged.

"If you were with an ordinary human man, this would not have been so bad." He was in guttural pain and Gabrelle could not allow him to feel in this way.

"Are you feeling pounds of regret Count Samsidion?"

He did not have to think about his response. He was clear and concise. "I do not regret my love for you Elle." The gentle favor that lent in his voice tugged hard at Gabrelle. "I could have killed you." There she heard the shards of glass spear into regret.

She knew that she needed to appease his guilt. "It was inevitable Samsidion." She smiled and the ache in her seemed to back wash into a distance that did not bother her at all. "I wanted to be with you and I so look forward to the next time."

He gave her a look that told her that he had no intention of ever treading that path again. He took a moment; eventually he spilled his broken thoughts. "I have nothing to give you." The splatter of shattered debris held steadfast in his voice. He was like a beaten boy that was constantly bullied and Gabrelle knew that Samsidion was being bullied and egged by his conscious that was absorbed with integrity. She needed to make this okay.

"Here you are at a peasant's home with so much to give." Her declaration was in no intention to bound on pity. She wanted him to know that the gratefulness that she felt for him was garnered with generous appreciation.

She was glad that her new argument had steered him in a new direction. "Why do you address yourself as a peasant Elle?" He was annoyed and Gabrelle loved that. "You are so much of goodness." He turned to look her in the eye and she swelled with love. "Look at what you have done for my brother and I." Sincerity evoked adoration. "You have given us a new lease on life. You are no ordinary lady Elle." He reached and kissed her on the lips. "You are a gem." She reached for him and he flinched. Undeterred she flung her arms around him.

"Come lie with me Samsidion and feel the love that bounds me to you." Gabrelle was so evolved in his love that she wasted no time in pining on the negativity of their relationship. There was nothing he could do but give in to her and he lay quietly with his arms wrapped safely around her.


The days that followed was pure bliss for Gabrelle. During the day both Samsidion and Gabrelle walked the meadows that covered them in wild flowers. He got to know her best friend Heidi who was privy to limited information on the handsome Count. At night they lay in complete ecstasy as they were both satiated by the exclusive love making. Gabrelle could not be happier until one evening after her dinner Samsidion came into the kitchen.

"Elle," it was the first time she witnessed him tongue tied and words almost failed him in utterance. "Elle." Again, repetition of her name. She felt a nerve twitch in her. She was in the assumption that bad news would follow the multiple usage of her name. She sat down and idly picked up her steaming mug of tea. It was then Count Samsidion did the darndest thing and came knelt before her. She caught her breath in her throat.

"Elle," Usage of her name again but this time she felt it in a favorable position. "It is unfair of me to rob you of a beautiful existence but I cannot help myself." He took a moment. His smile twitched nervously at the corner of his lips. Gabrelle opened her mouth to speak but he put his forefinger gently over them to prevent her from interrupting. She closed her mouth. "I just feel that I will not be able to live without you. I would be empty without you." Gabrelle smiled. She loved the honesty that he brought forward and she wanted to tell him that she was all his until he asked her to go away.

"Samsidion," his name was only a hair strand of a whisper. She was aching in his love and he felt the strength of her heartbeat.

"Elle," If he could manifest tears, his cheeks would be streaked. "I love you. You are my life and I would be nothing without you." He went onto chains of melancholy melody. "If you should go away my life would need no reason to exist."

"I am here for you for as long as you shall require my presence." She was assuring him with no quiver in her voice. Honest emissions were easy for Gabrelle to spout and Samsidion saw the woman that she was.

"What I am saying my dear Elle." He cleared his throat even though he did not need to. "I am asking you to marry me and make the happiest man."

A bubble rose for Gabrelle and she wanted to scream out aloud but inwardly cautioned herself to keep in control. There was so much to think about. So many matters of concern that would need to be address. She went still and he nudged her gently, grinning.

"Say something please." A flicker of concern then arose within the chambers of his eyes. For a silly second, he panicked. What if she rejected him" He would not be able to face that rejection. "Elle?" His concern grew way too deep. "Say something." His pleading was gaining momentum in worry.

