First, our MC Makin Hades. He had a rough start, but slowly raised and made a name for himself. Don't let the look decide you, He is a violent killing machine.
Evangeline Ginis, From our leading group. She is a nun most of the time but she can be a bit crafty at times.
Cael Vendetta from the leading group, Eva's (Evangeline Ginis) bodyguard, and Hades's friend. He is a rational man who only cares about protecting Eva. But he is a really good friend.
Gabriella Gamorian from the leading group. She started as a high priest with no ability but due to her wanting to keep up with Hades, she picked a sword to stab people.
Raymond Gamorian, Gabriella's father and Badina's city lord. Don't let his old age fool you, those old bones are still rock-hard.
Raptor, the old warhorse. Currently in Eva's care. He's a force to be reckoned with.
Mei, the cat raised by Cael. She is a sweet one...until...
William Ginis, Eva's father and a retired General.
Fenrisúlfr Loki the little Fenrir cub and the pet in our pet system.
Alen Ginis, Eva's elder brother and the current General of Badina's armed forces.