We have arrived, horse, bird, where are you
Bag Where is it, I put it and ran away, my friend
I'll put on my jersey and go to the team stand90
Sparrow: No, go up to the stands and watch the party begin in an instant, I brought you the admission ticket
Player: Let's have fun, horse, you go and drive around Qatar, and you, dog, go to the training ground and be with the guard dogs.
Well, the door guard: who are you
I am a German team player who was on tour and wanted to join my friends in the stands to watch the party
Door guard: Insert the electronic card91
The player inserts his card, the door sounds Welcome to Qatar, you can enter
Player: What is this, an interesting thing. The home stadium looks like I'm in a big tent decorated with lights everywhere
What a sight a big bird is flying in the clouds, are you, bird, lights on?
I'll go up to the stands and look for my flag,92
It's a big stadium, I want to sit here
A fan: Hello, you wear the Germany shirt, are you a fan of them?
Player: Yes
Moments later the party will start 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-1
playing music93
Good evening, wellness and long life. Welcome to the most famous new old collection from the banks of the river of time
Where tales of prosperity and adversity
I begin the story of the beautiful night, the story of the Arabs who are united by everything and separated by everything94
My dear ones, do you remember the character who became famous in Arabic literature, the satirical critic, the philanthropist who was accompanied by a defective donkey? Yes, it is Juha.
Player: while he is shouting the donkey of the woods here get out bird why is he present at the celebration?95
Fan: Shut up, don't shout, let's hear the celebration, what's your business with the donkey, the donkey is not your donkey
Do you dream of a place in the forest? This is Juha's donkey
Player: It's a forest donkey. I saw him there. Why doesn't he talk to me I understand his language96
The bird fell on the player's hand: Hey, this dead donkey used to live in the past, that's just his picture
Fan: You brought a bird with you exclaiming, it's beautiful, please take a picture with you
Aura: Here is his donkey Jahaw, who enters us with full consideration of his coming from ancient times to a new present time.97
Oh my God, what a huge crowd, bless you, bless you football people. I came to you a long time ago. I come to you and know the situation you are in at this time. I am coming to you to tell you wisdom that may benefit you.
It gathers you into many things without you realizing it. For example, this ball, soccer, brings you together in moments of joy and passion, and in moments of frustration and loss.
Another example is that we combine different colors and enjoy them collectively98
Player: Damn it. I was looking at the festivities on the screen, seeing old scenes
Sparrow: It is true that there are several screens and colors
Fan: Damn you, who made me look at that screen. You left the celebration ahead of me
Those recorded celebrations passed a year ago. It's the Arab Cup
Player: Let's enjoy the live music and festivities, how beautiful
The floor is now for the President of the State of Qatar99
In the name of of Allah the Merciful
From Qatar, from Arabia
We welcome everyone to the 2022 World Cup
We worked with many people to be the hero, made efforts and invested in the good of all mankind, and finally reached the day of celebration.
The day that I eagerly waited for began this evening and for 28 days. We will follow with us the whole world, God willing, the great football festival in this open space, with the continuation of emotions and civilizations. People of different races, nationalities, beliefs and orientations will gather here in Qatar and around screens in all continents to participate in the same moments of excitement
how beautiful he is ! For people to put aside what divides them in order to simultaneously embrace their diversity and what unites them
I wish all the participating teams great football and great sportsmanship, and you will all have a great time
Joy, suspense and delight, and may our days be inspired by goodness and hope
-welcom and good to all-