Sin's entire body was undergoing great pain yet he could not shout in pain nor could he move, it was as if a heavy leaden has been dropped on him as he kept laying on the floor while glancing strangely at the four people that resembled Kai from all angle except their hair.
Regardless, the mean Kai was standing behind them as if he was afraid to face Sin even at his weakest moment.
"I will ignore just did to me but can you fucking tell me why you decided to invade my base?!" Sin shouted at them.
"Now that's not what I was expecting you to say, at least ask politely," Mia said showing an evil grim as he took a step towards Sin.
"But I will ignore that since are yet to know who you are dealing with. With no further ado, I will make a quick introduction,"
"We are called the five matrix, our main goal is to hunt someone our age out there down and for us to do so, we need the help of the supplies of your base since you seem to have a lot of it," Mia said before waiting for a reply from Sin and soon it came as a burst of laughter.
"hahaha...! You all decided to work for the same government you all hate, why didn't I see this coming," Sin said still laughing.
Meanwhile, the five matrix face frowned, it was obvious that Sin mistook them as some type of agents working for the government. "You are getting me wrong, not only are not working for the government but also, your men did not betray you out of their own will, they are under our magical power that forces them into doing things they are not willing to do," Mia whispered to Sin.
"Why will you disclose such information, anyways, not like it matters since he will also be falling into this power," Red said.
Meanwhile, it was not making sense to Sin, after what Mia just said it made more sense why some like TNT who at some point in his life nearly died for him or even Batt who was scared of him will have the sudden mind to fight him, it was all because they were out of their mind, they were being forced against their will. It also made sense what Batt meant when he said they are different from the people that served him.
Knowing about this made Sin feel more insulted, all this was done under his nose and he could not do anything about it and now it was too late, maybe the universe might give him another chance.
Gauging from Red statement, it was clear that the same power will be used on him and soon he would have to work for the matrix like a loyal slave, with those thoughts in mind, he was a bit unwilling as he strayed to get up but whatever drug that was injected into his body by Green was still active, he still can't move.
"I know you want to vent your anger on someone, but don't worry, by the time we get to our goal, I'm sure a lot of blood will be shed and will be by you," Mia said as he tried to wear a ring on Sins finger but he was stopped by a hand.
"I think he would be under me, after all, he is the leader of my base," Kai said. He was the one that stopped Mia and he know what Mia's intentions were.
Sin was the strongest superhuman they have ever come across, maybe the ones with Nate might be strong, but Kai know that Sin was stronger and for that he want someone like that to be in his possession.
"I know what you might be thinking, but the only question I have for you is can you utilize him to a useful degree?" Mia already know what kai was thinking about. Meanwhile, the rain was falling on Sin's face and he could feel something all around his body, he closed his eye to take it in as a smirk appeared on his face, this went unnoticed by the matrix.
Kai did not give up the idea of taking Sin as one of his servants since they are more beneficial than harm. He let go of Mia but did not allow him to take Sin, instead, he reached out into his pocket and pulled a ring out while working to Sin and bent to wear them.
It was at this moment, Sin suddenly opened his eye, it was glowing red as he activated his power and pushed the drill that formed into Kai's chest.
"If I'm going down, you are coming with me," as he said that, Kai's body start to turn into dust particles while he took his last breath of the day.
Meanwhile, Mia was able to retreat in time and the altered humans had reacted, but Sin has just leaped into the sky, and the first person he grabbed was the white bird. "I don't know how to undo whatever they did to you all this left me with only one choice," Sin said as he squeezed the bird's neck. While he was doing this, a few bullets caught up with him in the sky. It was not just a normal bullet, it was the same injection Green shut him but for some reason, he was not giving in as he grips tight the bird's neck ready to break it.
However, the bullets never stopped, till they were a total of twenty syringes were stabbed into his back it was at this point he started feeling weak again.
As Sin landed on the ground, Mia rushed toward him to complete what was about to do before getting interrupted by Kai.
"Either we kill you or we possess you," Mia as he brought the ring close to Sin, however, things changed when a round ball-shaped animal landed in front of him, the ball has excessive brown fur.
The mouth of the creature was big he used it to grab Sin on his maw and bounced off, disappearing into the city.
It all happened so fast that even the altered humans could not tell what exactly happened. "Quick, everyone should look for that thing, Batt end this war now," Mia commanded as he ran off to the distance where the creature went with others though it was useless since the creature was out of sight.
Meaning, a redhead man was laying on the floor as the rain fell on him, the man was struggling to be conscious after witnessing being carried away by a creature, he wants to see the end of this, whether he would be a meal to a wide beast or the universe has another plan for him.
Eventually, he was laying down by the beast which was too surprising since it was a rare thing to see a beast with a highly intelligent mind, however, it all ended when he saw the taking a human form all of a sudden, he wasn't able to see the persons face since his sight was blurry.
Regardless, the next set of people that appeared were people he know full well.
"Leo..." Sin muttered as he lost consciousness.