Soldiers carry nectar
Where are you my lord queen
Queen what's the news?36
Soldiers: On our way we found the bird on the ground dead
Queen - Leaving his young next to us crying and waiting for the bird while they are hungry
Queen: Workers, take care of the little ones, they are in critical condition37
Workers: Our food is different from theirs
Queen - Look in the wax cells, there may be some dead caterpillars, give it to them as food
Tomorrow the soldiers will bring some bugs and flies with them
Workers throw food from the top of the beehive to the chicks
Workers: Madam, we did the job, they were full and slept38
Queen - Well done, you kept the little ones alive, even if you throw me out and I perish, I'm so happy
Help the little bird to survive39
I advise you to take care of them, the bird was a loyal friend who helped us prepare my house