In January 2034, a kingdom with a lot of magical power coming from ancient times, found itself at war with monsters. Currently in a forest near the kingdom, there was an 18 year old boy, Ren Alatar, who was fighting in the war with his teammates.
Ren Alatar - HEY!! Heka!!!! I need heal, please help me!!
Ari Heka - You don't need healing, you dumbass, start thinking about helping more in this fight and stop talking!
El Cid - HAHAHAHAHAHAH Alatar do you think losers can be healed so easily?
Kratos - If you want to be useful you need to train your physique and your mind with your Daddy AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Alatar thought "Yes I joined this group of adventurers, because I needed money to support myself, I am 18 years old and no longer a child...but of all people, i got these three useless ones ... I wish they died for good."
Ren Alatar is fighting an enemy after another, but when he was going to kill the last enemy, El Cid attacks him with one of his offensive paladin skills.
Alatar passed out after a huge hit on the head. And when he woke up, he was alone in an abandoned place with nothing to protect himself.
Ren Alatar - Ow, what?, what happened? Where am I? NO, NONONONONONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alatar thought "WHY!? Why did they do this to me? I know they bullied me and treated me badly, but why come to this? Among so many people, why did this happen to me? SOMEONE TELL ME!! WHY ME?"
Alatar fell on the ground and started to cry, he was alone with no one to help him. After a long time, Alatar got up and decided to go in the forbidden forest. In the middle of the forest, he finds an abandoned Church and, as it was raining a lot, he decides to go in.
Inside the Church, Alatar found a purple circle painted on the floor, curious, he decides to get inside the circle, little did he know that what was about to happen, would change everything. Almost imediatly after he stepped in the circle, he heard a voice talking to him.
??? - Do you want power? Do you want such power, that will make you reign over everything and everyone??
Ren Alatar blinded with the idea of taking revenge on his teammates and punishing those who are cruel in the world, raised his head and with blood in his eyes answered:
Ren Alatar - YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After accepting, the Church began to shake and a huge purple light appeared from within the magic circle. Ren Alatar was receiving a power, that no one ever thought could exist! It was the power of an old spirit called Nightmare! The spirit that nearly destroyed the world in the dark ages!
Alatar replies with an absurdly devilish smile:
Ren Alatar - By my name "Ren Alatar" EVERYONE WHO DOES NOT OBEY ME WILL DIE!!
End of chapter 1