Now standing in front of the lab house, the problem here was how Nate intend to go in.
Standing beside to entrance were two guards, but that wasn't all. At the top of the gigantic door was a sensor shooting out blue X-ray light down.
'From what I know, even someone with an invisible ability can't bypass those sensors, I doubt my blending power can do much,' Nate thought.
There are two ways he can enter the lab house one being by approaching the guards and demand for entrance, but is most likely that they will decline his offer on else he has a warrant later from General Goo.
Another means was by sneaking into the lab. It will be pretty easy for Nate to do so thanks to his blending skill, but it's as if the military were expecting a case when someone with some invisible power would try to break in, therefore, they decided to put a sensor in front of the door which nate will surely pass even with his blending power.
'Just how am I meant to get in without being caught,' Nate sighed incredulity.
However, it was then from the small door beside the gigantic wall to people dressed in orange dresses with a helmet covering their faces walked out.
Nate noticed that the two were not stopped by the guards nor did the sensor trigger the alarm.
'Nice, maybe I won't be going inside with your body after all,' Nate thought as he followed the two.
Soon, he was led to a truck where the two picked up a box, one filled with meteorites while the other with the beast or even zombie crystals.
'Even by this time of the night there is still something going on inside the lab,' Nate thought.
Regardless, Nate know this was his time and opportunity to strike and he didn't dare to wait.
One of the two was already heading back to the lab leaving the other to gather up things inside the truck.
Nate sneaks up to the person with a knife in his hand, he slit the man's neck before quickly throwing him on the floor and pinning him down to avoid any further noise.
When confirming the man's death, Nate placed his hand on the man.
[Death control activated]
After death controls the man, Nate transferred his consciousness to the man's body before placing his own body and that of Zak and the others inside his horde void.
Nate then carried the box of beast crystals and went after the other.
Soon, he reached the entrance once more, only this time, he wasn't afraid of being discovered and was let inside the lab.
At first, Nate thought that what he will see on entering the lab was a large space with many people running experiments on maybe the humans that were all brought inside the lab, however, he found himself in a hallway staircase leading down to what seemed like an underground.
'Wait, why am I In a place like this, where is the large space room I was expecting?' Nate thought. If not for anything but the fact that the hallway Nate was going through was just too thin that he even doubt Chuck with his fat body could fit in.
After going down the staircase, Nate was now sure he was underground. The hallway still went straight and looking ahead Nate could see a little at the other end.
Other than any light one will see at the end of a tunnel, this one was red giving Nate the impression that he was heading towards a stream of lava or anything of that sort.
Nate had no other choice than to head towards the light. If it was something he couldn't handle and happens to die, the good news was that it is not his body that will die but rather that of his dead horde.
Eventually, Nate reached the light and could see what was before him.
He was currently on a bridge-like platform that went out through the vast space. Looking down from the platform it was as if he is staring out into an abyss.
However, he still noticed more of those platforms below him. About two more, and then also above him were about two more platforms with people wearing similar cloth to his moving around with different tools and objects.
Nate could hear a machinery voice announcing the hall as it echoes.
Nate after inspecting the surrounding decided to start his simple mission. Dropping the box filled with crystal on the ground Nate decided to wall into the open ahead of him.
Nate didn't want to run to not seem susecouse nor stand out, instead, he walked gently to his target.
On passing through the other end, Nate increased his speed and raced through the new hallway that was slightly bigger than the previous one.
Not long, Nate passed through something that made him stop. It was a door that on the top was written, zombie cell.
The thing is that as Nate was running through the hallway, he will pass through a door and will read what was written on the top. Of course, this was done while still running, as a zombie his brain was kind of fast to process things as he runs fast.
Nate opened the door and entered. The inside was big. It has the space horse house. Inside were cells. The cells were made from a strong material at least as strong as gold or something of that sort.
Inside the cells were none other than zombies. 'Where did they get all these zombies from?' Nate wondered.
He soon noticed the clothes of the zombies were all military clothes with some similarities to the one he was wearing.
'So, this where all those unfortunate military and works that were infected are kept,' Nate thought.
'I thought the military won't be that pitiful against zombies, on else there is a reason why they are being kept,' Nate concluded.
Just then, he heard the door opening. Nate quickly blended himself with the darkness.
"How much progress have we made in their creation?" a familiar voice to Nate asked.
Stepping into the hall was Goo and beside him was a scientist that will soon start to explain about what they were doing.
Nate meanwhile was seeing something strange. 'So that was it, that was the same power he used on me back then, but how could he have such power and still be the general? From the looks of things, his power won't be able to do much in a fight,' Nate thought.
When General Goo questioned the scientist, although it was like a small fog but it came out from his mouth into the scientist's ear before he started explaining.
Nate assumed that it was an influencer power, but what Nate was wondering is why Goo will actually need to use his power when he was the leader and the scientist was under him.
"Get out, we need to rerun those experiments just like he instructed," General Goo said.
The scientists opened one of the cells and shot a fishing net into the cell entangling the zombie inside before dragging it out from the cell.
These sounds had made the other zombies start attacking the bars but it was doing next to nothing.
The zombie was dragged out. Knowing what was up, Nate decided to do something crazy. He quickly summoned another lesser zombie while making it so the two will notice.
"A zombie managed to break out!" The scientists were frightened and so was General Goo.
The lesser zombie rushed in but before taking such a step, the net was shot at him and also entangled it.
Seeing this, Goo sighed in relief. "But how did it manage to escape?" he asked but the scientist had no answer for this.
"Whatever! Just call some people to make sure this never happens again and bring those two to the experimental room, " Goo said as he left the room.
No sooner did he go than four men came inside, two helped the scientist to take the two zombies out while the other two stayed to make sure no other zombie breaks out.
'An experiment is being run, let's see what you are doing with all these zombies trapped here,' Nate thought with a smirk.