I've time traveled into the past.
I know it sounds crazy, but every word of it is true. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it feels like I'm younger and shorter. Lighter too. Not only that, but I'm bursting with energy. It'd be great if it weren't for one thing:
I can't remember who I am.
Well, sort of. I remember who I am, but I can't remember who I actually am. I just woke up with information in my head. It's like being handed a movie that you recognize, but you don't know anything about it, if that makes any sense.
The same words keep repeating in my head, like an annoying background noise: My name is Naoki Ryuji. I'm 18 years old. I was born in Hamamatsu, Japan, but raised in Kagoshima since the age of two. I attended Kagoshima Prefectural Konan High School, and studied English as a second language. My interests include robotics engineering, aeronautics, and software engineering. No hobbies. My father is Kyoujo Ryuji, my mother is Mi-jin Ryuji. Deceased. I'm afraid of spiders, heights, sharp objects, drowning and being alone. I go to bed at 21:00 p.m, and wake up at 6:00 a.m to get an adequate amount of rest in order to study.
All random information about a person I was supposed to believe was me, and yet none of it struck a chord with me.
Oh, except for one last detail:
Right before I was killed, I was shot three times in the back. Then, everything was consumed by fire, and the memory goes to black.