She snapped out of her reverie. "Samsidion, I…" The hesitation grew in bounds of distraction to Count Samsidion early confidence. "It is not possible for us." She murmured. "Why we resemble a fish and a bird."

Count Samsidion, stumbled, blinked and tried to fathom he reasoning. "Why ever so?" He was aristocratically inclining and demanded. "Explain to me clearly." His voice was sharp with hints of lazy anger.

Gabrelle kept her mug of tea on the table. It had turned cold, lifeless and undrinkable. She shrugged. She remembered the Lady Arabella all too clearly. "Have you spoken to your family about this decision?" She asked and while she kept her voice steady, she could hear the bitterness edging its way through.

"This is my decision to make." Clear and concise and Gabrelle almost laughed out aloud at the ludicrous situation.

It would be better for her not to argue with him. It will end up with both of them getting upset. "We come from two different worlds Count Samsidion." The fact that she made use of his title was clear enough to make him understand the severity of her thinking. Suddenly the blooming happiness that they were enjoying was turning into a dark cloud of thunder that was descending upon a flooding of rainfall.

He gave her a hard stare. "Look around you Lady Gabrelle." She hated when he smirked. It took so much away from his good manners. "We live in the same world at a precision point of a hands touch." He was so clever with words that Gabrelle almost smiled. She wanted to tell him that she could say yes but Countess Arabella will not agree to this alliance.

"Just say yes Lady Gabrelle and let us not argue about trivial matters." He was encouraging with a gentle smile and Gabrelle felt the hum in her heart thud against her chest. She was warming but still not convinced. "I will defend you to any offenders that will dare challenge my decision." He grinned and Gabrelle was left with little option but to reciprocate. He waited but although she was willing to play the game, Gabrelle was not entirely convinced to say yes. He picked her up and took her into her tiny room. Their passion had heightened and it was lightly pained because of Samsidion`s ever growing size but Gabrelle was much in enjoyment. Samsidion knew how to covert and monopolize her wholly. Soon she was squirming and begging him to consume her fully. He had much time and chose to slow torture her by teasing her with his hands and mouth mercilessly. Only when she was begging and sobbing as though her life depended on it, Count Samsidion craftily drew out his last poker card.

"Say yes to me beautiful Elle." He licked at her ear lose as his thumb flickered over her clitoris. "Only then shall I give you what you need."

She never stopped writhing against him because her body was an ominous traitor. He then came to a dead bolt and Gabrelle`s eyes flew open to peer into his. "I am serious Gabrelle." The color of his eyes had transformed to a burning red. "I will walk away now if you deny my proposal." Gabrelle felt the heat of his gaze emblazon her into an understanding that this man that she loved so fiercely was true to him word. She took his hand and placed it over her breast but he left it there dead. She reached to kiss but he pushed away. He was a man on a mission and she was boulder that would never prevent him from taking the path of his choice.

"Samsidion please." She was a wanton because she ached so madly for him. "Don't do this to us. You are forcing me." She was crying openly but he was unperturbed.

He pushed her away. "I am sorry if you feel my admiring advances towards you is forceful Lady Gabrelle." He was rising to get off the bed and Gabrelle panicked. He was leaving her. "I will force you no more my dear." She wanted to give it some time to give him a chance to calm down. He looked at her, anger had risen from within his core. "Know this Lady Gabrelle I will never come back to you again." He spat out the words.

Tears were streaming off her eyes. "We do not need marriage Samsidion. I am yours forever." Her argument was staged with honest begging but he was shaking his head in adamance.

"I won`t have you as my whore." He was raging that she thought so cheaply of him. "You deserved only the best of the respect that I can give you. Right now, I do not appreciate bedding you without giving you the value of being my wife but the passion within us left no space to be doused." He was rising to leave and Gabrelle knew that she had to stop him immediately. She pulled hard on his hands. He could have held her off but he slumped down.


He turned to face her. "What did you say?"

"I am saying yes to your proposal." Even as she spoke the words her excitement grew in bounds. Samsidion did not need any more assurance that she will be his. As though no confrontation had occurred her, he took off from where he had stopped. Spreading her legs widely, he entered her hard, ravaging her until she had no energy but to surrender tiredly into his arms.