Chereads / Tensura reborn as a true dragon / Chapter 52 - A good fight

Chapter 52 - A good fight

Sounds of something clashing can be heard throughout the forest. Looking at the source we see Anos and Lay facing each other. One has a steel sword while the other has a wooden branch. 

Despite this each of their clashes generated multiple shockwaves that destroyed their surroundings. But despite the destruction both of them have a big smile on their faces. 

" You are not bad lay , for you to hold against me this much time is truly commendable " Anos praised as they clashed. 

" Oh thank you for the compliment Anos. Fighting an opponent like you is very enlightening for me " Lay replied as he parried another strike. 

Each time they clash Lay would improve his swordsmanship forcing anos to use more force. If Anos isn't enjoying this match he would have noticed that Lay's fighting style slowly began to transform into something he was familiar with. 

As they further clashed Lay asked a question that surprised Anos , 

" Hey Anos why aren't you helping the others " 

Anos was a bit surprised. Why do you ask ? since when did an enemy care about the wellbeing of another ally of yours.

" Oh I thought your objective was to stall time for your teammates to incapacitate my team " Anos asked curiously. 

" While that may be, at the end of the day we all are students in the same class so I don't want them to get hurt badly." Lay said honestly. 

" hahaha don't worry about them. Those two are my subordinates so they are strong and besides with Rimuru there no harm would befall on them and besides you should just focus on me or you'll lose badly " Anos said as he accelerated.

As both of them clashed again another huge explosion happened changing the environment completely.

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*BOOM* *BOOM* *Boom* the golem smashed its hands down at an incredible speed for its size. But Sasha, who was busy dodging these, couldn't actually spare some time to marvel at it. 

And if that wasn't enough misa who is now transformed as a mist always tried to attack her blind spots. Her sneak attacks are much like those of a superior assassins. 

After what felt like forever an unknown attack hit the golem making it stumble back. And Sasha wasting no time attacked misa to which she evaded by transforming into mist. 

After gaining some distance from her attackers Sasha decided to stop holding back as she could feel backup coming. Flames began to engulf her body, healing her injuries and revitalizing her. Soon the flames died down revealing Sasha with her phoenix robe on.

" It's time to get serious " She said as her Demonic Eyes of Ruin activated. 

Next to her Misha teleported herself and said, 

" I will take the golem you should take on misa " 

Smiling Sasha said, " I like it , let's go " 

Soon the battle began . Misha used her Ice magic to freeze the ground to immobilize the golem. Sasha then fired fire magic at rapid succession at Misa who was now having trouble dodging. 

Seeing this is not working Sasha used a spell that used to bind her target. Although this time she was able to bind her legs but misa with lay's magic sword broke them quite easily. 

Seeing this is not going anywhere she asked misha, " hey misha why don't we show them the specialty of the Necron family " 

" agreed" Misha said she and Sasha began to power up their spell. 

" Magic of fire " Sasha chanted, " Magic of ice < Icicle barrage > " misha joined in, And both together shouted, " Fusion magic < Domain of frozen hell> " 

As both spells fused together the entire area was engulfed in a rain of fire and ice. The union girls stood no chance against the attack and were sent flying away. Even misa who had great agility was caught in this. 

The area was soon filled with a thick white smoke that covered everything. Soon the smoke disappeared revealing the once lush forest completely destroyed. 

Fortunately the union girls were protected by Rimuru who, like the last time casted a barrier to protect them. 

Sasha and Misha who was the reason for this destruction just looked at this with a dumbfounded gaze. They never thought that just fusion magic would do this much damage. What they didn't know was that they unknowingly touched upon their domains of Creation and Destruction making the spells attack more deadly. 

But just as they were about to feel sad for this much destruction another huge explosion happened that made theirs look like a kid. 

*BooooooooooM * the ground was cut in half while mountains began to crumble. 

Looking at the source they saw it was anos and Lay who are destroying one mountain at a time as they blade clashed. 

" Anos what the hell are you doing ? The forest is almost gone because of your fight " Sasha shouted in their link. 

" hahahaha don't worry about it. This forest is magically enchanted so it will regrow itself by tomorrow morning. And besides this fight is too much fun to hold back " heard the now excited voice of Anos. 

" yeah sorry ladies but we will be done in a bit " interjected Lay but even he couldn't hide the excitement in his voice. 

True both of them are top swordsmen who rarely have someone to push them to go all out. So for them this fight is too much fun.

" Don't worry about the others I will protect them, so boys go all out and have some fun " said the voice of Rimuru who is even now teleporting the girls to the castle. 

Despite not being a battle junkie she knew what both of them were feeling. Even she goes to spar with her siblings so she wouldn't be stagnated. 

And fighting is also a way of freeing one's burdens as they say. 

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As soon as Sasha and Misha were teleported into the castle they rushed towards where Rimuru was. 

Soon they found Rimuru in the control center observing the fight with Anos and Lay. 

" is it really ok to let them do what they want like that " Sasha asked

" hmm or it's fine. Those two will have to get serious at some time to end this test after all " Rimuru replied turning around. 

" Anos is having fun, " Misha commented as she saw how anos was smiling. 

" yes that guy despite his title at the end of the day is a demon who likes to fight. 

Even in those days the people who will come just to have a good fight with him can be counted on one hand. " she said as she was reminiscing about something.

" Hmm what is that idiot doing? " Sasha said, suddenly making Rimuru come out from her memories. Looking at the screen she saw that Anos is letting Lay's blade come near him. 

Normally as someone's blade almost an inch away from their face one would admit defeat but Anos is different from them. Rimuru could see in his eyes. The eyes of someone who finally made his prey fall into his trap. 

And like she expected he twisted the blade with his branch and completely broke Lay's balance. And with a single movement he dislocated the enemy's weapon and placed the branch on his shoulder stopping near his neck. 

" Impressive for you to break my branch but I still won " He said with his ever cocky smile.

Lay undisturbed by his lose smiled and replied, " it was quite nice to battle someone of your level Mr. Anos but I couldn't just shake this feeling of that we had done this in the past " 

' no shit Sherlock, you and Anos used to be at each other's throats' like every month ' Rimuru thought with a eye roll. 

" Well then since this is over let's pack things up and go home " she said as she left the control room. 


hey guys sorry for the delay. i just wanna fill up some advance chapters for my patreon account. oh yeah if you guys could please support me

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see you guys again next week.